# Hugo Theme Zozo [![GitHub](https://img.shields.io/github/license/imzeuk/hugo-theme-zozo.svg?color=4664DA&style=flat-square)](https://github.com/varkai/hugo-theme-zozo/blob/master/LICENSE) A simple and beautiful theme for Hugo > It's a port of [Aragaki](https://github.com/PCDotFan/Aragaki), The style is reference from [菩提树下](https://blog.caicai.me/), Some functions are referenced from [Even](https://github.com/olOwOlo/hugo-theme-even) **Features** + **Responsive** + **Syntax highlighting with highlightjs** + **Math with mathjax** + **Social links(Customize)** + **Tags page** + **Archive page** + **Disqus and [Valine](https://valine.js.org/en/index.html) comment-system** + **Fancybox** + **GoogleAnalytics** [Demo](https://zozo.varkai.com) | [中文说明](./README-zh.md) ## Sceenshots ![zozo](./images/showcase.png) ## Installation ```bash $ git clone https://github.com/varkai/hugo-theme-zozo themes/zozo ``` **Important**: Take a look inside the [`exampleSite`](./exampleSite) folder of this theme. You'll find a file called [`config.toml`](./exampleSite/config.toml). To use it, copy the [`config.toml`](./exampleSite/config.toml) in the root folder of your Hugo site. Feel free to change it. ## ExampleSite There is an example site with config file and markdown files in `exampleSite` directory. ## About Page Use the about page to introduce yourself to your visitors. You can customize the content as you like in the `/content/about/index.md`. ## Hide Pages Pages can be hidden and don't appear in the post list on the homepage if you add the variable `hidden = true` to the frontmatter. This allows you to link from elsewhere, i.e. just the menu. ## Shortcodes This theme provides `img` shortcodes. ```markdown {{< img src="path/to/xxx.png" >}} ``` ## MathJax This theme supports MathJax, which are turned off by default. If you want to use them, you need to set them in `config.toml`. Set `mathjax = true` under the `[params]` to support the MathJax. ## Valine Comment System This theme provides valine comment system, the default is closed, if you want to use, need to set in `config. toml`. Set the `enable = true` under `[params.valine]` to open valine, and will be `appId` and `appKey` set for yourself. ## Social Link Icons You can add a social link panel in the header by adding entries to the social block in the `config.toml`. [Remix icon](https://remixicon.com/) is used in this theme. ## Nearly Finished In order to see your site in action, run Hugo's built-in local server. ```bash $ hugo server ``` Now enter `localhost:1313` in the address bar of your browser. ## License Released under the [MIT](https://github.com/varkai/hugo-theme-zozo/blob/master/LICENSE) License. ## Acknowledgements - [Aragaki](https://github.com/PCDotFan/Aragaki) - [菩提树下](https://blog.caicai.me/) - [olOwOlo](https://olowolo.com/)