var auto = require('run-auto') var finalhandler = require('finalhandler') var fs = require('fs') var http = require('http') var parseTorrent = require('parse-torrent') var path = require('path') var serveStatic = require('serve-static') var test = require('tape') var WebTorrent = require('../') var leavesPath = path.resolve(__dirname, 'content', 'Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman.epub') var leavesFilename = 'Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman.epub' var leavesFile = fs.readFileSync(leavesPath) var leavesTorrent = fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(__dirname, 'torrents', 'leaves.torrent')) var leavesParsed = parseTorrent(leavesTorrent) // remove trackers from .torrent file leavesParsed.announce = [] test('Download using webseed (via magnet uri)', function (t) { t.plan(9) var serve = serveStatic(path.join(__dirname, 'content')) var httpServer = http.createServer(function (req, res) { var done = finalhandler(req, res) serve(req, res, done) }) var magnetUri httpServer.on('error', function (err) { }) auto({ httpPort: function (cb) { httpServer.listen(cb) }, client1: ['httpPort', function (cb) { var client1 = new WebTorrent({ tracker: false, dht: false }) client1.on('error', function (err) { }) client1.on('warning', function (err) { }) client1.add(leavesParsed) var gotTorrent = false var gotListening = false function maybeDone () { if (gotTorrent && gotListening) cb(null, client1) } client1.on('torrent', function (torrent) { // torrent metadata has been fetched -- sanity check it t.equal(, 'Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman.epub') var names = [ 'Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman.epub' ] t.deepEqual( (file) { return }), names) // NOTE: client1 is *NOT* a seeder. Just has the metadata. gotTorrent = true maybeDone() }) client1.on('listening', function () { gotListening = true maybeDone() }) }], client2: ['client1', 'httpPort', function (cb, r) { var webSeedUrl = 'http://localhost:' + httpServer.address().port + '/' + leavesFilename magnetUri = 'magnet:?xt=urn:btih:' + leavesParsed.infoHash + '&ws=' + encodeURIComponent(webSeedUrl) var client2 = new WebTorrent({ tracker: false, dht: false }) client2.on('error', function (err) { }) client2.on('warning', function (err) { }) client2.on('torrent', function (torrent) { torrent.files.forEach(function (file) { file.getBuffer(function (err, buf) { t.error(err) t.deepEqual(buf, leavesFile, 'downloaded correct content') gotBuffer = true maybeDone() }) }) torrent.once('done', function () { t.pass('client2 downloaded torrent from client1') torrentDone = true maybeDone() }) var gotBuffer = false var torrentDone = false function maybeDone () { if (gotBuffer && torrentDone) cb(null, client2) } }) client2.add(magnetUri) client2.on('listening', function (port, torrent) { torrent.addPeer('' + r.client1.torrentPort) }) }] }, function (err, r) { t.error(err) r.client1.destroy(function () { t.pass('client destroyed') }) r.client2.destroy(function () { t.pass('client destroyed') }) httpServer.close(function () { t.pass('http server closed') }) }) })