# Contributing Guidelines Contributions welcome! **Before spending lots of time on something, ask for feedback on your idea first!** Please search issues and pull requests before adding something new to avoid duplicating efforts and conversations. This project welcomes non-code contributions, too! The following types of contributions are welcome: - **Ideas**: participate in an issue thread or start your own to have your voice heard. - **Writing**: contribute your expertise in an area by helping expand the included docs. - **Copy editing**: fix typos, clarify language, and improve the quality of the docs. - **Formatting**: help keep docs easy to read with consistent formatting. ## Code Style [![standard][standard-image]][standard-url] This repository uses [`standard`][standard-url] to maintain code style and consistency, and to avoid style arguments. `npm test` runs `standard` automatically, so you don't have to! [standard-image]: https://cdn.rawgit.com/feross/standard/master/badge.svg [standard-url]: https://github.com/feross/standard ## Project Governance Individuals making significant and valuable contributions are given commit-access to the project to contribute as they see fit. This project is more like an open wiki than a standard guarded open source project. ### Rules There are a few basic ground-rules for contributors: 1. **No `--force` pushes** or modifying the Git history in any way. 2. **Non-master branches** should be used for ongoing work. 3. **Significant modifications** like API changes should be subject to a **pull request** to solicit feedback from other contributors. 4. **Pull requests** are *encouraged* for all contributions to solicit feedback, but left to the discretion of the contributor. ### Releases Declaring formal releases remains the prerogative of the project maintainer. ### Changes to this arrangement This is an experiment and feedback is welcome! This document may also be subject to pull- requests or changes by contributors where you believe you have something valuable to add or change. ## Developer's Certificate of Origin 1.1 By making a contribution to this project, I certify that: - (a) The contribution was created in whole or in part by me and I have the right to submit it under the open source license indicated in the file; or - (b) The contribution is based upon previous work that, to the best of my knowledge, is covered under an appropriate open source license and I have the right under that license to submit that work with modifications, whether created in whole or in part by me, under the same open source license (unless I am permitted to submit under a different license), as indicated in the file; or - (c) The contribution was provided directly to me by some other person who certified (a), (b) or (c) and I have not modified it. - (d) I understand and agree that this project and the contribution are public and that a record of the contribution (including all personal information I submit with it, including my sign-off) is maintained indefinitely and may be redistributed consistent with this project or the open source license(s) involved.