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github.com/twbs/stylelint-config-twbs-bootstrap.git - Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'index.js')
1 files changed, 300 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/index.js b/index.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa8e369
--- /dev/null
+++ b/index.js
@@ -0,0 +1,300 @@
+'use strict';
+module.exports = {
+ 'extends': [
+ 'stylelint-config-standard'
+ ],
+ 'plugins': [
+ 'stylelint-order'
+ ],
+ 'rules': {
+ 'alpha-value-notation': null,
+ 'at-rule-empty-line-before': null,
+ 'at-rule-name-space-after': 'always',
+ 'at-rule-semicolon-space-before': 'never',
+ 'block-closing-brace-empty-line-before': null,
+ 'block-closing-brace-newline-after': null,
+ 'block-opening-brace-space-before': null,
+ 'color-function-notation': null,
+ 'color-named': 'never',
+ 'custom-property-pattern': null,
+ 'declaration-block-no-redundant-longhand-properties': null,
+ 'declaration-block-semicolon-newline-before': 'never-multi-line',
+ 'declaration-empty-line-before': null,
+ 'declaration-no-important': true,
+ 'font-weight-notation': [
+ 'numeric',
+ {
+ 'ignore': [
+ 'relative'
+ ]
+ }
+ ],
+ 'function-url-no-scheme-relative': true,
+ 'max-empty-lines': 2,
+ 'max-line-length': null,
+ 'no-descending-specificity': null,
+ 'number-leading-zero': 'never',
+ 'number-max-precision': null,
+ 'order/properties-order': [
+ 'position',
+ 'top',
+ 'right',
+ 'bottom',
+ 'left',
+ 'z-index',
+ 'box-sizing',
+ 'display',
+ 'flex',
+ 'flex-align',
+ 'flex-basis',
+ 'flex-direction',
+ 'flex-wrap',
+ 'flex-flow',
+ 'flex-shrink',
+ 'flex-grow',
+ 'flex-order',
+ 'flex-pack',
+ 'align-content',
+ 'align-items',
+ 'align-self',
+ 'justify-content',
+ 'order',
+ 'float',
+ 'width',
+ 'min-width',
+ 'max-width',
+ 'height',
+ 'min-height',
+ 'max-height',
+ 'padding',
+ 'padding-top',
+ 'padding-right',
+ 'padding-bottom',
+ 'padding-left',
+ 'margin',
+ 'margin-top',
+ 'margin-right',
+ 'margin-bottom',
+ 'margin-left',
+ 'overflow',
+ 'overflow-x',
+ 'overflow-y',
+ '-webkit-overflow-scrolling',
+ '-ms-overflow-x',
+ '-ms-overflow-y',
+ '-ms-overflow-style',
+ 'columns',
+ 'column-count',
+ 'column-fill',
+ 'column-gap',
+ 'column-rule',
+ 'column-rule-width',
+ 'column-rule-style',
+ 'column-rule-color',
+ 'column-span',
+ 'column-width',
+ 'orphans',
+ 'widows',
+ 'clip',
+ 'clear',
+ 'font',
+ 'font-family',
+ 'font-size',
+ 'font-style',
+ 'font-weight',
+ 'font-variant',
+ 'font-size-adjust',
+ 'font-stretch',
+ 'font-effect',
+ 'font-emphasize',
+ 'font-emphasize-position',
+ 'font-emphasize-style',
+ 'font-smooth',
+ 'src',
+ 'hyphens',
+ 'line-height',
+ 'color',
+ 'text-align',
+ 'text-align-last',
+ 'text-emphasis',
+ 'text-emphasis-color',
+ 'text-emphasis-style',
+ 'text-emphasis-position',
+ 'text-decoration',
+ 'text-indent',
+ 'text-justify',
+ 'text-outline',
+ '-ms-text-overflow',
+ 'text-overflow',
+ 'text-overflow-ellipsis',
+ 'text-overflow-mode',
+ 'text-shadow',
+ 'text-transform',
+ 'text-wrap',
+ '-webkit-text-size-adjust',
+ '-ms-text-size-adjust',
+ 'letter-spacing',
+ '-ms-word-break',
+ 'word-break',
+ 'word-spacing',
+ '-ms-word-wrap',
+ 'word-wrap',
+ 'overflow-wrap',
+ 'tab-size',
+ 'white-space',
+ 'vertical-align',
+ 'direction',
+ 'unicode-bidi',
+ 'list-style',
+ 'list-style-position',
+ 'list-style-type',
+ 'list-style-image',
+ 'pointer-events',
+ '-ms-touch-action',
+ 'touch-action',
+ 'cursor',
+ 'visibility',
+ 'zoom',
+ 'table-layout',
+ 'empty-cells',
+ 'caption-side',
+ 'border-spacing',
+ 'border-collapse',
+ 'content',
+ 'quotes',
+ 'counter-reset',
+ 'counter-increment',
