mainSections: - posts description: Eureka is a elegant and powerful theme for Hugo. repoURL: # If it is a Github repo, leave blank repoEditURL: dateFormat: titleSeparator: # Options: auto, light and dark. Default is auto. colorScheme: # E.g. Person, Organization, LocalBusiness, Project, EducationalOrganization siteType: Person icon: images/icon.png publisherName: C. Wang publisherLogo: highlight: handler: highlightjs highlightjs: # highlight.js doesn't bundle every language. So please specify additional languages you want here. # See for available languages. languages: - dart # See for available styles. style: solarized-light math: handler: katex # katex: # # Browse to see the options available. # # KaTeX's Auto-render ignores `displayMode` property of the options, so this property will not work. # # You can list the key and value you want as below. # leqno: comment: # Options: disqus and commento. platform: disqus: shortname: commento: # If self-hosting, please enter the url (e.g. here. Otherwise leave empty. url: