+++ title = "Installation" description = "" weight = 1 +++ {{% alert theme="warning" %}}HUGO **v0.50** minimum required to use this theme (prefer extended version if you want to modify this theme source{{%/alert%}} {{% alert theme="info" %}}Last version of HUGO is recomended, tests are always done with the last version.{{%/alert%}} The following steps are here to help you initialize your new website. If you don’t know Hugo at all, we strongly suggest you to train by following this [great documentation for beginners](https://gohugo.io/overview/quickstart/). We assume that all changes to Hugo content and customizations are going to be tracked by git (GitHub, Bitbucket etc.). Develop locally, build on remote system. ## Prepare empty Hugo site Create empty directory, which will be root of your Hugo project. Navigate there and let Hugo to create minimal required directory structure: ``` $ hugo new site . ``` After that, initialize this as git directory where to track further changes ``` $ git init ``` ## Install DocPort as git submodule {{%alert%}} **Alernatives to submodules** \ There are other ways to install DocPort. If submodule is no-go, use [install as git clone]({{%ref "as-git-clone/_index.md"%}}) or [install from a zip archive]({{%ref "direct copy/_index.md"%}}) {{%/alert%}} DocPort will be added like a dependency repo to original project. When using CI tools like Netlify, Jenkins etc., submodule method is required, or you will get `theme not found` issues. Same applies when building site on remote server trough SSH. On your root of Hugo execute: ``` $ git submodule add https://github.com/vjeantet/hugo-theme-docport.git themes/docport ``` Next initialize submodule for parent git repo: ``` $ git submodule init $ git submodule update ``` Now you are ready to add content and build your documentatyion. {{%notice warning%}}Do not change any file inside themes directory.{{%/notice%}} ## Configuration [Follow instructions here]({{%relref "getting-start/configuration/_index.md"%}})