# WebTorrent Version History ## v0.99.3 - 2018-04-26 - Add extra check to prevent invalid `peer.conn.remotePort` from being used ([webtorrent-hybrid/#76](https://github.com/webtorrent/webtorrent-hybrid/issues/76)) ## v0.99.2 - 2018-04-24 - Use `.npmignore` to prevent unneeded files from being included in the published package ## v0.99.1 - 2018-04-24 - Expose `WebTorrent.VERSION` (#1358) - Update to simple-get@3 - Update to parse-torrent@6 ## v0.99.0 - 2018-04-19 - `renderTo()`/`appendTo()` does not autoplay by default anymore ([rationale](https://github.com/webtorrent/webtorrent/commit/fbbffbbb445096a909c851cdc4ca15204b9952b9)) - Pass `{autoplay: true}` to `renderTo()`/`appendTo()` to get the old behavior. - `renderTo()`/`appendTo()` has a new `muted` option to mute the video by default. ## v0.98.24 - 2018-03-02 - Add hostname option to mitigate DNS rebinding (#1260) - Update to simple-peer@9 - Browser testing: switch from `zuul` to `airtap` ## v0.98.23 - 2018-02-20 - Update to bitfield@2 ## v0.98.22 - 2018-02-17 - Update to browserify@16 - Update to bittorrent-dht@8 - Update to pump@3 ## v0.98.21 - 2018-01-26 - Update to pump@2 - Update to mime@2 - Update to cross-spawn@6 - Update to browserify@15 ## v0.98.20 - 2017-10-17 - Fix `file.downloaded` for last piece - Fix destroyed torrent debug - Update to mime@2 - Update to debug@3 - Update to electron@1 ## v0.98.19 - 2017-06-25 - Add `origin` option for torrent.createServer() (#1096) - Add `file.progress` property (#1140) - Switch to ES6-compatible minifier ## v0.98.18 - 2017-04-14 - Transfer webtorrent from @feross to @webtorrent organization. ## v0.98.17 - 2017-04-13 - Fix uncaught exception (#1103) ## v0.98.16 - 2017-04-07 - Update to simple-peer@8 ## v0.98.15 - 2017-03-30 - No meaningful changes ## v0.98.14 - 2017-03-17 - Add filename to URLs on server index page (#1078) ## v0.98.13 - 2017-03-16 - No meaningful changes ## v0.98.12 - 2017-03-13 - Fix files under 16Kb are not downloaded correctly (#1077) ## v0.98.11 - 2017-03-13 - Fix detection of seeding peers (#1076) ## v0.98.10 - 2017-03-06 - Update to bittorrent-tracker@9 ## v0.98.9 - 2017-03-01 - Update to finalhandler@1 - Update to simple-peer@7 ## v0.98.8 - 2017-02-13 - wait to notify() or updateInterest() at end of GC (#1044) - Update to cross-spawn@5 ## v0.98.7 - 2017-02-11 - Change os.tmpDir() to os.tmpdir() (#1043) ## v0.98.6 - 2017-02-09 - Refactor http server; support content-disposition (#1039) ## v0.98.5 - 2017-02-02 - Don't print debug log after torrent is destroyed ## v0.98.4 - 2017-02-02 - Be more defensive: prevent code from running after destroy - Fix "Cannot read property 'complete' of null" (#1022) - Include infoHash in torrent.js debug logs - Update to browserify@14 ## v0.98.3 - 2017-01-19 - Emit more warnings (#1021) - Set user-agent header for http tracker requests (#1019) ## v0.98.2 - 2017-01-18 - Don't send 'completed' event to tracker on client.seed (#991) - Set user-agent header for http tracker requests (#962) ## v0.98.1 - 2017-01-13 - Don't emit 'completed' on client.seed - Do not choke on web seeds (#972) ## v0.98.0 - 2016-11-23 - Add property for downloaded bytes per file (`file.downloaded`) (#974) - Cross-origin HTTP redirect workaround for web seeds (#909) ## v0.97.2 - 2016-09-26 - Creating a WebTorrent client with the `{tracker: false}` to disable communication with trackers should not affect creating a torrent with `.seed()`. The resulting torrent file should still contain the normal `announce` field. (#928) - Add more peer ID entropy ## v0.97.1 - 2016-09-17 - Handle invalid range handers instead of throwing (#921) ## v0.97.0 - 2016-09-17 - Add option to disable BEP19 web seeds (`webSeeds` option to the `WebTorrent` constructor) ## v0.96.5 - 2016-09-13 - Fix exceptions in `server.close()` and `server.destroy()` ## v0.96.4 - 2016-08-23 - Warn when WebTorrent is installed on Node.js older than v4.0.0. ## v0.96.3 - 2016-08-22 - Better docs for .renderTo() ## v0.96.2 - 2016-08-20 - Replace 'hat' with 'randombytes' - Better debug logs ## v0.96.1 - 2016-08-18 - Prevent possible stack overflow ## v0.96.0 - 2016-08-03 - Add options to disable autoplay/hide controls with `appendTo()` and `renderTo()` ## v0.95.6 - 2016-07-28 - Allow deselecting the entire torrent with `deselect()` to happen earlier ## v0.95.5 - 2016-07-26 - Fix support for FileList input to client.seed() ## v0.95.4 - 2016-07-26 - Skip blocklist logic when opts.blocklist is not set
 ## v0.95.3 - 2016-07-26 - Fix WebTorrent version string ## v0.95.2 - 2016-06-22 - HEAD requests
 to HTTP server should not send entire body - WebTorrent, LLC is now the steward of the project ## v0.95.1 - 2016-06-15 - Emit 'seed' event on the torrent object ## v0.95.0 - 2016-06-15 - API: Add `file.getBlob()` method
