module.exports = WebTorrent var concat = require('simple-concat') var createTorrent = require('create-torrent') var debug = require('debug')('webtorrent') var DHT = require('bittorrent-dht/client') // browser exclude var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter var extend = require('xtend') var hat = require('hat') var inherits = require('inherits') var loadIPSet = require('load-ip-set') // browser exclude var parallel = require('run-parallel') var parseTorrent = require('parse-torrent') var path = require('path') var Peer = require('simple-peer') var speedometer = require('speedometer') var zeroFill = require('zero-fill') var TCPPool = require('./lib/tcp-pool') // browser exclude var Torrent = require('./lib/torrent') /** * WebTorrent version. */ var VERSION = require('./package.json').version /** * Version number in Azureus-style. Generated from major and minor semver version. * For example: * '0.16.1' -> '0016' * '1.2.5' -> '0102' */ var VERSION_STR = VERSION.match(/([0-9]+)/g).slice(0, 2).map(zeroFill(2)).join('') /** * Version prefix string (used in peer ID). WebTorrent uses the Azureus-style * encoding: '-', two characters for client id ('WW'), four ascii digits for version * number, '-', followed by random numbers. * For example: * '-WW0102-'... */ var VERSION_PREFIX = '-WW' + VERSION_STR + '-' inherits(WebTorrent, EventEmitter) /** * WebTorrent Client * @param {Object=} opts */ function WebTorrent (opts) { var self = this if (!(self instanceof WebTorrent)) return new WebTorrent(opts) if (!opts) opts = {} if (typeof opts.peerId === 'string') { self.peerId = opts.peerId } else if (Buffer.isBuffer(opts.peerId)) { self.peerId = opts.peerId.toString('hex') } else { self.peerId = new Buffer(VERSION_PREFIX + hat(48)) } self.peerIdBuffer = new Buffer(self.peerId, 'hex') if (typeof opts.nodeId === 'string') { self.nodeId = opts.nodeId } else if (Buffer.isBuffer(opts.nodeId)) { self.nodeId = opts.nodeId.toString('hex') } else { self.nodeId = hat(160) } self.nodeIdBuffer = new Buffer(self.nodeId, 'hex') self.destroyed = false self.listening = false self.torrentPort = opts.torrentPort || 0 self.dhtPort = opts.dhtPort || 0 self.tracker = opts.tracker !== undefined ? opts.tracker : {} self.torrents = [] self.maxConns = Number(opts.maxConns) || 55 if (self.tracker) { if (typeof self.tracker !== 'object') self.tracker = {} if (opts.rtcConfig) { // TODO: remove in v1 console.warn('WebTorrent: opts.rtcConfig is deprecated. Use opts.tracker.rtcConfig instead') self.tracker.rtcConfig = opts.rtcConfig } if (opts.wrtc) { // TODO: remove in v1 console.warn('WebTorrent: opts.wrtc is deprecated. Use opts.tracker.wrtc instead') self.tracker.wrtc = opts.wrtc // to support `webtorrent-hybrid` package } if (global.WRTC && !self.tracker.wrtc) self.tracker.wrtc = global.WRTC } if (typeof TCPPool === 'function') { self._tcpPool = new TCPPool(self) } else { process.nextTick(function () { self._onListening() }) } // stats self._downloadSpeed = speedometer() self._uploadSpeed = speedometer() if (opts.dht !== false && typeof DHT === 'function' /* browser exclude */) { // use a single DHT instance for all torrents, so the routing table can be reused self.dht = new DHT(extend({ nodeId: self.nodeId }, opts.dht)) self.dht.once('error', function (err) { self._destroy(err) }) self.dht.once('listening', function () { var address = self.dht.address() if (address) self.dhtPort = address.port }) // Ignore warning when there are > 10 torrents in the client self.dht.setMaxListeners(0) self.dht.listen(self.dhtPort) } else { self.dht = false } debug('new webtorrent (peerId %s, nodeId %s)', self.peerId, self.nodeId) if (typeof loadIPSet === 'function') { loadIPSet(opts.blocklist, { headers: { 'user-agent': 'WebTorrent/' + VERSION + ' (' } }, function (err, ipSet) { if (err) return self.error('Failed to load blocklist: ' + err.message) self.blocked = ipSet ready() }) } else process.nextTick(ready) function ready () { if (self.destroyed) return self.ready = true self.emit('ready') } } WebTorrent.WEBRTC_SUPPORT = Peer.WEBRTC_SUPPORT Object.defineProperty(WebTorrent.prototype, 'downloadSpeed', { get: function () { return this._downloadSpeed() } }) Object.defineProperty(WebTorrent.prototype, 'uploadSpeed', { get: function () { return this._uploadSpeed() } }) Object.defineProperty(WebTorrent.prototype, 'progress', { get: function () { var torrents = this.torrents.filter(function (torrent) { return torrent.progress !== 1 }) var downloaded = torrents.reduce(function (total, torrent) { return total + torrent.downloaded }, 0) var length = torrents.reduce(function (total, torrent) { return total + (torrent.length || 0) }, 0) || 1 return downloaded / length } }) Object.defineProperty(WebTorrent.prototype, 'ratio', { get: function () { var uploaded = this.torrents.reduce(function (total, torrent) { return total + torrent.uploaded }, 0) var received = this.torrents.reduce(function (total, torrent) { return total + torrent.received }, 0) || 1 return uploaded / received } }) /** * Returns the torrent with the given `torrentId`. Convenience method. Easier than * searching through the `client.torrents` array. Returns `null` if no matching torrent * found. * * @param {string|Buffer|Object|Torrent} torrentId * @return {Torrent|null} */ WebTorrent.prototype.get = function (torrentId) { var self = this var i, torrent var len = self.torrents.length if (torrentId instanceof Torrent) { for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { torrent = self.torrents[i] if (torrent === torrentId) return torrent } } else { var parsed try { parsed = parseTorrent(torrentId) } catch (err) {} if (!parsed) return null if (!parsed.infoHash) throw new Error('Invalid torrent identifier') for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { torrent = self.torrents[i] if (torrent.infoHash === parsed.infoHash) return torrent } } return null } // TODO: remove in v1 = function (torrentId, opts, ontorrent) { console.warn('WebTorrent: is deprecated. Use client.add() instead') return this.add(torrentId, opts, ontorrent) } /** * Start downloading a new torrent. Aliased as ``. * @param {string|Buffer|Object} torrentId * @param {Object} opts torrent-specific options * @param {function=} ontorrent called when the torrent is ready (has metadata) */ WebTorrent.prototype.add = function (torrentId, opts, ontorrent) { var self = this if (self.destroyed) throw new Error('client is destroyed') if (typeof opts === 'function') return self.add(torrentId, null, opts) debug('add') opts = opts ? extend(opts) : {} var torrent = new Torrent(torrentId, self, opts) self.torrents.push(torrent) torrent.once('_infoHash', onInfoHash) torrent.once('ready', onReady) torrent.once('close', onClose) function onInfoHash () { if (self.destroyed) return for (var i = 0, len = self.torrents.length; i < len; i++) { var t = self.torrents[i] if (t.infoHash === torrent.infoHash && t !== torrent) { torrent._destroy(new Error('Cannot add duplicate torrent ' + torrent.infoHash)) return } } } function onReady () { if (self.destroyed) return if (typeof ontorrent === 'function') ontorrent(torrent) self.emit('torrent', torrent) } function onClose () { torrent.removeListener('_infoHash', onInfoHash) torrent.removeListener('ready', onReady) torrent.removeListener('close', onClose) } return torrent } /** * Start seeding a new file/folder. * @param {string|File|FileList|Buffer|Array.} input * @param {Object=} opts * @param {function=} onseed called when torrent is seeding */ WebTorrent.prototype.seed = function (input, opts, onseed) { var self = this if (self.destroyed) throw new Error('client is destroyed') if (typeof opts === 'function') return self.seed(input, null, opts) debug('seed') opts = opts ? extend(opts) : {} // When seeding from fs path, initialize store from that path to avoid a copy if (typeof input === 'string') opts.path = path.dirname(input) if (!opts.createdBy) opts.createdBy = 'WebTorrent/' + VERSION_STR if (!self.tracker) opts.announce = [] var torrent = self.add(null, opts, onTorrent) var streams if (!Array.isArray(input)) input = [ input ] parallel( (item) { return function (cb) { if (isReadable(item)) concat(item, cb) else cb(null, item) } }), function (err, input) { if (self.destroyed) return if (err) return torrent._destroy(err) createTorrent.parseInput(input, opts, function (err, files) { if (self.destroyed) return if (err) return torrent._destroy(err) streams = (file) { return file.getStream }) createTorrent(input, opts, function (err, torrentBuf) { if (self.destroyed) return if (err) return torrent._destroy(err) var existingTorrent = self.get(torrentBuf) if (existingTorrent) { torrent._destroy(new Error('Cannot add duplicate torrent ' + existingTorrent.infoHash)) } else { torrent._onTorrentId(torrentBuf) } }) }) }) function onTorrent (torrent) { var tasks = [ function (cb) { torrent.load(streams, cb) } ] if (self.dht) { tasks.push(function (cb) { torrent.once('dhtAnnounce', cb) }) } parallel(tasks, function (err) { if (self.destroyed) return if (err) return torrent._destroy(err) _onseed(torrent) }) } function _onseed (torrent) { debug('on seed') if (typeof onseed === 'function') onseed(torrent) self.emit('seed', torrent) } return torrent } /** * Remove a torrent from the client. * @param {string|Buffer|Torrent} torrentId * @param {function} cb */ WebTorrent.prototype.remove = function (torrentId, cb) { debug('remove') var torrent = this.get(torrentId) if (!torrent) throw new Error('No torrent with id ' + torrentId) this._remove(torrentId, cb) } WebTorrent.prototype._remove = function (torrentId, cb) { var torrent = this.get(torrentId) if (!torrent) return this.torrents.splice(this.torrents.indexOf(torrent), 1) torrent.destroy(cb) } WebTorrent.prototype.address = function () { if (!this.listening) return null return this._tcpPool ? this._tcpPool.server.address() : { address: '', family: 'IPv4', port: 0 } } /** * Destroy the client, including all torrents and connections to peers. * @param {function} cb */ WebTorrent.prototype.destroy = function (cb) { if (this.destroyed) throw new Error('client already destroyed') this._destroy(null, cb) } WebTorrent.prototype._destroy = function (err, cb) { var self = this debug('client destroy') self.destroyed = true var tasks = (torrent) { return function (cb) { torrent.destroy(cb) } }) if (self._tcpPool) { tasks.push(function (cb) { self._tcpPool.destroy(cb) }) } if (self.dht) { tasks.push(function (cb) { self.dht.destroy(cb) }) } parallel(tasks, cb) if (err) self.emit('error', err) self.torrents = [] self._tcpPool = null self.dht = null } WebTorrent.prototype._onListening = function () { this.listening = true if (this._tcpPool) { // Sometimes server.address() returns `null` in Docker. // WebTorrent issue: var address = this._tcpPool.server.address() if (address) this.torrentPort = address.port } this.emit('listening') } /** * Check if `obj` is a node Readable stream * @param {*} obj * @return {boolean} */ function isReadable (obj) { return typeof obj === 'object' && obj != null && typeof obj.pipe === 'function' }