# Mixedpaper for Hugo Mixedpaper is a minimalist Hugo theme for writers and bloggers. ## Feature - Clean and minimalist - SCSS styling - JavaScript free - Syntax highlighting ## Installation Navigate to the root directory of your Hugo site and clone this repository. Refer to the [Hugo docs](https://gohugo.io/getting-started/quick-start/) for more information. ## Configuration #### Hightlight To enable theme-defined highlighting style, please set `pygmentsUseClasses = true` in `config.toml` #### Archives ```toml [[menu.main]] name = "Archives" identifier = "archives" url = "/archives/" ``` #### Comments Supported Disqus and Valine now. ```toml [params.comment] type = "disqus" # or valine [params.comment.valine] appid = "appid" appkey = "appkey" notify = "notify" verify = "verify" placeholder = "enjoy~" avatar = "mm" meta = "nick,mail" pageSize = 10.0 visitor = false ``` #### More Refer to `exampleSite/config.toml` for more example. ## License Released under the [MIT License](https://github.com/wayjam/hugo-theme-mixedpaper/blob/master/LICENSE.md).