 - Fix rare exception in `lib/tcp-pool.js` ## v0.94.4 - 2016-06-10 - Support torrent with a single 0 byte file - Use `<` since it handles `NaN` in a predictable way, i.e. `false` ## v0.94.3 - 2016-05-30 - Use `safe-buffer` for improved buffer safety ## v0.94.2 - 2016-05-28 - Fix rare exception in `lib/file.js` ## v0.94.1 - 2016-05-26 - Make WebTorrent user agent string consistent across whole codebase ## v0.94.0 - 2016-05-19 - Support exact source (xs) paramter of magnet URIs, for retreiving metadata ## v0.93.4 - 2016-05-17 - Fix rare exception caused by race condition in `lib/peer.js` ## v0.93.3 - 2016-05-13 - Don't unset `{tracker: {wrtc: false}}` option to `WebTorrent` constructor. ## v0.93.2 - 2016-05-12 - When a duplicate torrent is added, don't emit the 'infoHash' event after 'error'. The 'error' event should be the last event. ## v0.93.1 - 2016-05-08 - Remove `path-exists` dependency. ## v0.93.0 - 2016-05-08 - Move tracker options (`rtcConfig` and `wrtc`) into `opts.tracker`. Before: ```js var client = new WebTorrent({ rtcConfig: {}, wrtc: {} }) ``` After: ```js var client = new WebTorrent({ tracker: { rtcConfig: {}, wrtc: {} } }) ``` ## v0.92.0 - 2016-05-05 - Add new event: `torrent.on('noPeers', function (announceType) {})` Emitted whenever a DHT or tracker announce occurs, but no peers have been found. `announceType` is either `'tracker'` or `'dht'` depending on which announce occurred to trigger this event. Note that if you're attempting to discover peers from both a tracker and a DHT, you'll see this event separately for each. ## v0.91.4 - 2016-05-05 - Fix exception: "peer.\_destroy is not a function" when calling `torrent.pause()` ## v0.91.3 - 2016-05-04 - Fix `torrent.swarm` from causing an infinite recursion. ## v0.91.2 - 2016-04-28 - Test node v6 ## v0.91.1 - 2016-04-24 - Emit 'done' event *after* sending the `'complete'` message to the tracker. ## v0.91.0 - 2016-04-21 ### Added - `client.listening` property to signal whether TCP server is listening for incoming connections. - `client.dhtPort` property reflects the actual DHT port when user doesn't specify one (this is parallel to `client.torrentPort` for the TCP torrent listening server) ### Changed - Merged `Swarm` class into `Torrent` object. Properties on `torrent.swarm` (like `torrent.swarm.wires`) now exist on `torrent` (e.g. `torrent.wires`). - Deprecate: Do not use `torrent.swarm` anymore. Use `torrent` instead. - `torrent.addPeer` can no longer be called before the `infoHash` event has been emitted. - Remove `torrent.on('listening')` event. Use `client.on('listening')` instead. - Remove support from `TCPPool` for listening on multiple ports. This was not used by WebTorrent and just added complexity. There is now a single `TCPPool` instance for the whole WebTorrent client. - Deprecate: Do not use `client.download()` anymore. Use `client.add()` instead. - Only pass `torrent.infoHash` to the Chunk Store constructor, instead of the `Torrent` instance itself, to prevent accidental memory leaks of the `Torrent` object by the store. (Open an issue if you were using other properties. They can be re-added.) - Non-fatal errors with a single torrent will be emitted at `torrent.on('error')`. You should listen to this event. Previously, all torrent errors were also emitted on `client.on('error')` and handling `torrent.on('error')` was optional. This design is better since now it is possible to distinguish between fatal client errors (`client.on('error')`) when the whole client becomes unusable versus recoverable errors where only a single torrent fails (`torrent.on('error')`) but the client can continue to be used. However, if there is no `torrent.on('error')` event, then the error will be forwarded to `client.on('error')`. This prevents crashing the client when the user only has a listener on the client, but it makes it impossible for them to determine a client error versus a torrent error. - Removed `torrent.numBlockedPeers` property. Use the `blockedPeer` event to track this yourself. ### Fixed - If `client.get` is passed a `Torrent` instance, it now only returns it if it is present in the client. - Errors creating a torrent with `client.seed` are now emitted on the returned `torrent` object instead of the client (unless there is no event listeners on `torrent.on('error')` as previously discussed). The torrent object is now also destroyed automatically for the user, as was probably expected. - Do not return existing torrent object when duplicate torrent is added. Fire an `'error'` event instead. - Memory leaks of `Torrent` object caused by many internal subclasses of WebTorrent, including `RarityMap`, `TCPPool`, `WebConn`, `Server`, `File`. - `client.ratio` and `torrent.ratio` are now calculated as `uploaded / received` instead of `uploaded / downloaded`. ## Previous versions We did not maintain a changelog for versions prior to v0.91.0. The initial release of WebTorrent was on Dec 4, 2013.