--- subpage: true title: CSS & JS --- ## Add custom CSS and JS into the \ part of each page : Create a file as `layouts/partials/head.html` ```bash content/ layouts/ └── partials/ └── head.html ``` write your own content like : ```html ``` Then override the style your want to change in `static/css/custom.css` (in this case, to avoid altering the casing of titles): ```css h2 { text-transform: none; } ``` And execute some additional JavaScript from `static/js/custom.js` (note that jQuery is already loaded by the theme): ```javascript function tweakPage() { // make some changes here } $(tweakPage) ``` now feel free to add the JS, CSS code you want :) ## Add custom HTML before and after key elements of this theme * @see [site placeholders]({{%relref "02-navigation-search"%}}) ## Overide existing CSS or JS Create the matching file in your static folder, hugo will use yours instead of the theme's one.