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github.com/wangchucheng/hugo-eureka.git - Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-06-20chore: update the branch name of Eureka StartersHEADmasterWANG Chucheng
2022-06-01fix: update resource cache for Hugo 0.100v0.9.3WANG Chucheng
2022-05-27docs: update sponsor informationWANG Chucheng
2022-05-27fix: can not use cached resourcesv0.9.2WANG Chucheng
2022-04-11fix: change same origin asset integrity checkWANG Chucheng
2022-03-31fix: fail to get default styleWANG Chucheng
2022-03-24feat: add configurable colors and fontsWANG Chucheng
2022-03-09chore: update dependenciesv0.9.1WANG Chucheng
2022-02-11feat: add Portuguese translation (#164)Pedro Lima
2022-02-10style: improve icon margins in author pageWANG Chucheng
2022-02-10style: improve readability on mobile devices (#166)WANG Chucheng
2022-02-07style: make colors more coordinatedWANG Chucheng
2022-02-06fix: scroll blockquote when necessaryWANG Chucheng
2022-02-06style: improve typographyWANG Chucheng
2022-02-04refactor: allow users to disable highlight.jsWANG Chucheng
2022-02-03refactor: reduce Font Awesome size with tree shakingWANG Chucheng
2022-01-28refactor: upgrade to Tailwind CSS v3v0.9.0WANG Chucheng
2022-01-28fix: use min instead of mins in EnglishWANG Chucheng
2022-01-27chore: add release actionWANG Chucheng
2022-01-26fix: use purged css resourcesWANG Chucheng
2022-01-26feat: add RTL layout support and Arabic localization (#159)Rami Sabbagh
2022-01-25fix: use the singular form of experienceWang Chucheng
2021-12-03feat: add Spanish i18n (#145)Violeta Sosa
2021-11-10fix: purge css resourcesv0.8.4Wang Chucheng
2021-10-04refactor: remove showcase link in READMEv0.8.3Wang Chucheng
2021-10-04fix: display description when existsWang Chucheng
2021-08-29chore: bump path-parse from 1.0.6 to 1.0.7 (#130)dependabot[bot]
2021-07-28feat: add zh-Hant and jp (#129)allmwh
2021-07-28refactor: use custom domain for hugo modulesWang Chucheng
2021-07-09docs: update demo urlv0.8.2Wang Chucheng
2021-07-08fix: inconsistent utterances color schemeWang Chucheng
2021-07-06fix: cannot switch color scheme without utterancesv0.8.1Wang Chucheng
2021-07-06refactor: update fr.yaml (#124)ECTHRwatch
2021-07-06refactor: add default monospace as the last choice for mono fonts (#121)Lei Zhang
2021-07-05fix: incorrect escape character display in summaryWang Chucheng
2021-05-30chore: bump browserslist from 4.16.3 to 4.16.6 (#107)dependabot[bot]
2021-05-26feat: add Korean i18n support (#103)jungwone
2021-05-13chore: bump postcss from 8.2.9 to 8.2.10 (#100)dependabot[bot]
2021-04-21feat: recursive repoEditURLv0.8.0Wang Chucheng
2021-04-18feat: support Valine (#79)Herbert
2021-04-16feat: add polish i18n support (#95)Jakub Cabak
2021-04-15docs: add showcase linkWang Chucheng
2021-04-11feat: recursive enableComment paramWang Chucheng
2021-04-11feat: add utterances supportWang Chucheng
2021-04-10chore: use a specific version of git repo syncWang Chucheng
2021-04-09refactor: improve repoEditURLWang Chucheng
2021-04-08feat: add German i18n support (#90)deining
2021-04-06feat: add russian i18n support (#87)Wang Chucheng
2021-04-03chore: upgrade to tailwindcss 2.0v0.7.0Wang Chucheng
2021-03-31feat: add mermaid supportWang Chucheng