module.exports = TorrentManager var $ = require('jquery') var async = require('async') var DHT = require('bittorrent-dht') var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter var hat = require('hat') var inherits = require('inherits') var portfinder = require('chrome-portfinder') var Torrent = require('./Torrent') var MAX_PEERS = 200 portfinder.basePort = Math.floor(Math.random() * 60000) + 1025 // >1024 inherits(TorrentManager, EventEmitter) function TorrentManager () { if (!(this instanceof TorrentManager)) return new TorrentManager() // TODO: should these ids be consistent between restarts? this.peerId = new Buffer('-WW0001-' + hat(48), 'utf8') this.nodeId = new Buffer(hat(160), 'hex') this.torrents = {} this.dht = new DHT({ nodeId: this.nodeId }) this.dht.on('node', this.updateUI.bind(this)) this.dht.on('peer', this.updateUI.bind(this)) this.dht.on('peer', function (addr, infoHash) { var torrent = this.torrents[infoHash] torrent.addPeer(addr) }.bind(this)) this.ready = false{ dhtPort: function (cb) { portfinder.getPort(cb) }, torrentPort: function (cb) { portfinder.getPort(cb) } }, function (err, r) { this.dhtPort = r.dhtPort this.torrentPort = r.torrentPort this.dht.listen(this.dhtPort, function () { this.ready = true this.emit('ready') }.bind(this)) }.bind(this)) } TorrentManager.prototype.add = function (uri) { if (!this.ready) return this.once('ready', this.add.bind(this, uri)) var torrent = new Torrent(uri, { peerId: this.peerId, port: this.torrentPort }) this.torrents[torrent.infoHash] = torrent torrent.on('listening', function (port) { console.log('Swarm listening on port ' + port) // TODO: Add the torrent to the public DHT so peers know to find up }) this.dht.setInfoHash(torrent.infoHash) this.dht.findPeers(MAX_PEERS) // TODO: should the DHT be concerned with max peers? this.updateUI() } // TODO: show multiple torrents TorrentManager.prototype.updateUI = function () { // console.log('Peer ID: ' + this.peerId.toString('utf8')) // console.log('Node ID: ' + this.nodeId.toString('hex')) $('.infoHash span').text(this.torrents['d2474e86c95b19b8bcfdb92bc12c9d44667cfa36'].infoHash) $('.displayName span').text(this.torrents['d2474e86c95b19b8bcfdb92bc12c9d44667cfa36'].displayName) $('.dhtNodes span').text(Object.keys(this.dht.nodes).length) $('.dhtPeers span').text(Object.keys(this.dht.peers).length) var connectedPeers = 0 for (var infoHash in this.torrents) { var torrent = this.torrents[infoHash] connectedPeers += torrent.numPeers } $('.connectedPeers span').text(connectedPeers) }