baseURL = "http://localhost:1313/" languageCode = "en" defaultContentLanguage = "en" title = "ZO ZO" # site title # 网站标题 theme = "zozo" hasCJKLanguage = true # has chinese/japanese/korean ? # 自动检测是否包含 中文\日文\韩文 summaryLength = 100 paginate = 4 # shows the number of articles # 首页显示文章数量 enableEmoji = true googleAnalytics = "" # your google analytics id # Google统计代码 disqusShortname = "" # your discuss shortname # Disqus评论系统代码 pygmentsUseClasses = true pygmentCodeFences = true pygmentscodefencesguesssyntax = true [author] # essential # 必需 name = "VarKai" [blackfriday] smartypants = false [[menu.main]] # config your menu # 配置菜单 name = "Home" weight = 10 identifier = "home" url = "/" [[menu.main]] name = "Archive" weight = 20 identifier = "archive" url = "/posts/" [[menu.main]] name = "Tags" weight = 30 identifier = "tags" url = "/tags/" [[menu.main]] name = "About" weight = 40 identifier = "about" url = "/about/" [params] subTitle = "the site subtitle" # site's subTitle # 网站二级标题 footerSlogan = "My spiritual home" # site's footer slogan # 网站页脚标语 keywords = ["Hugo","theme","zozo"] # site's keywords # 网站关键字 description = "Hugo theme zozo example site." # site's description # 网站描述 enableMathJax = true # enable mathjax # 是否使用mathjax(数学公式) enableSummary = true # display the article summary # 是否显示文章摘要 mainSections = ["posts","post"] # Valine. # You can get your appid and appkey from # more info please open [params.valine] enable = false appId = "" appKey = "" placeholder = " " visitor = true # Your socail's url # 社交地址配置 [social] github = " " twitter = " " facebook = " " weibo = " " instagram = " " [markup] [markup.goldmark] [markup.goldmark.renderer] unsafe = true