#!/usr/bin/env node var clivas = require('clivas') var cp = require('child_process') var createTorrent = require('create-torrent') var executable = require('executable') var fs = require('fs') var inquirer = require('inquirer') var minimist = require('minimist') var moment = require('moment') var networkAddress = require('network-address') var parseTorrent = require('parse-torrent') var path = require('path') var prettyBytes = require('pretty-bytes') var WebTorrent = require('../') var zeroFill = require('zero-fill') process.title = 'WebTorrent' var expectedError = false process.on('exit', function (code) { if (code === 0 || expectedError) return // normal exit if (code === 130) return // intentional exit with Control-C clivas.line('\n{red:UNEXPECTED ERROR:} If this is a bug in WebTorrent, report it!') clivas.line('{green:OPEN AN ISSUE:} https://github.com/feross/webtorrent/issues\n') clivas.line( 'DEBUG INFO: ' + 'webtorrent ' + require('../package.json').version + ', ' + 'node ' + process.version + ', ' + process.platform + ' ' + process.arch + ', ' + 'exit ' + code ) }) process.on('SIGINT', gracefulExit) process.on('SIGTERM', gracefulExit) var argv = minimist(process.argv.slice(2), { alias: { p: 'port', b: 'blocklist', t: 'subtitles', s: 'select', i: 'index', o: 'out', a: 'announce', q: 'quiet', h: 'help', v: 'version' }, boolean: [ // options that are always boolean 'airplay', 'chromecast', 'mplayer', 'mpv', 'vlc', 'xbmc', 'stdout', 'select', 'quiet', 'help', 'version', 'verbose' ], string: [ // options that are always strings 'out', 'announce', 'blocklist', 'subtitles', 'on-done', 'on-exit' ], default: { port: 8000 } }) if (process.env.DEBUG || argv.stdout) { argv.quiet = argv.q = true } var started = Date.now() function getRuntime () { return Math.floor((Date.now() - started) / 1000) } var VLC_ARGS = '--play-and-exit --video-on-top --quiet' if (process.env.DEBUG) { VLC_ARGS += ' -q' } else { VLC_ARGS += ' --extraintf=http:logger --verbose=2 --file-logging --logfile=vlc-log.txt' } var MPLAYER_EXEC = 'mplayer -ontop -really-quiet -noidx -loop 0' var MPV_EXEC = 'mpv --ontop --really-quiet --loop=no' var OMX_EXEC = 'omxplayer -r -o ' + (typeof argv.omx === 'string' ? argv.omx : 'hdmi') if (argv.subtitles) { VLC_ARGS += ' --sub-file=' + argv.subtitles MPLAYER_EXEC += ' -sub ' + argv.subtitles MPV_EXEC += ' --sub-file=' + argv.subtitles OMX_EXEC += ' --subtitles ' + argv.subtitles } function checkPermission (filename) { try { if (!executable.sync(filename)) { errorAndExit('Script "' + filename + '" is not executable') } } catch (err) { errorAndExit('Script "' + filename + '" does not exist') } } if (argv['on-done']) { checkPermission(argv['on-done']) argv['on-done'] = fs.realpathSync(argv['on-done']) } if (argv['on-exit']) { checkPermission(argv['on-exit']) argv['on-exit'] = fs.realpathSync(argv['on-exit']) } playerName = argv.airplay ? 'Airplay' : argv.chromecast ? 'Chromecast' : argv.xbmc ? 'XBMC' : argv.vlc ? 'VLC' : argv.mplayer ? 'MPlayer' : argv.mpv ? 'mpv' : argv.omx ? 'OMXPlayer' : null var command = argv._[0] if (['info', 'create', 'download', 'add', 'seed'].indexOf(command) !== -1 && argv._.length !== 2) { runHelp() } else if (command === 'help' || argv.help) { runHelp() } else if (command === 'version' || argv.version) { runVersion() } else if (command === 'info') { runInfo(/* torrentId */ argv._[1]) } else if (command === 'create') { runCreate(/* input */ argv._[1]) } else if (command === 'download' || command === 'add') { runDownload(/* torrentId */ argv._[1]) } else if (command === 'seed') { runSeed(/* input */ argv._[1]) } else if (command) { // assume command is "download" when not specified runDownload(/* torrentId */ command) } else { runHelp() } function runVersion () { console.log(require('../package.json').version) process.exit(0) } function runHelp () { fs.readFileSync(path.join(__dirname, 'ascii-logo.txt'), 'utf8') .split('\n') .forEach(function (line) { clivas.line('{bold:' + line.substring(0, 20) + '}{red:' + line.substring(20) + '}') }) console.log(function () { /* Usage: webtorrent [command] Example: webtorrent download "magnet:..." --vlc Commands: download Download a torrent seed Seed a file or folder create Create a .torrent file info Show info for a .torrent file or magnet uri Specify as one of: * magnet uri * http url to .torrent file * filesystem path to .torrent file * info hash (hex string) Options (streaming): --airplay Apple TV --chromecast Chromecast --mplayer MPlayer --mpv MPV --omx [jack] omx [default: hdmi] --vlc VLC --xbmc XBMC --stdout standard out (implies --quiet) Options (simple): -o, --out [path] set download destination [default: current directory] -s, --select select individual file in torrent (by index) -i, --index [number] stream a particular file from torrent (by index) -v, --version print the current version Options (advanced): -p, --port [number] change the http server port [default: 8000] -t, --subtitles [path] load subtitles file -b, --blocklist [path] load blocklist file/http url -a, --announce [url] tracker URL to announce to -q, --quiet don't show UI on stdout --on-done [script] run script after torrent download is done --on-exit [script] run script before program exit --verbose show torrent protocol details */ }.toString().split(/\n/).slice(2, -2).join('\n')) process.exit(0) } function runInfo (torrentId) { var parsedTorrent try { parsedTorrent = parseTorrent(torrentId) } catch (err) { // If torrent fails to parse, it could be a filesystem path, so don't consider it // an error yet. } if (!parsedTorrent || !parsedTorrent.infoHash) { try { parsedTorrent = parseTorrent(fs.readFileSync(torrentId)) } catch (err) { return errorAndExit(err) } } delete parsedTorrent.info delete parsedTorrent.infoBuffer delete parsedTorrent.infoHashBuffer var output = JSON.stringify(parsedTorrent, undefined, 2) if (argv.out) { fs.writeFileSync(argv.out, output) } else { process.stdout.write(output) } } function runCreate (input) { createTorrent(input, argv, function (err, torrent) { if (err) return errorAndExit(err) if (argv.out) { fs.writeFileSync(argv.out, torrent) } else { process.stdout.write(torrent) } }) } var client, href, playerName, server, serving function runDownload (torrentId) { if (!argv.out && !argv.stdout && !playerName) { argv.out = process.cwd() } client = new WebTorrent({ blocklist: argv.blocklist }) client.on('error', fatalError) var torrent = client.add(torrentId, { path: argv.out, announce: argv.announce }) torrent.on('infoHash', function () { function updateMetadata () { clivas.clear() clivas.line( '{green:fetching torrent metadata from} {bold:%s} {green:peers}', torrent.numPeers ) } if (!argv.quiet) { updateMetadata() torrent.on('wire', updateMetadata) torrent.on('metadata', function () { clivas.clear() torrent.removeListener('wire', updateMetadata) }) } }) torrent.on('verifying', function (data) { if (argv.quiet) return clivas.clear() clivas.line( '{green:verifying existing torrent} {bold:%s%} ({bold:%s%} {green:verified})', Math.floor(data.percentDone), Math.floor(data.percentVerified) ) }) torrent.on('done', function () { if (!argv.quiet) { var numActiveWires = torrent.swarm.wires.reduce(function (num, wire) { return num + (wire.downloaded > 0) }, 0) clivas.line( 'torrent downloaded {green:successfully} from {bold:%s/%s} {green:peers} ' + 'in {bold:%ss}!', numActiveWires, torrent.numPeers, getRuntime() ) } torrentDone() }) // Start http server server = torrent.createServer() function initServer () { if (torrent.ready) onReady() else