--- title: Experience draft: false experiences: - title: Example Role 1 organization: name: Example Organization 1 url: https://example.org dates: '2019 - Present' location: Country writeup: > Donec scelerisque egestas augue at tempor. Fusce faucibus magna in. - Suspendisse lacinia mauris a laoreet vehicula. - Aenean tincidunt enim vitae ante blandit tempor. - Nam tincidunt diam quis lorem rutrum ullamcorper. - title: Example Role 2 organization: name: Example Organization 2 url: https://example.org dates: '2017 - 2019' location: Country writeup: > **Aliquam** at **rutrum** ante. In sed quam faucibus. weight: 3 widget: handler: experience # Options: sm, md, lg and xl. Default is md. width: lg sidebar: # Options: left and right. Leave blank to hide. position: left # Options: sm, md, lg and xl. Default is md. scale: background: # Options: primary, secondary, tertiary or any valid color value. Default is primary. color: image: # Options: auto, cover and contain. Default is auto. size: # Options: center, top, right, bottom, left. position: # Options: fixed, local, scroll. attachment: ---