# Boost.AFIO # # This documentation machinery is derived from Boost.Geometry # Use, modification and distribution is subject to the Boost Software License, # Version 1.0. (See accompanying file LICENSE_1_0.txt or copy at # http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) import os ; project afio/doc ; using quickbook ; path-constant here : . ; make disqus_comments.html : ./disqus_comments.html : @copy_disqus_identifiers ; if [ os.name ] = NT { actions copy_disqus_identifiers { for %%a in ("$(>)") do set src_path=%%~dpa\disqus_identifiers for %%a in ("$(<)") do set dest_path=%%~dpa\disqus_identifiers robocopy /E %src_path% %dest_path% copy /B $(>) $(<) } } else { actions copy_disqus_identifiers { cp -a `dirname $(>)`/disqus_identifiers `dirname $(<)`/disqus_identifiers cp -a $(>) $(<) } } boostbook afio : afio.qbk : Jamfile.v2 generated/class_dispatcher.qbk chunk.section.depth=4 # off # on # off # index.on.type=1 # html chunk.first.sections=1 toc.section.depth=4 toc.max.depth=4 generate.section.toc.level=4 boost.root=../.. onehtml:img.src.path=../../../../libs/afio/doc/src/images/a/b/ html:img.src.path=../../../../libs/afio/doc/src/images/a/b/ xhtml:img.src.path=../../../../libs/afio/doc/src/images/a/b/ pdf:img.src.path=../../../../../../libs/afio/doc/src/images/ root.filename=afio html.stylesheet=../../libs/afio/doc/html/myboostbook.css enable_index $(here) pdf:boost.url.prefix=https://ci.nedprod.com/ fop1.extensions=0 #pdf:xep.extensions=1 # TOC generation: this is needed for FOP 0.2, but must not be set to zero for FOP-0.9! pdf:fop.extensions=0 # No indent on body text: pdf:body.start.indent=0pt # Margin size: pdf:page.margin.inner=0.5in # Margin size: pdf:page.margin.outer=0.5in ; install pdfinstall : afio/pdf : . afio.pdf PDF ; explicit pdfinstall ;