/* A handle to a source of mapped memory (C) 2016-2021 Niall Douglas (14 commits) File Created: August 2016 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License in the accompanying file Licence.txt or at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file Licence.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) */ #ifndef LLFIO_MAP_HANDLE_H #define LLFIO_MAP_HANDLE_H #include "file_handle.hpp" //! \file map_handle.hpp Provides `map_handle` #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(push) #pragma warning(disable : 4251) // dll interface #endif LLFIO_V2_NAMESPACE_EXPORT_BEGIN /*! \class section_handle \brief A handle to a source of mapped memory. There are two configurations of section handle, one where the user supplies the file backing for the section, and the other where an internal file descriptor to an unnamed inode in a tmpfs or ramfs based temporary directory is kept and managed. The latter is merely a convenience for creating an anonymous source of memory which can be resized whilst preserving contents: see `algorithm::trivial_vector`. On Windows the native handle of this handle is that of the NT kernel section object. On POSIX it is a cloned file descriptor of the backing storage if there is backing storage, else it will be the aforementioned file descriptor to an unnamed inode. */ class LLFIO_DECL section_handle : public handle { public: using extent_type = handle::extent_type; using size_type = handle::size_type; //! The behaviour of the memory section QUICKCPPLIB_BITFIELD_BEGIN(flag){ none = 0U, //!< No flags read = 1U << 0U, //!< Memory views can be read write = 1U << 1U, //!< Memory views can be written cow = 1U << 2U, //!< Memory views can be copy on written execute = 1U << 3U, //!< Memory views can execute code nocommit = 1U << 8U, //!< Don't allocate space for this memory in the system immediately prefault = 1U << 9U, //!< Prefault, as if by reading every page, any views of memory upon creation. executable = 1U << 10U, //!< The backing storage is in fact an executable program binary. singleton = 1U << 11U, //!< A single instance of this section is to be shared by all processes using the same backing file. barrier_on_close = 1U << 16U, //!< Maps of this section, if writable, issue a `barrier()` when destructed blocking until data (not metadata) reaches physical storage. nvram = 1U << 17U, //!< This section is of non-volatile RAM. write_via_syscall = 1U << 18U, //!< For file backed maps, `map_handle::write()` is implemented as a `write()` syscall to the file descriptor. This causes the map to be mapped read-only. page_sizes_1 = 1U << 24U, //!< Use `utils::page_sizes()[1]` sized pages, or fail. page_sizes_2 = 2U << 24U, //!< Use `utils::page_sizes()[2]` sized pages, or fail. page_sizes_3 = 3U << 24U, //!< Use `utils::page_sizes()[3]` sized pages, or fail. // NOTE: IF UPDATING THIS UPDATE THE std::ostream PRINTER BELOW!!! readwrite = (read | write)}; QUICKCPPLIB_BITFIELD_END(flag); protected: file_handle *_backing{nullptr}; file_handle _anonymous; flag _flag{flag::none}; public: LLFIO_HEADERS_ONLY_VIRTUAL_SPEC ~section_handle() override; LLFIO_HEADERS_ONLY_VIRTUAL_SPEC result close() noexcept override; //! Default constructor constexpr section_handle() {} // NOLINT //! Construct a section handle using the given flags constexpr explicit section_handle(flag __flag) : _flag(__flag) { } //! Construct a section handle using the given native handle type for the section and the given i/o handle for the backing storage explicit section_handle(native_handle_type sectionh, file_handle *backing, file_handle anonymous, flag __flag) : handle(sectionh, handle::caching::all) , _backing(backing) , _anonymous(std::move(anonymous)) , _flag(__flag) { } //! Implicit move construction of section_handle permitted constexpr section_handle(section_handle &&o) noexcept : handle(std::move(o)) , _backing(o._backing) , _anonymous(std::move(o._anonymous)) , _flag(o._flag) { o._backing = nullptr; o._flag = flag::none; } //! No copy construction (use `clone()`) section_handle(const section_handle &) = delete; //! Move assignment of section_handle permitted section_handle &operator=(section_handle &&o) noexcept { if(this == &o) { return *this; } this->~section_handle(); new(this) section_handle(std::move(o)); return *this; } //! No copy assignment section_handle &operator=(const section_handle &) = delete; //! Swap with another instance LLFIO_MAKE_FREE_FUNCTION void swap(section_handle &o) noexcept { section_handle temp(std::move(*this)); *this = std::move(o); o = std::move(temp); } /*! \brief Create a memory section backed by a file. \param