# hugo-fabric Hugo Fabric Theme, forked from https://github.com/wd/hexo-fabric. You can visit live demo at https://wdicc.com. ![hugo-fabric screenshot](https://raw.githubusercontent.com/wd/hugo-fabric/master/images/tn.png) # Features * Support archives (But archives page and tags page didn't support pagination :( ) * Tags list * RSS link and social account links * Disqus support * Use Highlight.js for code highlight # Installation First clone this repository in the `themes/` directory: ``` $ cd themes/ $ git clone https://github.com/wd/hugo-fabric ``` Second, specify `hugo-fabric` as your default theme in the config.toml file. Just add the line ``` theme = "hugo-fabric" ``` Please check the `exampleSite` directory for an example site. # Theme settings Put settings below into your config.toml. ``` [params] author = "wd" [params.theme] subtitle = "happy every day" post_type = "page" # For archive archive_post_type = "archives" # According to https://discuss.gohugo.io/t/how-to-access-the-top-level-rsslink-from-a-post/2044, we have to set this ourself site_rsslink = "atom.xml" # social account github_user = "wd" twitter_user = "wd" disqus_shortname = "wdicc" # post sharing facebook_like = true twitter_tweet_button = true google_plus_one = true google_plus_one_size = "midum" addthis_profile_id = "wd" ``` # Favicon There is a default favicon with this theme, you may want to change it. Just put it at `themes/hugo-fabric/static/images/fav.ico`. # Code highlight If you want to change to your favourite highlight style, just download the css file and replace `themes/hugo-fabric/static/css/hljs.css`. # Archive support Create a new file `hugo new archives.md`, and edit this file, add the following line in front matter. ``` type = "archives" ``` # Todo * TOC support # Others * https://github.com/wd/hexo2hugo * https://discuss.gohugo.io/t/blog-archives-page/2577/17