const postcss = require('postcss'); const valueParser = require('postcss-value-parser'); const BREAKPOINT_ERROR = 'breakpoint option is invalid, it should be set in `px`, `rem` or `em`.'; const BREAKPOINT_UNIT_ERROR = 'breakpointUnit option is invalid, it should be `px`, `rem` or `em`.'; const BASE_RFS_ERROR = 'baseValue option is invalid, it should be set in `px` or `rem`.'; module.exports = class { constructor(opts) { const defaultOptions = { baseValue: 20, unit: 'rem', breakpoint: 1200, breakpointUnit: 'px', factor: 10, twoDimensional: false, unitPrecision: 5, remValue: 16, functionName: 'rfs', enableRfs: true, mode: 'min-media-query' }; this.opts = Object.assign(defaultOptions, opts); if (typeof this.opts.baseValue !== 'number') { if (this.opts.baseValue.endsWith('px')) { this.opts.baseValue = Number.parseFloat(this.opts.baseValue); } else if (this.opts.baseValue.endsWith('rem')) { this.opts.baseValue = Number.parseFloat(this.opts.baseValue) * this.opts.remValue; } else { console.error(BASE_RFS_ERROR); } } if (typeof this.opts.breakpoint !== 'number') { if (this.opts.breakpoint.endsWith('px')) { this.opts.breakpoint = Number.parseFloat(this.opts.breakpoint); } else if (this.opts.breakpoint.endsWith('em')) { this.opts.breakpoint = Number.parseFloat(this.opts.breakpoint) * this.opts.remValue; } else { console.error(BREAKPOINT_ERROR); } } if (!['px', 'rem', 'em'].includes(this.opts.breakpointUnit)) { console.error(BREAKPOINT_UNIT_ERROR); } } toFixed(number, precision) { const multiplier = 10 ** (precision + 1); const wholeNumber = Math.floor(number * multiplier); return Math.round(wholeNumber / 10) * 10 / multiplier; } renderValue(value) { // Do not add unit if value is 0 if (value === 0) { return value; } // Render value in desired unit if (this.opts.unit === 'rem') { return `${this.toFixed(value / this.opts.remValue, this.opts.unitPrecision)}rem`; } return `${this.toFixed(value, this.opts.unitPrecision)}px`; } process(declarationValue, fluid) { const parsed = valueParser(declarationValue); // Function walk() will visit all the of the nodes in the tree, // invoking the callback for each. parsed.walk(node => { // Since we only want to transform rfs() values, // we can ignore anything else. if (node.type !== 'function' && node.value !== this.opts.functionName) { return; } node.nodes.filter(node => node.type === 'word').forEach(node => { node.value = node.value.replace(/^(-?\d*\.?\d+)(.*)/g, (match, value, unit) => { value = Number.parseFloat(value); // Return value if it's not a number or px/rem value if (Number.isNaN(value) || !['px', 'rem'].includes(unit)) { return match; } // Convert to px if in rem if (unit === 'rem') { value *= this.opts.remValue; } // Only add responsive function if needed if (!fluid || this.opts.baseValue >= Math.abs(value) || this.opts.factor <= 1 || !this.opts.enableRfs) { return this.renderValue(value); } // Calculate base and difference let baseValue = this.opts.baseValue + ((Math.abs(value) - this.opts.baseValue) / this.opts.factor); const diff = Math.abs(value) - baseValue; // Divide by remValue if needed if (this.opts.unit === 'rem') { baseValue /= this.opts.remValue; } const viewportUnit = this.opts.twoDimensional ? 'vmin' : 'vw'; if (value > 0) { return `calc(${this.toFixed(baseValue, this.opts.unitPrecision)}${this.opts.unit} + ${this.toFixed(diff * 100 / this.opts.breakpoint, this.opts.unitPrecision)}${viewportUnit})`; } return `calc(-${this.toFixed(baseValue, this.opts.unitPrecision)}${this.opts.unit} - ${this.toFixed(diff * 100 / this.opts.breakpoint, this.opts.unitPrecision)}${viewportUnit})`; }); }); // Now we will transform the existing rgba() function node // into a word node with the hex value node.type = 'word'; node.value = valueParser.stringify(node.nodes); }); return parsed.toString(); } // Return the value without `rfs()` function // eg. `4px rfs(32px)` => `.25rem 2rem` value(value) { return this.process(value, false); } // Convert `rfs()` function to fluid css // eg. `4px rfs(32px)` => `.25rem calc(1.325rem + 0.9vw)` fluidValue(value) { return this.process(value, true); } renderMediaQuery() { const mediaQuery = { name: 'media' }; const dimPrefix = (this.opts.mode === 'min-media-query') ? 'min' : 'max'; const dimConnector = (this.opts.mode === 'min-media-query') ? ' and' : ','; const breakpoint = (this.opts.breakpointUnit === 'px') ? this.opts.breakpoint : this.opts.breakpoint / this.opts.remValue; mediaQuery.params = this.opts.twoDimensional ? `(${dimPrefix}-width: ${breakpoint}${this.opts.breakpointUnit})${dimConnector} (${dimPrefix}-height: ${breakpoint}${this.opts.breakpointUnit})` : mediaQuery.params = `(${dimPrefix}-width: ${breakpoint}${this.opts.breakpointUnit})`; return postcss.atRule(mediaQuery); } getOptions() { return this.opts; } };