backing The handle to use as backing storage. \param maximum_size The initial size of this section, which cannot be larger than any backing file. Zero means to use `backing.maximum_extent()`. \param _flag How to create the section. \errors Any of the values POSIX dup(), open() or NtCreateSection() can return. */ LLFIO_MAKE_FREE_FUNCTION static LLFIO_HEADERS_ONLY_MEMFUNC_SPEC result section(file_handle &backing, extent_type maximum_size, flag _flag) noexcept; /*! \brief Create a memory section backed by a file. \param backing The handle to use as backing storage. \param bytes The initial size of this section, which cannot be larger than any backing file. Zero means to use `backing.maximum_extent()`. This convenience overload create a writable section if the backing file is writable, otherwise a read-only section. \errors Any of the values POSIX dup(), open() or NtCreateSection() can return. */ LLFIO_MAKE_FREE_FUNCTION static result section(file_handle &backing, extent_type bytes = 0) noexcept { return section(backing, bytes, backing.is_writable() ? (flag::readwrite) : (flag::read)); } /*! \brief Create a memory section backed by an anonymous, managed file. \param bytes The initial size of this section. Cannot be zero. \param dirh Where to create the anonymous, managed file. \param _flag How to create the section. \errors Any of the values POSIX dup(), open() or NtCreateSection() can return. */ LLFIO_MAKE_FREE_FUNCTION static LLFIO_HEADERS_ONLY_MEMFUNC_SPEC result section(extent_type bytes, const path_handle &dirh = path_discovery::storage_backed_temporary_files_directory(), flag _flag = flag::read | flag::write) noexcept; //! Returns the memory section's flags flag section_flags() const noexcept { return _flag; } //! True if the section reflects non-volatile RAM bool is_nvram() const noexcept { return !!(_flag & flag::nvram); } //! Returns the borrowed handle backing this section, if any file_handle *backing() const noexcept { return _backing; } //! Sets the borrowed handle backing this section, if any void set_backing(file_handle *fh) noexcept { _backing = fh; } //! Returns the borrowed native handle backing this section native_handle_type backing_native_handle() const noexcept { return _backing != nullptr ? _backing->native_handle() : native_handle_type(); } //! Return the current length of the memory section. LLFIO_MAKE_FREE_FUNCTION LLFIO_HEADERS_ONLY_MEMFUNC_SPEC result length() const noexcept; /*! Resize the current maximum permitted extent of the memory section to the given extent. \param newsize The new size of the memory section, which cannot be zero. Specify zero to use `backing.maximum_extent()`. This cannot exceed the size of any backing file used if that file is not writable. \errors Any of the values `NtExtendSection()` or `ftruncate()` can return. */ LLFIO_MAKE_FREE_FUNCTION LLFIO_HEADERS_ONLY_MEMFUNC_SPEC result truncate(extent_type newsize = 0) noexcept; }; inline std::ostream &operator<<(std::ostream &s, const section_handle::flag &v) { std::string temp; if(!!(v & section_handle::flag::read)) { temp.append("read|"); } if(!!(v & section_handle::flag::write)) { temp.append("write|"); } if(!!(v & section_handle::flag::cow)) { temp.append("cow|"); } if(!!(v & section_handle::flag::execute)) { temp.append("execute|"); } if(!!(v & section_handle::flag::nocommit)) { temp.append("nocommit|"); } if(!!(v & section_handle::flag::prefault)) { temp.append("prefault|"); } if(!!(v & section_handle::flag::executable)) { temp.append("executable|"); } if(!!(v & section_handle::flag::singleton)) { temp.append("singleton|"); } if(!!(v & section_handle::flag::barrier_on_close)) { temp.append("barrier_on_close|"); } if(!!(v & section_handle::flag::nvram)) { temp.append("nvram|"); } if(!!(v & section_handle::flag::write_via_syscall)) { temp.append("write_via_syscall|"); } if((v & section_handle::flag::page_sizes_3) == section_handle::flag::page_sizes_3) { temp.append("page_sizes_3|"); } else if((v & section_handle::flag::page_sizes_2) == section_handle::flag::page_sizes_2) { temp.append("page_sizes_2|"); } else if((v & section_handle::flag::page_sizes_1) == section_handle::flag::page_sizes_1) { temp.append("page_sizes_1|"); } if(!temp.empty()) { temp.resize(temp.size() - 1); if(std::count(temp.cbegin(), temp.cend(), '|') > 0) { temp = "(" + temp + ")"; } } else { temp = "none"; } return s << "llfio::section_handle::flag::" << temp; } //! \brief Constructor for `section_handle` template <> struct construct { file_handle &backing; section_handle::extent_type maximum_size = 0; section_handle::flag _flag = section_handle::flag::read | section_handle::flag::write; result