torrent.once('ready', onReady) } server.listen(argv.port, initServer) .on('error', function (err) { // In case the port is unusable if (err.code === 'EADDRINUSE' || err.code === 'EACCES') { // Let the OS choose one for us server.listen(0, initServer) } else throw err }) server.once('connection', function () { serving = true }) function onReady () { // if no index specified, use largest file var index = (typeof argv.index === 'number') ? argv.index : torrent.files.indexOf(torrent.files.reduce(function (a, b) { return a.length > b.length ? a : b })) if (argv.select) { var interactive = process.stdin.isTTY && !!process.stdin.setRawMode if (interactive) { if (torrent.files.length === 0) return errorAndExit('No files in the torrent') var cli = inquirer.prompt([{ type: 'list', name: 'index', message: 'Choose a file to download:', default: index, choices: torrent.files.map(function (file, i) { var len = prettyBytes(file.length) return { name: zeroFill(2, i, ' ') + ': ' + file.name + ' (' + len + ')', value: i } }) }], function (answers) { onSelection(answers.index) }) cli.rl.on('SIGINT', function () { return process.exit(0) }) } else { torrent.files.forEach(function (file, i) { clivas.line( '{3+bold:%s}: {magenta:%s} {blue:(%s)}', i, file.name, prettyBytes(file.length) ) }) return process.exit(0) } } else { onSelection(index) } } function onSelection (index) { href = (argv.airplay || argv.chromecast || argv.xbmc) ? 'http://' + networkAddress() + ':' + server.address().port + '/' + index : 'http://localhost:' + server.address().port + '/' + index if (playerName) torrent.files[index].select() if (argv.stdout) torrent.files[index].createReadStream().pipe(process.stdout) var cmd if (argv.vlc && process.platform === 'win32') { var Registry = require('winreg') var key if (process.arch === 'x64') { key = new Registry({ hive: Registry.HKLM, key: '\\Software\\Wow6432Node\\VideoLAN\\VLC' }) } else { key = new Registry({ hive: Registry.HKLM, key: '\\Software\\VideoLAN\\VLC' }) } if (key) { key.get('InstallDir', function (err, item) { if (err) return fatalError(err) var vlcPath = item.value + path.sep + 'vlc' VLC_ARGS = VLC_ARGS.split(' ') VLC_ARGS.unshift(href) cp.execFile(vlcPath, VLC_ARGS, function (err) { if (err) return fatalError(err) torrentDone() }).unref() }) } } else if (argv.vlc) { var root = '/Applications/VLC.app/Contents/MacOS/VLC' var home = (process.env.HOME || '') + root cmd = 'vlc ' + href + ' ' + VLC_ARGS + ' || ' + root + ' ' + href + ' ' + VLC_ARGS + ' || ' + home + ' ' + href + ' ' + VLC_ARGS } else if (argv.mplayer) { cmd = MPLAYER_EXEC + ' ' + href } else if (argv.mpv) { cmd = MPV_EXEC + ' ' + href } else if (argv.omx) { cmd = OMX_EXEC + ' ' + href } if (cmd) { cp.exec(cmd, function (err) { if (err) return fatalError(err) torrentDone() }).unref() } if (argv.airplay) { var airplay = require('airplay-js') airplay.createBrowser() .on('deviceOn', function (device) { device.play(href, 0, function () {}) }) .start() } if (argv.chromecast) { var chromecasts = require('chromecasts')() chromecasts.on('update', function (player) { player.play(href) }) } if (argv.xbmc) { var xbmc = require('nodebmc') new xbmc.Browser() .on('deviceOn', function (device) { device.play(href, function () {}) }) } drawTorrent(torrent) } } function runSeed (input) { if (path.extname(input).toLowerCase() === '.torrent' || /^magnet:/.test(input)) { // `webtorrent seed` is meant for creating a new torrent based on a file or folder // of content, not a torrent id (.torrent or a magnet uri). If this command is used // incorrectly, let's just do the right thing. runDownload(input) return } client = new WebTorrent({ blocklist: argv.blocklist }) client.on('error', fatalError) client.seed(input, { announce: argv.announce }, function (torrent) { if (argv.quiet) console.log(torrent.magnetURI) drawTorrent(torrent) }) } var