const { EventEmitter } = require('events') const { PassThrough } = require('readable-stream') const eos = require('end-of-stream') const path = require('path') const render = require('render-media') const streamToBlob = require('stream-to-blob') const streamToBlobURL = require('stream-to-blob-url') const streamToBuffer = require('stream-with-known-length-to-buffer') const FileStream = require('./file-stream') class File extends EventEmitter { constructor (torrent, file) { super() this._torrent = torrent this._destroyed = false = this.path = file.path this.length = file.length this.offset = file.offset this.done = false const start = file.offset const end = start + file.length - 1 this._startPiece = start / this._torrent.pieceLength | 0 this._endPiece = end / this._torrent.pieceLength | 0 if (this.length === 0) { this.done = true this.emit('done') } } get downloaded () { if (!this._torrent.bitfield) return 0 const { pieces, bitfield, pieceLength } = this._torrent const { _startPiece: start, _endPiece: end } = this const piece = pieces[start] // Calculate first piece diffrently, it sometimes have a offset let downloaded = bitfield.get(start) ? pieceLength - (this.offset % pieceLength) : Math.max(piece.length - piece.missing - this.offset, 0) for (let index = start + 1; index <= end; ++index) { if (bitfield.get(index)) { // verified data downloaded += pieceLength } else { // "in progress" data const piece = pieces[index] downloaded += piece.length - piece.missing } } // We don't have a end-offset and one small file can fith in the middle // of one chunk, so return this.length if it's oversized return Math.min(downloaded, this.length) } get progress () { return this.length ? this.downloaded / this.length : 0 } select (priority) { if (this.length === 0) return, this._endPiece, priority) } deselect () { if (this.length === 0) return this._torrent.deselect(this._startPiece, this._endPiece, false) } createReadStream (opts) { if (this.length === 0) { const empty = new PassThrough() process.nextTick(() => { empty.end() }) return empty } const fileStream = new FileStream(this, opts), fileStream._endPiece, true, () => { fileStream._notify() }) eos(fileStream, () => { if (this._destroyed) return if (!this._torrent.destroyed) { this._torrent.deselect(fileStream._startPiece, fileStream._endPiece, true) } }) return fileStream } getBuffer (cb) { streamToBuffer(this.createReadStream(), this.length, cb) } getBlob (cb) { if (typeof window === 'undefined') throw new Error('browser-only method') streamToBlob(this.createReadStream(), this._getMimeType(), cb) } getBlobURL (cb) { if (typeof window === 'undefined') throw new Error('browser-only method') streamToBlobURL(this.createReadStream(), this._getMimeType(), cb) } appendTo (elem, opts, cb) { if (typeof window === 'undefined') throw new Error('browser-only method') render.append(this, elem, opts, cb) } renderTo (elem, opts, cb) { if (typeof window === 'undefined') throw new Error('browser-only method') render.render(this, elem, opts, cb) } _getMimeType () { return render.mime[path.extname(] } _destroy () { this._destroyed = true this._torrent = null } } module.exports = File