var auto = require('run-auto') var fs = require('fs') var parseTorrent = require('parse-torrent') var test = require('tape') var TrackerServer = require('bittorrent-tracker/server') var WebTorrent = require('../') var leavesTorrent = fs.readFileSync(__dirname + '/torrents/leaves.torrent') var leavesParsed = parseTorrent(leavesTorrent) test('blocklist blocks peers discovered via tracker', function (t) { t.plan(8) auto({ tracker: function (cb) { var tracker = new TrackerServer({ udp: false, ws: false }) tracker.listen(function () { var port = tracker.http.address().port var announceUrl = '' + port + '/announce' // Overwrite announce with our local tracker leavesParsed.announce = [ announceUrl ] cb(null, tracker) }) tracker.on('start', function () { t.pass('client connected to tracker') // 2x, once for each client }) }, client1: ['tracker', function (cb) { var client1 = new WebTorrent({ dht: false }) client1.on('error', function (err) { }) client1.on('warning', function (err) { }) var torrent1 = client1.add(leavesParsed) torrent1.on('peer', function () { t.pass('client1 found itself') cb(null, client1) }) torrent1.on('blockedPeer', function () {'client1 should not block any peers') }) }], client2: ['client1', function (cb) { var client2 = new WebTorrent({ dht: false, blocklist: [ '' ] }) client2.on('error', function (err) { }) client2.on('warning', function (err) { }) var torrent2 = client2.add(leavesParsed) torrent2.on('blockedPeer', function () { t.pass('client2 blocked connection') // 2x, once for each client cb(null, client2) }) torrent2.on('peer', function () {'client2 should not find any peers') }) }] }, function (err, r) { if (err) throw err r.tracker.close(function () { t.pass('tracker closed') }) r.client1.destroy(function () { t.pass('client1 destroyed') }) r.client2.destroy(function () { t.pass('client2 destroyed') }) }) })