/* Misc utilities (C) 2016-2021 Niall Douglas (6 commits) File Created: Jan 2015 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License in the accompanying file Licence.txt or at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file Licence.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) */ #include "../../../utils.hpp" #include // for lock_guard #include #ifdef __linux__ #include // for preadv #endif #ifdef __APPLE__ #include #include #include #include #include #include #endif LLFIO_V2_NAMESPACE_BEGIN namespace utils { size_t page_size() noexcept { static size_t ret; if(ret == 0u) { ret = getpagesize(); } return ret; } const std::vector &page_sizes(bool only_actually_available) { static spinlock lock; std::lock_guard g(lock); static std::vector pagesizes, pagesizes_available; if(pagesizes.empty()) { #if defined(__FreeBSD__) pagesizes.resize(32); int out; if(-1 == (out = getpagesizes(pagesizes.data(), 32))) { pagesizes.clear(); pagesizes.push_back(getpagesize()); pagesizes_available.push_back(getpagesize()); } else { pagesizes.resize(out); pagesizes_available = pagesizes; } #elif defined(__APPLE__) // I can't find how to determine what the super page size is on OS X programmatically // It appears to be hard coded into mach/vm_statistics.h which says that it's always 2Mb // Therefore, we hard code 2Mb pagesizes.push_back(getpagesize()); pagesizes_available.push_back(getpagesize()); pagesizes.push_back(2 * 1024 * 1024); pagesizes_available.push_back(2 * 1024 * 1024); #elif defined(__linux__) pagesizes.push_back(getpagesize()); pagesizes_available.push_back(getpagesize()); int ih = ::open("/proc/meminfo", O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC); if(-1 != ih) { char buffer[4096], *hugepagesize, *hugepages; buffer[::read(ih, buffer, sizeof(buffer) - 1)] = 0; ::close(ih); hugepagesize = strstr(buffer, "Hugepagesize:"); hugepages = strstr(buffer, "HugePages_Total:"); if((hugepagesize != nullptr) && (hugepages != nullptr)) { unsigned _hugepages = 0, _hugepagesize = 0; while(*++hugepagesize != ' ') { ; } while(*++hugepages != ' ') { ; } while(*++hugepagesize == ' ') { ; } while(*++hugepages == ' ') { ; } sscanf(hugepagesize, "%u", &_hugepagesize); // NOLINT sscanf(hugepages, "%u", &_hugepages); // NOLINT if(_hugepagesize != 0u) { pagesizes.push_back((static_cast(_hugepagesize)) * 1024); if(_hugepages != 0u) { pagesizes_available.push_back((static_cast(_hugepagesize)) * 1024); } } } } #else #warning page_sizes() does not know this platform, so assuming getpagesize() is the best available pagesizes.push_back(getpagesize()); pagesizes_available.push_back(getpagesize()); #endif } return only_actually_available ? pagesizes_available : pagesizes; } #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(pop) #endif void random_fill(char *buffer, size_t bytes) noexcept { static spinlock lock; static std::atomic randomfd(-1); int fd = randomfd; if(-1 == fd) { std::lock_guard g(lock); randomfd = fd = ::open("/dev/urandom", O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC); } if(-1 == fd || ::read(fd, buffer, bytes) < static_cast(bytes)) { LLFIO_LOG_FATAL(0, "llfio: Kernel crypto function failed"); std::terminate(); } } result flush_modified_data() noexcept { ::sync(); return success(); } result drop_filesystem_cache() noexcept { (void) flush_modified_data(); #ifdef __linux__ int h = ::open("/proc/sys/vm/drop_caches", O_WRONLY | O_CLOEXEC); if(h == -1) { return posix_error(); } auto unh = make_scope_exit([&h]() noexcept { ::close(h); }); char v = '3'; // drop everything if(-1 == ::write(h, &v, 1)) { return posix_error(); } return success(); #endif return errc::not_supported; } bool running_under_wsl() noexcept { #ifdef __linux__ static int cached; if(cached != 0) { return cached == 2; } int h = ::open("/proc/version", O_RDONLY | O_CLOEXEC); if(h == -1) { cached = 1; return false; } auto unh = make_scope_exit([&h]() noexcept { ::close(h); }); char buffer[257]; ssize_t bytes = ::read(h, buffer, 256); if(bytes == -1) { cached = 1; return false; } buffer[bytes] = 0; if(strstr(buffer, "-Microsoft (Microsoft@Microsoft.com)") != nullptr) { cached = 2; return true; } cached = 1; #endif return false; } result current_process_memory_usage() noexcept { #ifdef __linux__ try { /* /proc/[pid]/status: total_address_space_in_use = VmSize total_address_space_paged_in = VmRSS private_committed = ??? MISSING private_paged_in = RssAnon /proc/[pid]/smaps: total_address_space_in_use = Sum of Size total_address_space_paged_in = Sum of Rss private_committed = Sum of Size for all entries with VmFlags containing ac, and inode = 0? private_paged_in = (Sum of Anonymous - Sum of LazyFree) for all entries with VmFlags containing ac, and inode = 0? */ std::vector buffer(65536); for(;;) { int ih = ::open("/proc/self/smaps", O_RDONLY); if(ih == -1) { return posix_error(); } size_t totalbytesread = 0; for(;;) { auto bytesread = ::read(ih, buffer.data() + totalbytesread, buffer.size() - totalbytesread); if(bytesread < 0) { ::close(ih); return posix_error(); } if(bytesread == 0) { break; } totalbytesread += bytesread; } ::close(ih); if(totalbytesread < buffer.size()) { buffer.resize(totalbytesread); break; } buffer.resize(buffer.size() * 2); } const string_view totalview(buffer.data(), buffer.size()); // std::cerr << totalview << std::endl; std::vector anon_entries, non_anon_entries; anon_entries.reserve(32); non_anon_entries.reserve(32); auto sizeidx = totalview.find("\nSize:"); while(sizeidx < totalview.size()) { auto itemtopidx = totalview.rfind("\n", sizeidx - 1); if(string_view::npos == itemtopidx) { itemtopidx = 0; } // hexaddr-hexaddr flags offset dev:id inode [path] size_t begin, end, offset, inode = 1; char f1, f2, f3, f4, f5, f6, f7, f8; sscanf(totalview.data() + itemtopidx, "%zx-%zx %c%c%c%c %zx %c%c:%c%c %zu", &begin, &end, &f1, &f2, &f3, &f4, &offset, &f5, &f6, &f7, &f8, &inode); sizeidx = totalview.find("\nSize:", sizeidx + 1); if(string_view::npos == sizeidx) { sizeidx = totalview.size(); } auto itemendidx = totalview.rfind("\n", sizeidx - 1); if(string_view::npos == itemendidx) { abort(); } const string_view item(totalview.substr(itemtopidx + 1, itemendidx - itemtopidx - 1)); auto vmflagsidx = item.rfind("\n"); if(string_view::npos == itemendidx) { abort(); } if(0 != memcmp(item.data() + vmflagsidx, "\nVmFlags:", 9)) { return errc::illegal_byte_sequence; } // Is there " ac" after vmflagsidx? if(string_view::npos != item.find(" ac", vmflagsidx) && inode == 0) { // std::cerr << "Adding anon entry at offset " << itemtopidx << std::endl; anon_entries.push_back(item); } else { // std::cerr << "Adding non-anon entry at offset " << itemtopidx << std::endl; non_anon_entries.push_back(item); } } auto parse = [](string_view item, string_view what) -> result { auto idx = item.find(what); if(string_view::npos == idx) { return (uint64_t) -1; } idx += what.size(); for(; item[idx] == ' '; idx++) ; auto eidx = idx; for(; item[eidx] != '\n'; eidx++) ; string_view unit(item.substr(eidx - 2, 2)); uint64_t value = atoll(item.data() + idx); if(unit == "kB") { value *= 1024ULL; } else if(unit == "mB") { value *= 1024ULL * 1024; } else if(unit == "gB") { value *= 1024ULL * 1024 * 1024; } else if(unit == "tB") { value *= 1024ULL * 1024 * 1024 * 1024; } else if(unit == "pB") { value *= 1024ULL * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024; } else if(unit == "eB") { value *= 1024ULL * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024; } else if(unit == "zB") { value *= 1024ULL * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024; } else if(unit == "yB") { value *= 1024ULL * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024; } else { return errc::illegal_byte_sequence; } return value; }; process_memory_usage