[create-footer-md] other = "Create a content/_layout/footer/_index.md file to customize the footer content !" [Search-placeholder] other = "Type to search..." [Page] other = "Page" [Next-Pages] other = "Next Pages" [Previous-Pages] other = "Previous Pages" [pagination-on] other = "of" [Attachments-label] other = "Attachments" [title-404] other = "Error" [message-404] other = "Woops. Looks like this page doesn't exist." [Go-to-homepage] other = "Go to homepage" [Edit-this-page] other = "Improve this page" [Expand-title] other = "Expand me..." [last-update-on] other = "Last update on" [jump-to-section] other= "Jump to Section" [home] other= "Home" [next-section] other= "Next page" [table-of-contents] other= "What's on this page" [last-update-by] other = "Last update by" [checklist-load-answers] other = "Load answers from file" [checklist-download-answers] other = "Download Answers" [checklist-post-answers] other = "Post Answers"