operator()() const noexcept { return section_handle::section(backing, maximum_size, _flag); } }; class mapped_file_handle; /*! Lightweight inlined barrier which causes the CPU to write out all buffered writes and dirty cache lines in the request to main memory. \return The cache lines actually barriered. This may be empty. This function does not return an error. \param req The range of cache lines to write barrier. \param evict Whether to also evict the cache lines from CPU caches, useful if they will not be used again. Upon return, one knows that memory in the returned buffer has been barriered (it may be empty if there is no support for this operation in LLFIO, or if the current CPU does not support this operation). You may find the `is_nvram()` observer of particular use here. */ inline io_handle::const_buffer_type nvram_barrier(io_handle::const_buffer_type req, bool evict = false) noexcept { auto *tp = (io_handle::const_buffer_type::pointer)(((uintptr_t) req.data()) & ~63); io_handle::const_buffer_type ret{tp, (size_t)(req.data() + 63 + req.size() - tp) & ~63}; if(memory_flush_none == mem_flush_stores(ret.data(), ret.size(), evict ? memory_flush_evict : memory_flush_retain)) { ret = {tp, 0}; } return ret; } /*! \class map_handle \brief A handle to a memory mapped region of memory, either backed by the system page file or by a section. An important concept to realise with mapped regions is that they can far exceed the size of their backing storage. This allows one to reserve address space for a file which may grow in the future. This is how `mapped_file_handle` is implemented to provide very fast memory mapped file i/o of a potentially growing file. The size you specify when creating the map handle is the address space reservation. The map's `length()` will return the last known **valid** length of the mapped data i.e. the backing storage's length at the time of construction. This length is used by `read()` and `write()` to prevent reading and writing off the end of the mapped region. You can update this length to the backing storage's length using `update_map()` up to the reservation limit. You can attempt to modify the address space reservation after creation using `truncate()`. If successful, this will be more efficient than tearing down the map and creating a new larger map. The native handle returned by this map handle is always that of the backing storage, but closing this handle does not close that of the backing storage, nor does releasing this handle release that of the backing storage. Locking byte ranges of this handle is therefore equal to locking byte ranges in the original backing storage, which can be very useful. On Microsoft Windows, when mapping file content, you should try to always create the first map of that file using a writable handle. See `mapped_file_handle` for more detail on this. On Linux, be aware that there is a default limit of 65,530 non-contiguous VMAs per process. It is surprisingly easy to run into this limit in real world applications. You can either require users to issue `sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144` to increase the kernel limit, or take considerable care to never poke holes into large VMAs. `.do_not_store()` is very useful here for releasing the resources backing pages without decommitting them. ## Commit charge: All virtual memory systems account for memory allocated, even if never used. This is known as "commit charge". All virtual memory systems will not permit more pages to be committed than there is storage for them between RAM and the swap files (except for Linux, where most distributions configure "over commit" in the Linux kernel). This ensures that if the system gives you a committed memory page, you are hard guaranteed that writing into it will not fail. Note that memory mapped files have storage backed by their file contents, so except for pages written into and not yet flushed to storage, memory mapped files usually do not contribute more than a few pages each to commit charge. The system commit limit can be easily exceeded if programs commit a lot of memory that they never use. To avoid this, for large allocations you should *reserve* pages which you don't expect to use immediately, and *later* explicitly commit and decommit them. You can request pages not accounted against the system commit charge using `flag::nocommit`. For portability, you should **always** combine `flag::nocommit` with `flag::none`, indeed only Linux permits the allocation of usable pages which are not charged against commit. All other platforms enforce that reserved pages must be unusable, and