drawInterval function drawTorrent (torrent) { if (!argv.quiet) { process.stdout.write(new Buffer('G1tIG1sySg==', 'base64')) // clear for drawing drawInterval = setInterval(draw, 500) drawInterval.unref() } function draw () { var hotswaps = 0 torrent.on('hotswap', function () { hotswaps += 1 }) var unchoked = torrent.swarm.wires.filter(function (wire) { return !wire.peerChoking }) var linesRemaining = clivas.height var peerslisted = 0 var speed = torrent.downloadSpeed var estimate = moment.duration(torrent.timeRemaining / 1000, 'seconds').humanize() clivas.clear() line( '{green:' + (seeding ? 'Seeding' : 'Downloading') + ': }' + '{bold:' + torrent.name + '}' ) var seeding = torrent.done if (seeding) line('{green:Info hash: }' + torrent.infoHash) if (playerName) { line( '{green:Streaming to: }{bold:' + playerName + '} ' + '{green:Server running at: }{bold:' + href + '}' ) } else if (server) { line('{green:Server running at: }{bold:' + href + '}') } if (argv.out) line('{green:Downloading to: }{bold:' + argv.out + '}') line( '{green:Speed: }{bold:' + prettyBytes(speed) + '/s} ' + '{green:Downloaded:} {bold:' + prettyBytes(torrent.downloaded) + '}' + '/{bold:' + prettyBytes(torrent.length) + '} ' + '{green:Uploaded:} {bold:' + prettyBytes(torrent.uploaded) + '}' ) line( '{green:Running time:} {bold:' + getRuntime() + 's} ' + '{green:Time remaining:} {bold:' + estimate + '} ' + '{green:Peers:} {bold:' + unchoked.length + '/' + torrent.numPeers + '}' ) if (argv.verbose) { line( '{green:Queued peers:} {bold:' + torrent.swarm.numQueued + '} ' + '{green:Blocked peers:} {bold:' + torrent.numBlockedPeers + '} ' + '{green:Hotswaps:} {bold:' + hotswaps + '}' ) } line('') torrent.swarm.wires.every(function (wire) { var progress = '?' if (torrent.length) { var bits = 0 var piececount = Math.ceil(torrent.length / torrent.pieceLength) for (var i = 0; i < piececount; i++) { if (wire.peerPieces.get(i)) { bits++ } } progress = bits === piececount ? 'S' : Math.floor(100 * bits / piececount) + '%' } var str = '{3:%s} {25+magenta:%s} {10:%s} {12+cyan:%s/s} {12+red:%s/s}' var args = [ progress, wire.remoteAddress ? (wire.remoteAddress + ':' + wire.remotePort) : 'Unknown', prettyBytes(wire.downloaded), prettyBytes(wire.downloadSpeed()), prettyBytes(wire.uploadSpeed()) ] if (argv.verbose) { str += ' {15+grey:%s} {10+grey:%s}' var tags = [] if (wire.requests.length > 0) tags.push(wire.requests.length + ' reqs') if (wire.peerChoking) tags.push('choked') var reqStats = wire.requests.map(function (req) { return req.piece }) args.push(tags.join(', '), reqStats.join(' ')) } line.apply(undefined, [].concat(str, args)) peerslisted += 1 return linesRemaining > 4 }) if (torrent.numPeers > peerslisted) { line('{60:}') line('... and %s more', torrent.numPeers - peerslisted) } line('{60:}') clivas.flush(true) } function line () { clivas.line.apply(clivas, arguments) } } function torrentDone () { if (argv['on-done']) cp.exec(argv['on-done']).unref() if (!playerName && !serving && argv.out) gracefulExit() } function fatalError (err) { clivas.line('{red:Error:} ' + (err.message || err)) process.exit(1) } function errorAndExit (err) { clivas.line('{red:Error:} ' + (err.message || err)) expectedError = true process.exit(1) } function gracefulExit () { process.removeListener('SIGINT', gracefulExit) process.removeListener('SIGTERM', gracefulExit) clearInterval(drawInterval) clivas.line('\n{green:webtorrent is exiting...}') if (!client) return if (argv['on-exit']) cp.exec(argv['on-exit']).unref() client.destroy(function (err) { if (err) return fatalError(err) // Quit after 1 second. This is only necessary for `webtorrent-hybrid` since // the `wrtc` package makes node never quit :( setTimeout(function () { process.exit(0) }, 1000).unref() }) }