--- title: DocPort Theme for Hugo description: first page date: 2020-09-08T22:11:57.883Z weight: 1 --- [DocPort](https://github.com/vjeantet/hugo-theme-docport), a professional documentation theme built for Hugo. \ It provides a simple navigation, automatic search engine, a high level of configuration and a bunch of shortcodes crafted for documentation (attachment, presentations, child pages, notice, alerts, diagrams...). {{%notice%}}DocPort works with a "page tree structure" to organize content : All contents are pages, which belong to other pages. [read more about this]({{%relref "content-and-customization"%}}). {{%/notice%}} ## Main features * [Search Engine]({{%relref "content-and-customization/02-navigation-search/search" %}}) * **Unlimited menu levels**, [subpages]({{%relref "content-and-customization/00-adding-content/#subpages"%}}) * [Placeholders]({{%relref "content-and-customization/02-navigation-search/" %}}) to inject HTML, CSS, JS in theme without modifying it. * Responsive, [Customizable look and feel, colors]({{%relref "content-and-customization/03-look-and-feel/colors/" %}}) * [RevealJS presentation]({{%relref "content-and-customization/00-adding-content/page-slide/"%}}) from markdown (embededed or fullscreen page) * [Image resizing, shadow...]({{%relref "content-and-customization/00-adding-content/page-images/" %}}) * A bunch of shortcodes *[Mermaid diagram]({{%relref "shortcodes/mermaid/_index.md" %}}) (flowchart, sequence, gantt)* [Attachments files]({{%relref "shortcodes/attachments/_index.md" %}}), [Icons]({{%relref "shortcodes/icon/_index.md" %}}), [Buttons]({{%relref "shortcodes/button/_index.md" %}}), [Alerts]({{%relref "shortcodes/alert/_index.md" %}}), [Panels]({{%relref "shortcodes/panel/_index.md" %}}), [Tip/Note/Info/Warning boxes]({{%relref "shortcodes/notice/_index.md" %}}), [Expand]({{%relref "shortcodes/expand/_index.md" %}}), [List child pages]({{%relref "shortcodes/children/_index.md" %}}) *[Excerpt]({{%relref "shortcodes/excerpt/_index.md"%}}) ! Include segment of content from one page in another* [columns]({{%relref "shortcodes/columns/_index.md"%}}), [tabs]({{%relref "shortcodes/tabs/_index.md"%}}) ## Contribute to this documentation Use the "**improve this page**" button on the right side on each page to edit (in browser) and submit your change. (or git fork and pull request)\ {{%alert%}}Your modification will be deployed automatically when merged in git repo!{{%/alert%}} ## Documentation website This current documentation has been statically generated with Hugo with a simple command : `hugo -t docport` -- source code is [available here at GitHub](https://github.com/vjeantet/hugo-theme-docPort). ## Static + content management I author this current documentation via Netlify CMS.\ Docport theme seamless works with [Netlify CMS](https://www.netlifycms.org/) Try the improve this page button on the right side of each page