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github.com/wayjam/hugo-theme-mixedpaper.git - Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2020-08-16update docHEADmasterWayJam So
2020-07-22format codeWayJam So
2020-07-15update docWayJam So
2020-07-02Merge pull request #3 from jimsloan/patch-1WayJam So
2020-07-02Update footer.htmlJim Sloan
2020-06-08update: exampleSite assetsWayJam So
2020-06-06fix: linebreak at codeblockWayJam So
2020-05-28Fixes gohugoio/hugoThemes#858WayJam So
2020-05-23update: styleWayJam So
2020-05-23Merge pull request #1 from cnu/masterWayJam So
2020-05-23opt: static fileWayJam So
2020-05-23add a trailing slash to tags urlSrinivasan Rangarajan
2020-05-20update: READMEWayJam So
2020-05-18fix: style:WayJam So
2020-05-18update: READMEWayJam So
2020-05-16fix: content codeblock fontsizeWayJam So
2020-05-16fix: faviconWayJam So
2020-05-12update: theme.tomlWayJam So
2020-05-12fix: README typoWayJam So
2020-05-12opt: mobile styleWayJam So
2020-05-12update: READMEWayJam So
2020-05-11fix: to the top function bindingWayJam So
2020-05-10update: new repo url because of changing usernameWayJam So
2020-05-10update: exampleSite cjk sets to falseWayJam So
2020-05-10update: exampleSite pageSize and READMEWayJam So
2020-05-10add: faviconWayJam So
2020-05-10add: paginate archivesWayJam So
2020-05-10update: comment styleWayJam So
2020-05-10update: valine comment configWayJam So
2020-05-10fix: summary lengthWayJam So
2020-05-10add: 404 content styleWayJam So
2020-05-10update: gitignoreWayJam So
2020-05-10fix: set a default baseurlWayJam So
2020-05-04add: exampleSite generated assetsWayJam So
2020-05-03fix: add default paginateWayJam So
2020-05-03add: imagesWayJam So
2020-05-03InitialWayJam So