{ "baseURL": "https://www.example.org/", "languageCode": "en-us", "title": "demo of redgood", "theme": "redgood", "disableKinds": "taxonomyTerm", "params": { "author": "Urja Acharya", "description": "a hugo theme made by Urja Acharya", "theme": { "dateFormat": "2006-01-02", "copyrightInFooter": false, "footerText": "customizable short *markdown* enabled text" }, "about": { "profileImage": "images/profile.jpg", "narrative": "this website is a demo for the redgood theme made by Urja Acharya. this section is customizable and can be used for a short inroduction by modifying `params.about.narrative` in `config`. markdown can be used in **this** section." }, "social": { "email": { "url": "#", "icon": "bi bi-envelope" }, "linkedin": { "url": "#", "icon": "bi bi-linkedin" }, "fb": { "url": "#", "icon": "bi bi-facebook" }, "twitter": { "url": "#", "icon": "bi bi-twitter" }, "github": { "url": "#", "icon": "bi bi-github" } } } }