+ 'resize',
+ 'user-select',
+ 'nav-index',
+ 'nav-up',
+ 'nav-right',
+ 'nav-down',
+ 'nav-left',
+ 'background',
+ 'background-color',
+ 'background-image',
+ 'filter',
+ 'background-repeat',
+ 'background-attachment',
+ 'background-position',
+ 'background-position-x',
+ 'background-position-y',
+ 'background-clip',
+ 'background-origin',
+ 'background-size',
+ 'border',
+ 'border-color',
+ 'border-style',
+ 'border-width',
+ 'border-top',
+ 'border-top-color',
+ 'border-top-style',
+ 'border-top-width',
+ 'border-right',
+ 'border-right-color',
+ 'border-right-style',
+ 'border-right-width',
+ 'border-bottom',
+ 'border-bottom-color',
+ 'border-bottom-style',
+ 'border-bottom-width',
+ 'border-left',
+ 'border-left-color',
+ 'border-left-style',
+ 'border-left-width',
+ 'border-radius',
+ 'border-top-left-radius',
+ 'border-top-right-radius',
+ 'border-bottom-right-radius',
+ 'border-bottom-left-radius',
+ 'border-image',
+ 'border-image-source',
+ 'border-image-slice',
+ 'border-image-width',
+ 'border-image-outset',
+ 'border-image-repeat',
+ 'outline',
+ 'outline-width',
+ 'outline-style',
+ 'outline-color',
+ 'outline-offset',
+ 'box-shadow',
+ 'opacity',
+ '-ms-interpolation-mode',
+ 'page-break-after',
+ 'page-break-before',
+ 'page-break-inside',
+ 'transition',
+ 'transition-delay',
+ 'transition-timing-function',
+ 'transition-duration',
+ 'transition-property',
+ 'transform',
+ 'transform-origin',
+ 'perspective',
+ 'appearance',
+ 'animation',
+ 'animation-name',
+ 'animation-duration',
+ 'animation-play-state',
+ 'animation-timing-function',
+ 'animation-delay',
+ 'animation-iteration-count',
+ 'animation-direction',
+ 'animation-fill-mode',
+ 'fill',
+ 'stroke'
+ ],
+ 'rule-empty-line-before': null,
+ 'selector-list-comma-newline-before': 'never-multi-line',
+ 'selector-list-comma-space-after': 'always-single-line',
+ 'selector-list-comma-space-before': 'never-single-line',
+ 'selector-max-attribute': 2,
+ 'selector-max-class': 4,
+ 'selector-max-combinators': 4,
+ 'selector-max-compound-selectors': 4,
+ 'selector-max-id': 0,
+ 'selector-max-specificity': null,
+ 'selector-max-type': 2,
+ 'selector-max-universal': 1,
+ 'selector-no-qualifying-type': true,
+ 'unicode-bom': 'never',
+ 'value-list-comma-newline-after': 'never-multi-line',
+ 'value-list-comma-newline-before': 'never-multi-line',
+ 'value-list-comma-space-after': 'always'
+ },
+ 'overrides': [
+ {
+ 'files': '**/*.scss',
+ 'extends': [
+ 'stylelint-config-standard-scss'
+ ],
+ 'rules': {
+ 'no-invalid-position-at-import-rule': null,
+ 'scss/at-extend-no-missing-placeholder': null,
+ 'scss/at-function-named-arguments': 'never',
+ 'scss/at-if-closing-brace-newline-after': null,
+ 'scss/at-if-closing-brace-space-after': null,
+ 'scss/at-if-no-null': null,
+ 'scss/at-mixin-argumentless-call-parentheses': 'always',
+ 'scss/at-mixin-named-arguments': null,
+ 'scss/at-mixin-pattern': null,
+ 'scss/at-rule-conditional-no-parentheses': null,
+ 'scss/comment-no-empty': null,
+ 'scss/dimension-no-non-numeric-values': true,
+ 'scss/dollar-variable-colon-space-after': 'at-least-one-space',
+ 'scss/dollar-variable-empty-line-before': null,
+ 'scss/double-slash-comment-empty-line-before': null,
+ 'scss/double-slash-comment-whitespace-inside': null,
+ 'scss/function-quote-no-quoted-strings-inside': null,
+ 'scss/media-feature-value-dollar-variable': null,
+ 'scss/no-duplicate-dollar-variables': null,
+ // Disable since node-sass is still supported as a builder and it doesn't support the @use syntax
+ 'scss/no-global-function-names': null,
+ 'scss/selector-no-redundant-nesting-selector': true
+ }
+ }
+ ]