only pages which are committed are usable. Separate to whether a page is committed or not is whether it actually consumes resources or not. Pages never written into are not stored by virtual memory systems, and much code when considering the memory consumption of a process only considers the portion of the total commit charge which contains modified pages. This makes sense, given the prevalence of code which commits memory it never uses, however it also leads to anti-social outcomes such as Linux distributions enabling pathological workarounds such as over commit and specialised OOM killers. ## Barriers: `map_handle`, because it implements `io_handle`, implements `barrier()` in a very conservative way to account for OS differences i.e. it calls `msync()`, and then the `barrier()` implementation for the backing file (probably `fsync()` or equivalent on most platforms, which synchronises the entire file). This is vast overkill if you are using non-volatile RAM, so a special *inlined* `nvram_barrier()` implementation taking a single buffer and no other arguments is also provided as a free function. This calls the appropriate architecture-specific instructions to cause the CPU to write all preceding writes out of the write buffers and CPU caches to main memory, so for Intel CPUs this would be `CLWB ; SFENCE;`. As this is inlined, it ought to produce optimal code. If your CPU does not support the requisite instructions (or LLFIO has not added support), and empty buffer will be returned to indicate that nothing was barriered, same as the normal `barrier()` function. ## Large page support: Large, huge, massive and super page support is available via the `section_handle::flag::page_sizes_N` flags. Use these in combination with `utils::page_size()` to request allocations or maps which use different page sizes. ### Windows: Firstly, explicit large page support is only available to processes and logged in users who have been assigned the `SeLockMemoryPrivilege`. A default Windows installation assigns that privilege to nothing, so explicit action will need to be taken to assign that privilege per Windows installation. Secondly, as of Windows 10 1803, there is the large page size or the normal page size. There isn't (useful) support for pages of any other size, as there is on other systems. For allocating memory, large page allocation can randomly fail depending on what the system is feeling like, same as on all the other operating systems. It is not permitted to reserve address space using large pages. For mapping files, large page maps do not work as of Windows 10 1803 (curiously, ReactOS *does* implement this). There is a big exception to this, which is for DAX formatted NTFS volumes with a formatted cluster size of the large page size, where if you map in large page sized multiples, the Windows kernel uses large pages (and one need not hold `SeLockMemoryPrivilege` either). Therefore, if you specify `section_handle::flag::nvram` with a `section_handle::flag::page_sizes_N`, LLFIO does not ask for large pages which would fail, it merely rounds all requests up to the nearest large page multiple. ### Linux: As usual on Linux, large page (often called huge page on Linux) support comes in many forms. Explicit support is via `MAP_HUGETLB` to `mmap()`, and whether an explicit request succeeds or not is up to how many huge pages were configured into the running system via boot-time kernel parameters, and how many huge pages are in use already. For most recent kernels on most distributions, explicit memory allocation requests using large pages generally works without issue. As of Linux kernel 4.18, mapping files using large pages only works on `tmpfs`, this corresponds to `path_discovery::memory_backed_temporary_files_directory()` sourced anonymous section handles. Work is proceeding well for the major Linux filing systems to become able to map files using large pages soon, and in theory LLFIO based should "just work" on such a newer kernel. Note that some distributions enable transparent huge pages, whereby if you request allocations of large page multiples at large page offsets, the kernel uses large pages, without you needing to specify any `section_handle::flag::page_sizes_N`. Almost all distributions enable opt-in transparent huge pages, where you can explicitly request that pages within a region of memory transparently use huge pages as much as possible. LLFIO does not expose such facilities, you will need to manually invoke `madvise(MADV_HUGEPAGE)` on the region desired. ### FreeBSD: FreeBSD has no support for failing if large pages cannot be used for a specific `mmap()`. The