var DHT = require('bittorrent-dht/server') var fixtures = require('webtorrent-fixtures') var fs = require('fs') var MemoryChunkStore = require('memory-chunk-store') var series = require('run-series') var test = require('tape') var WebTorrent = require('../../') test('Seed and download a file at the same time', function (t) { t.plan(14) var dhtServer = new DHT({ bootstrap: false }) dhtServer.on('error', function (err) { }) dhtServer.on('warning', function (err) { }) var client1, client2 series([ function (cb) { dhtServer.listen(cb) }, function (cb) { client1 = new WebTorrent({ tracker: false, dht: { bootstrap: '' + dhtServer.address().port } }) client1.on('error', function (err) { }) client1.on('warning', function (err) { }) var torrent = client1.add(fixtures.leaves.torrent, { store: MemoryChunkStore }) torrent.on('dhtAnnounce', function () { t.pass('client1 finished dht announce') announced = true maybeDone() }) torrent.load(fs.createReadStream(fixtures.leaves.contentPath), function (err) { t.error(err, 'client1 started seeding') loaded = true maybeDone() }) var announced = false var loaded = false function maybeDone () { if (announced && loaded) cb(null) } }, function (cb) { client2 = new WebTorrent({ tracker: false, dht: { bootstrap: '' + dhtServer.address().port } }) client2.on('error', function (err) { }) client2.on('warning', function (err) { }) var torrent = client2.add(fixtures.alice.torrent, { store: MemoryChunkStore }) torrent.on('dhtAnnounce', function () { t.pass('client2 finished dht announce') announced = true maybeDone() }) torrent.load(fs.createReadStream(fixtures.alice.contentPath), function (err) { t.error(err, 'client2 started seeding') loaded = true maybeDone() }) var announced = false var loaded = false function maybeDone () { if (announced && loaded) cb(null) } }, function (cb) { client1.add(fixtures.alice.magnetURI, { store: MemoryChunkStore }) client1.on('torrent', function (torrent) { torrent.files[0].getBuffer(function (err, buf) { t.error(err) t.deepEqual(buf, fixtures.alice.content, 'client1 downloaded correct content') gotBuffer1 = true maybeDone() }) torrent.once('done', function () { t.pass('client1 downloaded torrent from client2') gotDone1 = true maybeDone() }) }) client2.add(fixtures.leaves.magnetURI, { store: MemoryChunkStore }) client2.on('torrent', function (torrent) { torrent.files[0].getBuffer(function (err, buf) { t.error(err) t.deepEqual(buf, fixtures.leaves.content, 'client2 downloaded correct content') gotBuffer2 = true maybeDone() }) torrent.once('done', function () { t.pass('client2 downloaded torrent from client1') gotDone2 = true maybeDone() }) }) var gotBuffer1 = false var gotBuffer2 = false var gotDone1 = false var gotDone2 = false function maybeDone () { if (gotBuffer1 && gotBuffer2 && gotDone1 && gotDone2) cb(null) } } ], function (err) { t.error(err) client1.destroy(function (err) { t.error(err, 'client1 destroyed') }) client2.destroy(function (err) { t.error(err, 'client2 destroyed') }) dhtServer.destroy(function (err) { t.error(err, 'dht server destroyed') }) }) })