module.exports = File var eos = require('end-of-stream') var EventEmitter = require('events').EventEmitter var FileStream = require('./file-stream') var inherits = require('inherits') var path = require('path') var render = require('render-media') var stream = require('stream') var streamToBlobURL = require('stream-to-blob-url') var streamToBuffer = require('stream-with-known-length-to-buffer') inherits(File, EventEmitter) /** * @param {Torrent} torrent torrent that the file belongs to * @param {Object} file file object from the parsed torrent */ function File (torrent, file) { this._torrent = torrent = this.path = file.path this.length = file.length this.offset = file.offset this.done = false var start = file.offset var end = start + file.length - 1 this._startPiece = start / this._torrent.pieceLength | 0 this._endPiece = end / this._torrent.pieceLength | 0 if (this.length === 0) { this.done = true this.emit('done') } } /** * Selects the file to be downloaded, but at a lower priority than files with streams. * Useful if you know you need the file at a later stage. */ = function (priority) { if (this.length === 0) return, this._endPiece, priority) } /** * Deselects the file, which means it won't be downloaded unless someone creates a stream * for it. */ File.prototype.deselect = function () { if (this.length === 0) return this._torrent.deselect(this._startPiece, this._endPiece, false) } /** * Create a readable stream to the file. Pieces needed by the stream will be prioritized * highly and fetched from the swarm first. * * @param {Object=} opts * @param {number} opts.start start stream at byte (inclusive) * @param {number} opts.end end stream at byte (inclusive) * @return {FileStream} */ File.prototype.createReadStream = function (opts) { var self = this if (this.length === 0) { var empty = new stream.PassThrough() process.nextTick(function () { empty.end() }) return empty } var fileStream = new FileStream(self, opts), fileStream._endPiece, true, function () { fileStream._notify() }) eos(fileStream, function () { self._torrent.deselect(fileStream._startPiece, fileStream._endPiece, true) }) return fileStream } /** * @param {function} cb */ File.prototype.getBuffer = function (cb) { streamToBuffer(this.createReadStream(), this.length, cb) } /** * @param {function} cb */ File.prototype.getBlobURL = function (cb) { if (typeof window === 'undefined') throw new Error('browser-only method') var mime = render.mime[path.extname(] streamToBlobURL(this.createReadStream(), this.length, mime, cb) } /** * @param {Element|string} elem * @param {function} cb */ File.prototype.appendTo = function (elem, cb) { if (typeof window === 'undefined') throw new Error('browser-only method') render.append(this, elem, cb) } /** * @param {Element|string} elem * @param {function} cb */ File.prototype.renderTo = function (elem, cb) { if (typeof window === 'undefined') throw new Error('browser-only method') render.render(this, elem, cb) }