var hat = require('hat') var Swarm = require('../../lib/swarm') var test = require('tape') var infoHash = 'd2474e86c95b19b8bcfdb92bc12c9d44667cfa36' var peerId1 = new Buffer('-WW0001-' + hat(48), 'utf8').toString('hex') var peerId2 = new Buffer('-WW0001-' + hat(48), 'utf8').toString('hex') test('timeout if no handshake in 25 seconds', function (t) { t.plan(4) var swarm1 = new Swarm(infoHash, peerId1) var _addIncomingPeer = swarm1._addIncomingPeer swarm1._addIncomingPeer = function (peer) { // Nuke the handshake function on swarm1's peer to test swarm2's // handshake timeout code peer.wire.handshake = function () {}, peer) } swarm1.listen(0, function () { var swarm2 = new Swarm(infoHash, peerId2) var numWires = 0 swarm1.on('wire', function (wire) { numWires += 1 if (numWires === 1) { t.ok(wire, 'Got wire via listening port') t.equal(swarm1.wires.length, 1) // swarm2 should never get a wire since swarm1 refuses to send it a // handshake t.equal(swarm2.wires.length, 0) } else if (numWires === 2) { t.pass('swarm2 reconnected after timeout') swarm1.destroy() swarm2.destroy() } else {'got wire after destroy') } }) swarm2.on('wire', function (wire) {'Should not get a wire because peer did not handshake') }) swarm2.addPeer('' + swarm1.address().port) }) })