+++ title = "Content right bar" description = "" weight = 50 +++ With each page, a sidebar is displayed on the right side, with the current table of content. * the 2 dashed rectangles are 2 position where you can inject custom content, see bellow ![header](screenshot.png?classes=border,shadow) ## Add content before the Table of content (red dashed rectangle in the screenshot) Create a `_index.md` page in `_layout/_sidepage-before` folder. ```bash content/ └── _layout └── article-sidepage-before ├── _index.md └── _index.fr.md ``` ## Add content after the Table of content (blue dashed rectangle in the screenshot) Create a `_index.md` page in `_layout/_sidepage-after` folder. ```bash content/ └── _layout └── article-sidebar-after ├── _index.md └── _index.fr.md ``` {{%alert info%}}**Remember :** You can put a full HTML content in your .md files{{%/alert%}} {{%alert info%}}**Tip :** You can remove search box if you need to [see more here]({{%relref "search"%}}) {{%/alert%}} ## Hide right sidebar Set `hide_toc=true` in your page's frontmatter, see [an example here]({{%relref "examples/page without toc"%}})