best you can do is to ask for large pages, and you may or may not get them depending on available system resources, filing system in use, etc. LLFIO does not check returned maps to discover if large pages were actually used, that is on end user code to check if it really needs to know. ### MacOS: MacOS only supports large pages for memory allocations, not for mapping files. It fails if large pages could not be used when a large page allocation was requested. \sa `mapped_file_handle`, `algorithm::mapped_span` */ class LLFIO_DECL map_handle : public lockable_io_handle { friend class mapped_file_handle; public: using extent_type = io_handle::extent_type; using size_type = io_handle::size_type; using mode = io_handle::mode; using creation = io_handle::creation; using caching = io_handle::caching; using flag = io_handle::flag; using buffer_type = io_handle::buffer_type; using const_buffer_type = io_handle::const_buffer_type; using buffers_type = io_handle::buffers_type; using const_buffers_type = io_handle::const_buffers_type; template using io_request = io_handle::io_request; template using io_result = io_handle::io_result; protected: section_handle *_section{nullptr}; byte *_addr{nullptr}; extent_type _offset{0}; size_type _reservation{0}, _length{0}, _pagesize{0}; section_handle::flag _flag{section_handle::flag::none}; explicit map_handle(section_handle *section, section_handle::flag flags) : _section(section) , _flag(flags) { if(section != nullptr) { // Apart from read/write/cow/execute, the section's flags override the map's flags _flag |= (section->section_flags() & ~(section_handle::flag::read | section_handle::flag::write | section_handle::flag::cow | section_handle::flag::execute)); } } public: //! Default constructor constexpr map_handle() {} // NOLINT LLFIO_HEADERS_ONLY_VIRTUAL_SPEC ~map_handle() override; //! Construct an instance managing pages at `addr`, `length`, `pagesize` and `flags` explicit map_handle(byte *addr, size_type length, size_type pagesize, section_handle::flag flags, section_handle *section = nullptr, extent_type offset = 0) noexcept : _section(section) , _addr(addr) , _offset(offset) , _reservation(length) , _length(length) , _pagesize(pagesize) , _flag(flags) { _v._init = -2; // otherwise appears closed _v.behaviour |= native_handle_type::disposition::allocation; } //! Implicit move construction of map_handle permitted constexpr map_handle(map_handle &&o) noexcept : lockable_io_handle(std::move(o)) , _section(o._section) , _addr(o._addr) , _offset(o._offset) , _reservation(o._reservation) , _length(o._length) , _pagesize(o._pagesize) , _flag(o._flag) { o._section = nullptr; o._addr = nullptr; o._offset = 0; o._reservation = 0; o._length = 0; o._pagesize = 0; o._flag = section_handle::flag::none; } //! No copy construction (use `clone()`) map_handle(const map_handle &) = delete; //! Move assignment of map_handle permitted map_handle &operator=(map_handle &&o) noexcept { if(this == &o) { return *this; } this->~map_handle(); new(this) map_handle(std::move(o)); return *this; } //! No copy assignment map_handle &operator=(const map_handle &) = delete; //! Swap with another instance LLFIO_MAKE_FREE_FUNCTION void swap(map_handle &o) noexcept { map_handle temp(std::move(*this)); *this = std::move(o); o = std::move(temp); } //! Unmap the mapped view. LLFIO_MAKE_FREE_FUNCTION LLFIO_HEADERS_ONLY_VIRTUAL_SPEC result close() noexcept override; //! Releases the mapped view, but does NOT release the native handle. LLFIO_HEADERS_ONLY_VIRTUAL_SPEC native_handle_type release() noexcept override; protected: LLFIO_HEADERS_ONLY_VIRTUAL_SPEC size_t _do_max_buffers() const noexcept override { return 0; } LLFIO_HEADERS_ONLY_VIRTUAL_SPEC io_result _do_barrier(io_request reqs = io_request(), barrier_kind kind = barrier_kind::nowait_data_only, deadline d = deadline()) noexcept override; LLFIO_HEADERS_ONLY_VIRTUAL_SPEC io_result _do_read(io_request reqs, deadline d = deadline()) noexcept override; LLFIO_HEADERS_ONLY_VIRTUAL_SPEC io_result _do_write(io_request reqs, deadline d = deadline()) noexcept override; static LLFIO_HEADERS_ONLY_MEMFUNC_SPEC result _new_map(size_type bytes, bool fallback, section_handle::flag _flag) noexcept; static LLFIO_HEADERS_ONLY_MEMFUNC_SPEC result _recycled_map(size_type bytes, section_handle::flag _flag) noexcept; LLFIO_HEADERS_ONLY_MEMFUNC_SPEC bool _recycle_map() noexcept; public: /*! Map unused memory into view, creating new memory if insufficient unused memory is available (i.e. add the returned memory to the process' commit charge, unless `flag::nocommit` was specified). Note that the memory mapped by this call may