# Simple Resume Theme This theme is meant to create a web based, simple resume, that you can print. ![Screenshot](images/screenshot.png) # Features - Web based resume - Printable - Straightforward/simple design # Install theme on your hugo site ``` hugo new site your-site-name # if you already have a site ignore this line and the next cd your-site-name cd themes git clone https://github.com/tylerjlawson/simple-resume.git ``` Once you have done this, you may use the `exampleSite` folder as an example for how to set your project up. The two main things to pay attention to is to first set this in your `config.toml` file: ```toml theme = "simple-resume" ``` Then you will need to replicate the data used in the `exampleSite/data/content.toml` file to fill in the fields for your resume. ## Print your Resume You can print the page straight to a pdf or to paper if you wish. I have had best luck printing with the margins set to 'minimum', but you can set custom margins when printing if it looks off to you. # Contributing Please feel free to post issues or make pull requests at any time. I am always open to collaboration.