OC.L10N.register( "checksum", { "The algorithm type \"%s\" is not a valid or supported algorithm type." : "算法类型\"%s\"无效或不受支持", "File not found." : "未找到文件", "Checksum" : "校验和", "Creating a hash checksum of a file." : "创建文件的哈希校验和", "Allows users to create a hash checksum of a file.\n Possible algorithms are md5, sha1, sha256, sha384, sha512 and crc32.\n\n Just open the details view of the file (Sidebar). There should be a new tab called \"Checksum\".\n Select a algorithm and it will try to generate a hash.\n If you want an other algorithm, just click on the reload button." : "允许用户为文件创建一个哈希校验器\n可以使用md5,sha1,sha256,sha384,sha512以及crc32算法。\n\n打开文件(侧边栏)的详细信息视图,将会看见一个新的“校验和”标签。\n选择一个算法后将会生成哈希值。\n如果你想使用其他算法,点击重载按钮即可。", "Choose Algorithm" : "选择算法" }, "nplurals=1; plural=0;");