ret; // std::cerr << "Anon entries:"; for(auto &i : anon_entries) { OUTCOME_TRY(auto &&size, parse(i, "\nSize:")); OUTCOME_TRY(auto &&rss, parse(i, "\nRss:")); OUTCOME_TRY(auto &&anonymous, parse(i, "\nAnonymous:")); OUTCOME_TRY(auto &&lazyfree, parse(i, "\nLazyFree:")); if(size != (uint64_t) -1 && rss != (uint64_t) -1 && anonymous != (uint64_t) -1) { ret.total_address_space_in_use += size; ret.total_address_space_paged_in += rss; ret.private_committed += size; ret.private_paged_in += anonymous; if(lazyfree != (uint64_t) -1) { ret.total_address_space_paged_in -= lazyfree; ret.private_paged_in -= lazyfree; } } // std::cerr << i << "\nSize = " << size << " Rss = " << rss << std::endl; } // std::cerr << "\n\nNon-anon entries:"; for(auto &i : non_anon_entries) { OUTCOME_TRY(auto &&size, parse(i, "\nSize:")); OUTCOME_TRY(auto &&rss, parse(i, "\nRss:")); OUTCOME_TRY(auto &&lazyfree, parse(i, "\nLazyFree:")); if(size != (uint64_t) -1 && rss != (uint64_t) -1) { ret.total_address_space_in_use += size; ret.total_address_space_paged_in += rss; if(lazyfree != (uint64_t) -1) { ret.total_address_space_paged_in -= lazyfree; } } // std::cerr << i << "\nSize = " << size << " Rss = " << rss << std::endl; } return ret; } catch(...) { return error_from_exception(); } #elif defined(__APPLE__) kern_return_t error; mach_msg_type_number_t outCount; task_vm_info_data_t vmInfo; // task_kernelmemory_info_data_t kmInfo; outCount = TASK_VM_INFO_COUNT; error = task_info(mach_task_self(), TASK_VM_INFO, (task_info_t) &vmInfo, &outCount); if(error != KERN_SUCCESS) { return errc::invalid_argument; } // outCount = TASK_KERNELMEMORY_INFO_COUNT; // error = task_info(mach_task_self(), TASK_KERNELMEMORY_INFO, (task_info_t)&kmInfo, &outCount); // if (error != KERN_SUCCESS) { // return errc::invalid_argument; //} // std::cout << vmInfo.virtual_size << "\n" << vmInfo.region_count << "\n" << vmInfo.resident_size << "\n" << vmInfo.device << "\n" << vmInfo.internal << // "\n" << vmInfo.external << "\n" << vmInfo.reusable << "\n" << vmInfo.purgeable_volatile_pmap<< "\n" << vmInfo.purgeable_volatile_resident << "\n" << // vmInfo.purgeable_volatile_virtual << "\n" << vmInfo.compressed << "\n" << vmInfo.phys_footprint << std::endl; std::cout << "\n" << kmInfo.total_palloc << // "\n" << kmInfo.total_pfree << "\n" << kmInfo.total_salloc << "\n" << kmInfo.total_sfree << std::endl; process_memory_usage ret; ret.total_address_space_in_use = vmInfo.virtual_size; ret.total_address_space_paged_in = vmInfo.resident_size; ret.private_committed = vmInfo.internal + vmInfo.compressed; ret.private_paged_in = vmInfo.phys_footprint; return ret; #else #error Unknown platform #endif } result current_process_cpu_usage() noexcept { process_cpu_usage ret; memset(&ret, 0, sizeof(ret)); #ifdef __linux__ try { /* Need to multiply all below by 1000000000ULL / sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK) /proc/[pid]/stat: %*d %*s %*c %*d %*d %*d %*d %*d %*u %*lu %*lu %*lu %*lu %lu %lu The last two are process user time and process kernel time. /proc/stat: cpu */ std::vector buffer1(65536), buffer2(65536); auto fill_buffer = [](std::vector &buffer, const char *path) -> result { for(;;) { int ih = ::open(path, O_RDONLY); if(ih == -1) { return posix_error(); } size_t totalbytesread = 0; for(;;) { auto bytesread = ::read(ih, buffer.data() + totalbytesread, buffer.size() - totalbytesread); if(bytesread < 0) { ::close(ih); return posix_error(); } if(bytesread == 0) { break; } totalbytesread += bytesread; } ::close(ih); if(totalbytesread < buffer.size()) { buffer.resize(totalbytesread); break; } buffer.resize(buffer.size() * 2); } return success(); }; static const uint64_t ts_multiplier = 1000000000ULL / sysconf(_SC_CLK_TCK); OUTCOME_TRY(fill_buffer(buffer1, "/proc/self/stat")); OUTCOME_TRY(fill_buffer(buffer2, "/proc/stat")); if(sscanf(buffer1.data(), "%*d %*s %*c %*d %*d %*d %*d %*d %*u %*u %*u %*u %*u %lu %lu", &ret.process_ns_in_user_mode, &ret.process_ns_in_kernel_mode) < 2) { return errc::protocol_error; } uint64_t user_nice; if(sscanf(buffer2.data(), "cpu %lu %lu %lu %lu", &ret.system_ns_in_user_mode, &user_nice, &ret.system_ns_in_kernel_mode, &ret.system_ns_in_idle_mode) < 4) { return errc::protocol_error; } ret.system_ns_in_user_mode += user_nice; ret.process_ns_in_user_mode *= ts_multiplier; ret.process_ns_in_kernel_mode *= ts_multiplier; ret.system_ns_in_user_mode *= ts_multiplier; ret.system_ns_in_kernel_mode *= ts_multiplier; ret.system_ns_in_idle_mode *= ts_multiplier; return ret; } catch(...) { return error_from_exception(); } #elif defined(__APPLE__) kern_return_t error; mach_msg_type_number_t outCount; task_basic_info_64 processInfo1; task_thread_times_info processInfo2; outCount = TASK_BASIC_INFO_64_COUNT; error = task_info(mach_task_self(), TASK_BASIC_INFO_64, (task_info_t) &processInfo1, &outCount); if(error != KERN_SUCCESS) { return errc::invalid_argument; } outCount = TASK_THREAD_TIMES_INFO_COUNT; error = task_info(mach_task_self(), TASK_THREAD_TIMES_INFO, (task_info_t) &processInfo2, &outCount); if(error != KERN_SUCCESS) { return errc::invalid_argument; } ret.process_ns_in_user_mode = (processInfo1.user_time.seconds + processInfo2.user_time.seconds) * 1000000000ULL + (processInfo1.user_time.microseconds + processInfo2.user_time.microseconds) * 1000ULL; ret.process_ns_in_kernel_mode = (processInfo1.system_time.seconds + processInfo2.system_time.seconds) * 1000000000ULL + (processInfo1.system_time.microseconds + processInfo2.system_time.microseconds) * 1000ULL; natural_t numCPU = 0; processor_info_array_t cpuInfo; mach_msg_type_number_t numCpuInfo; error = host_processor_info(mach_host_self(), PROCESSOR_CPU_LOAD_INFO, &numCPU, &cpuInfo, &numCpuInfo); if(error != KERN_SUCCESS) { return errc::invalid_argument; } for(natural_t n = 0; n < numCPU; n++) { ret.system_ns_in_user_mode += cpuInfo[CPU_STATE_MAX * n + CPU_STATE_USER] + cpuInfo[CPU_STATE_MAX * n + CPU_STATE_NICE]; ret.system_ns_in_kernel_mode += cpuInfo[CPU_STATE_MAX * n + CPU_STATE_SYSTEM]; ret.system_ns_in_idle_mode += cpuInfo[CPU_STATE_MAX * n + CPU_STATE_IDLE]; } vm_deallocate(mach_task_self(), (vm_address_t) cpuInfo, sizeof(integer_t) * numCpuInfo); static const double ts_multiplier = /*[] { mach_timebase_info_data_t timebase; mach_timebase_info(&timebase); return (double) timebase.numer / timebase.denom; }();*/ 10000000.0; // no idea why, but apparently this is the multiplier according to Mac CI runners ret.system_ns_in_user_mode = (uint64_t)(ts_multiplier * ret.system_ns_in_user_mode); ret.system_ns_in_kernel_mode = (uint64_t)(ts_multiplier * ret.system_ns_in_kernel_mode); ret.system_ns_in_idle_mode = (uint64_t)(ts_multiplier * ret.system_ns_in_idle_mode); return ret; #else #error Unknown platform #endif return ret; } namespace detail { large_page_allocation allocate_large_pages(size_t bytes) { large_page_allocation ret(calculate_large_page_allocation(bytes)); int flags = MAP_SHARED | MAP_ANON; if(ret.page_size_used > 65536) { #ifdef MAP_HUGETLB flags |= MAP_HUGETLB; #endif #ifdef MAP_ALIGNED_SUPER flags |= MAP_ALIGNED_SUPER; #endif #ifdef VM_FLAGS_SUPERPAGE_SIZE_ANY flags |= VM_FLAGS_SUPERPAGE_SIZE_ANY; #endif } if((ret.p = mmap(nullptr, ret.actual_size, PROT_WRITE, flags, -1, 0)) == nullptr) { if(ENOMEM == errno) { if((ret.p = mmap(nullptr, ret.actual_size, PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED | MAP_ANON, -1, 0)) != nullptr) { return ret; } } } #ifndef NDEBUG else if(ret.page_size_used > 65536) { printf("llfio: Large page allocation successful\n"); } #endif return ret; } void deallocate_large_pages(void *p, size_t bytes) { if(munmap(p, bytes) < 0) { LLFIO_LOG_FATAL(p, "llfio: Freeing large pages failed"); std::terminate(); } } } // namespace detail } // namespace utils LLFIO_V2_NAMESPACE_END