contain non-zero bits (recycled memory) unless `zeroed` is true. \param bytes How many bytes to map. Typically will be rounded up to a multiple of the page size (see `page_size()`). \param zeroed Set to true if only all bits zeroed memory is wanted. If this is true, a syscall is always performed as the kernel probably has zeroed pages ready to go, whereas if false, the request may be satisfied from a local cache instead. The default is false. \param _flag The permissions with which to map the view. \note On Microsoft Windows this constructor uses the faster `VirtualAlloc()` which creates less versatile page backed memory. If you want anonymous memory allocated from a paging file backed section instead, create a page file backed section and then a mapped view from that using the other constructor. This makes available all those very useful VM tricks Windows can do with section mapped memory which `VirtualAlloc()` memory cannot do. When this kind of map handle is closed, it is added to an internal cache so new map handle creations of this kind with `zeroed = false` are very quick and avoid a syscall. The internal cache may return a map slightly bigger than requested. If you wish to always invoke the syscall, specify `zeroed = true`. When maps are added to the internal cache, on all systems except Linux the memory is decommitted first. This reduces commit charge appropriately, thus only virtual address space remains consumed. On Linux, if `memory_accounting()` is `memory_accounting_kind::commit_charge`, we also decommit, however be aware that this can increase the average VMA use count in the Linux kernel, and most Linux kernels are configured with a very low per-process limit of 64k VMAs (this is easy to raise using `sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144`). Otherwise on Linux to avoid increasing VMA count we instead mark closed maps as `LazyFree`, which means that their contents can be arbitrarily disposed of by the Linux kernel as needed, but also allows Linux to coalesce VMAs so the very low per-process limit is less likely to be exceeded. If the `LazyFree` syscall is not implemented on this Linux, we do nothing. \warning The cache does not self-trim on its own, you MUST call `trim_cache()` to trim allocations of virtual address (these don't count towards process commit charge, but they do consume address space and precious VMAs in the Linux kernel). Only on 32 bit processes where virtual address space is limited, or on Linux where VMAs allocated is considered by the Linux OOM killer, will you need to probably care much about regular cache trimming. \errors Any of the values POSIX `mmap()` or `VirtualAlloc()` can return. */ LLFIO_MAKE_FREE_FUNCTION static inline result map(size_type bytes, bool zeroed = false, section_handle::flag _flag = section_handle::flag::readwrite) noexcept { return (zeroed || (_flag & section_handle::flag::nocommit)) ? _new_map(bytes, true, _flag) : _recycled_map(bytes, _flag); } /*! Reserve address space within which individual pages can later be committed. Reserved address space is NOT added to the process' commit charge. \param bytes How many bytes to reserve. Rounded up to nearest 64Kb on Windows. \note On Microsoft Windows this constructor uses the faster `VirtualAlloc()` which creates less versatile page backed memory. If you want anonymous memory allocated from a paging file backed section instead, create a page file backed section and then a mapped view from that using the other constructor. This makes available all those very useful VM tricks Windows can do with section mapped memory which `VirtualAlloc()` memory cannot do. \errors Any of the values POSIX `mmap()` or `VirtualAlloc()` can return. */ LLFIO_MAKE_FREE_FUNCTION static inline result reserve(size_type bytes) noexcept { return _new_map(bytes, false, section_handle::flag::none | section_handle::flag::nocommit); } /*! Create a memory mapped view of a backing storage, optionally reserving additional address space for later growth. \param section A memory section handle specifying the backing storage to use. \param bytes How many bytes to reserve (0 = the size of the section). Rounded up to nearest 64Kb on Windows. \param offset The offset into the backing storage to map from. Typically needs to be at least a multiple of the page size (see `page_size()`), on Windows it needs to be a multiple of the kernel memory allocation granularity (typically 64Kb). \param _flag The permissions with which to map the view which are constrained by the permissions of the memory section. `flag::none` can be useful for reserving virtual address space without committing