# WebTorrent Version History ## UNRELEASED ### Added - `client.listening` property to signal whether TCP server is listening for incoming connections. ### Changed - Merged `Swarm` class into `Torrent` object. Properties on `torrent.swarm` (like `torrent.swarm.wires`) now exist on `torrent` (e.g. `torrent.wires`). - `torrent.addPeer` can no longer be called before the `infoHash` event has been emitted. - Remove `torrent.on('listening')` event. Use `client.on('listening')` instead. - Remove support from `TCPPool` for listening on multiple ports. This was not used by WebTorrent and just added complexity. There is now a single `TCPPool` instance for the whole WebTorrent client. - Deprecate: Do not use `client.download()` anymore. Use `client.add()` instead. - Deprecate: Do not use `torrent.swarm` anymore. Use `torrent` instead. ### Fixed - When there is a `torrent.on('error')` listener, don't also emit `client.on('error')`. - Do not return existing torrent object when duplicate torrent is added. Fire an `'error'` event instead. - Memory leak of `Torrent` object caused by `RarityMap` - Memory leak of `Torrent` object caused by `TCPPool` - `client.ratio` and `torrent.ratio` are now calculated as `uploaded / received` instead of `uploaded / downloaded`.