const EventEmitter = require('events') const { PassThrough } = require('stream') const path = require('path') const render = require('render-media') const streamToBlob = require('stream-to-blob') const streamToBlobURL = require('stream-to-blob-url') const streamToBuffer = require('stream-with-known-length-to-buffer') const queueMicrotask = require('queue-microtask') const rangeParser = require('range-parser') const mime = require('mime') const eos = require('end-of-stream') const FileStream = require('./file-stream.js') class File extends EventEmitter { constructor (torrent, file) { super() this._torrent = torrent this._destroyed = false this._fileStreams = new Set() = this.path = file.path this.length = file.length this.offset = file.offset this.done = false const start = file.offset const end = start + file.length - 1 this._startPiece = start / this._torrent.pieceLength | 0 this._endPiece = end / this._torrent.pieceLength | 0 if (this.length === 0) { this.done = true this.emit('done') } this._serviceWorker = torrent.client.serviceWorker } get downloaded () { if (this._destroyed || !this._torrent.bitfield) return 0 const { pieces, bitfield, pieceLength, lastPieceLength } = this._torrent const { _startPiece: start, _endPiece: end } = this const getPieceLength = (pieceIndex) => ( pieceIndex === pieces.length - 1 ? lastPieceLength : pieceLength ) const getPieceDownloaded = (pieceIndex) => { const len = pieceIndex === pieces.length - 1 ? lastPieceLength : pieceLength if (bitfield.get(pieceIndex)) { // verified data return len } else { // "in progress" data return len - pieces[pieceIndex].missing } } let downloaded = 0 for (let index = start; index <= end; index += 1) { const pieceDownloaded = getPieceDownloaded(index) downloaded += pieceDownloaded if (index === start) { // First piece may have an offset, e.g. irrelevant bytes from the end of // the previous file const irrelevantFirstPieceBytes = this.offset % pieceLength downloaded -= Math.min(irrelevantFirstPieceBytes, pieceDownloaded) } if (index === end) { // Last piece may have an offset, e.g. irrelevant bytes from the start // of the next file const irrelevantLastPieceBytes = getPieceLength(end) - (this.offset + this.length) % pieceLength downloaded -= Math.min(irrelevantLastPieceBytes, pieceDownloaded) } } return downloaded } get progress () { return this.length ? this.downloaded / this.length : 0 } select (priority) { if (this.length === 0) return, this._endPiece, priority) } deselect () { if (this.length === 0) return this._torrent.deselect(this._startPiece, this._endPiece, false) } createReadStream (opts) { if (this.length === 0) { const empty = new PassThrough() queueMicrotask(() => { empty.end() }) return empty } const fileStream = new FileStream(this, opts) this._fileStreams.add(fileStream) fileStream.once('close', () => { this._fileStreams.delete(fileStream) }) return fileStream } getBuffer (cb) { streamToBuffer(this.createReadStream(), this.length, cb) } getBlob (cb) { if (typeof window === 'undefined') throw new Error('browser-only method') streamToBlob(this.createReadStream(), this._getMimeType()) .then( blob => cb(null, blob), err => cb(err) ) } getBlobURL (cb) { if (typeof window === 'undefined') throw new Error('browser-only method') streamToBlobURL(this.createReadStream(), this._getMimeType()) .then( blobUrl => cb(null, blobUrl), err => cb(err) ) } appendTo (elem, opts, cb) { if (typeof window === 'undefined') throw new Error('browser-only method') render.append(this, elem, opts, cb) } renderTo (elem, opts, cb) { if (typeof window === 'undefined') throw new Error('browser-only method') render.render(this, elem, opts, cb) } _serve (req) { const res = { status: 200, headers: { // Support range-requests 'Accept-Ranges': 'bytes', 'Content-Type': mime.getType(, 'Cache-Control': 'no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate, max-age=0', Expires: '0' }, body: req.method === 'HEAD' ? '' : 'STREAM' } // force the browser to download the file if if it's opened in a new tab if (req.destination === 'document') { res.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/octet-stream' res.headers['Content-Disposition'] = 'attachment' res.body = 'DOWNLOAD' } // `rangeParser` returns an array of ranges, or an error code (number) if // there was an error parsing the range. let range = rangeParser(this.length, req.headers.range || '') if (range.constructor === Array) { res.status = 206 // indicates that range-request was understood // no support for multi-range request, just use the first range range = range[0] res.headers['Content-Range'] = `bytes ${range.start}-${range.end}/${this.length}` res.headers['Content-Length'] = `${range.end - range.start + 1}` } else { res.headers['Content-Length'] = this.length } const stream = req.method === 'GET' && this.createReadStream(range) let pipe = null if (stream) { this.emit('stream', { stream, req, file: this }, piped => { pipe = piped // piped stream might not close the original filestream on close/error, this is agressive but necessary eos(piped, () => { if (piped) piped.destroy() stream.destroy() }) }) } return [res, pipe || stream, pipe && stream] } getStreamURL (cb = () => {}) { if (typeof window === 'undefined') throw new Error('browser-only method') if (!this._serviceWorker) throw new Error('No worker registered') if (this._serviceWorker.state !== 'activated') throw new Error('Worker isn\'t activated') const workerPath = this._serviceWorker.scriptURL.slice(0, this._serviceWorker.scriptURL.lastIndexOf('/') + 1).slice(window.location.origin.length) const url = `${workerPath}webtorrent/${this._torrent.infoHash}/${encodeURI(this.path)}` cb(null, url) } streamTo (elem, cb = () => {}) { if (typeof window === 'undefined') throw new Error('browser-only method') if (!this._serviceWorker) throw new Error('No worker registered') if (this._serviceWorker.state !== 'activated') throw new Error('Worker isn\'t activated') const workerPath = this._serviceWorker.scriptURL.slice(0, this._serviceWorker.scriptURL.lastIndexOf('/') + 1).slice(window.location.origin.length) elem.src = `${workerPath}webtorrent/${this._torrent.infoHash}/${encodeURI(this.path)}` cb(null, elem) } _getMimeType () { return render.mime[path.extname(] } _destroy () { this._destroyed = true this._torrent = null for (const fileStream of this._fileStreams) { fileStream.destroy() } this._fileStreams.clear() } } module.exports = File