system resources, use `commit()` to later change availability of memory. Note that apart from read/write/cow/execute, the section's flags override the map's flags. \errors Any of the values POSIX `mmap()` or `NtMapViewOfSection()` can return. */ LLFIO_MAKE_FREE_FUNCTION static LLFIO_HEADERS_ONLY_MEMFUNC_SPEC result map(section_handle §ion, size_type bytes = 0, extent_type offset = 0, section_handle::flag _flag = section_handle::flag::readwrite) noexcept; //! The kind of memory accounting this system uses enum class memory_accounting_kind { unknown, /*! This system will not permit more than physical RAM and your swap files to be committed. On every OS except for Linux, this is always the case. */ commit_charge, /*! This system will permit more memory to be committed than physical RAM and your swap files, and will terminate your process without warning at some unknown point if you write into enough of the pages committed. This is typically the default on Linux, but it can be changed at runtime. */ over_commit }; #ifdef __linux__ static LLFIO_HEADERS_ONLY_MEMFUNC_SPEC memory_accounting_kind memory_accounting() noexcept; #else static memory_accounting_kind memory_accounting() noexcept { return memory_accounting_kind::commit_charge; } #endif //! Statistics about the map handle cache struct cache_statistics { size_t items_in_cache{0}; size_t bytes_in_cache{0}; size_t items_just_trimmed{0}; size_t bytes_just_trimmed{0}; }; /*! Get statistics about the map handle cache, optionally trimming the least recently used maps. */ static LLFIO_HEADERS_ONLY_MEMFUNC_SPEC cache_statistics trim_cache(std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point older_than = {}) noexcept; //! The memory section this handle is using section_handle *section() const noexcept { return _section; } //! Sets the memory section this handle is using void set_section(section_handle *s) noexcept { _section = s; } //! The address in memory where this mapped view resides byte *address() const noexcept { return _addr; } //! The offset of the memory map. extent_type offset() const noexcept { return _offset; } //! The reservation size of the memory map. size_type capacity() const noexcept { return _reservation; } //! The size of the memory map. This is the accessible size, NOT the reservation size. LLFIO_MAKE_FREE_FUNCTION size_type length() const noexcept { return _length; } //! The memory map as a span of bytes. span as_span() noexcept { return {_addr, _length}; } //! \overload span as_span() const noexcept { return {_addr, _length}; } //! The page size used by the map, in bytes. size_type page_size() const noexcept { return _pagesize; } //! True if the map is of non-volatile RAM bool is_nvram() const noexcept { return !!(_flag & section_handle::flag::nvram); } //! Update the size of the memory map to that of any backing section, up to the reservation limit. result update_map() noexcept { if(_section == nullptr) { return _reservation; } OUTCOME_TRY(auto &&length, _section->length()); // length of the backing file length -= _offset; if(length > _reservation) { length = _reservation; } _length = static_cast(length); return _length; } /*! Resize the reservation of the memory map without changing the address (unless the map was zero sized, in which case a new address will be chosen). If shrinking, address space is released on POSIX, and on Windows if the new size is zero. If the new size is zero, the address is set to null to prevent surprises. Windows does not support modifying existing mapped regions, so if the new size is not zero, the call will probably fail. Windows should let you truncate a previous extension however, if it is exact. If expanding, an attempt is made to map in new reservation immediately after the current address reservation, thus extending the reservation. If anything else is mapped in after the current reservation, the function fails. \note On all supported platforms apart from OS X, proprietary flags exist to avoid performing a map if a map extension cannot be immediately placed after the current map. On OS X, we hint where we'd like the new map to go, but if something is already there OS X will place the map elsewhere. In this situation, we delete the new map and return failure, which is inefficient, but there is nothing else we can do. \return The bytes actually reserved. \param newsize The bytes to truncate the map reservation to. Rounded up to the nearest page size (POSIX) or 64Kb on Windows. \param permit_relocation Permit the address to change (some OSs provide a syscall for resizing a memory map). \errors Any of the values POSIX `mremap()`, `mmap(addr)` or `VirtualAlloc(addr)` can return. */ LLFIO_MAKE_FREE_FUNCTION LLFIO_HEADERS_ONLY_MEMFUNC_SPEC result truncate(size_type newsize, bool permit_relocation) noexcept; /*! Ask the system to commit the system resources to make the memory represented by the buffer available with the given permissions. addr and length should be page aligned (see `page_size()`), if not the returned buffer is the region actually committed. */ LLFIO_HEADERS_ONLY_MEMFUNC_SPEC result commit(buffer_type region, section_handle::flag flag = section_handle::flag::readwrite) noexcept; /*! Ask the system to make the memory represented by the buffer unavailable and to decommit the system resources representing them. addr and length should be page aligned (see `page_size()`), if not the returned buffer is the region actually decommitted. */ LLFIO_HEADERS_ONLY_MEMFUNC_SPEC result decommit(buffer_type region) noexcept; /*! Zero the memory represented by the buffer. Differs from zero() because it acts on mapped memory, not on allocated file extents. On Linux only, any full 4Kb pages will be deallocated from the system entirely, including the extents for them in any backing storage. On newer Linux kernels the kernel can additionally swap whole 4Kb pages for freshly zeroed ones making this a very efficient way of zeroing large ranges of memory. Note that commit charge is not affected by this operation, as writes into the zeroed pages are guaranteed to succeed. On Windows and Mac OS, this call currently only has an effect for non-backed memory due to lacking kernel support. \errors Any of the errors returnable by madvise() or DiscardVirtualMemory or the zero() function. */ LLFIO_HEADERS_ONLY_MEMFUNC_SPEC result zero_memory(buffer_type region) noexcept; /*! Ask the system to unset the dirty flag for the memory represented by the buffer. This will prevent any changes not yet sent to the backing storage from being sent in the future, also if the system kicks out this page and reloads it you may see some edition of the underlying storage instead of what was here. `addr` and `length` should be page aligned (see`page_size()`), if not the returned buffer is the region actually undirtied. Note that commit charge is not affected by this operation, as writes into the undirtied pages are guaranteed to succeed. You should be aware that on Microsoft Windows, the platform syscall for discarding virtual memory pages becomes hideously slow when called upon committed pages within a large address space reservation. All three syscalls were trialled, and the least worst is actually `DiscardVirtualMemory()` which is what this function uses. However it still has exponential slow down as more pages within a large reservation become committed e.g. 8Gb committed within a 2Tb reservation is approximately 20x slower than when < 1Gb is committed. Non-Windows platforms do not have this problem. \warning This function destroys the contents of unwritten pages in the region in a totally unpredictable fashion. Only use it if you don't care how much of the region reaches physical storage or not. Note that the region is not necessarily zeroed, and may be randomly zeroed. \note Microsoft Windows does not support unsetting the dirty flag on file backed maps, so on Windows this call does nothing. */ LLFIO_HEADERS_ONLY_MEMFUNC_SPEC result do_not_store(buffer_type region) noexcept; //! Ask the system to begin to asynchronously prefetch the span of memory regions given, returning the regions actually prefetched. Note that on Windows 7 or //! earlier the system call to implement this was not available, and so you will see an empty span returned. static LLFIO_HEADERS_ONLY_MEMFUNC_SPEC result> prefetch(span regions) noexcept; //! \overload static result prefetch(buffer_type region) noexcept { OUTCOME_TRY(auto &&ret, prefetch(span(®ion, 1))); return *ret.data(); } #if 0 /*! \brief Read data from the mapped view. \note Because this implementation never copies memory, you can pass in buffers with a null address. As this function never reads any memory, no attempt to trap signal raises can be made, this falls onto the user of this function. See `QUICKCPPLIB_NAMESPACE::signal_guard` for a helper function. \return The buffers read, which will never be the buffers input, because they will point into the mapped view. The size of each scatter-gather buffer returned is updated with the number of bytes of that buffer transferred. \param reqs A scatter-gather and offset request. \param d Ignored. \errors None, though the various signals and structured exception throws common to using memory maps may occur. \mallocs None. */ #endif using io_handle::read; #if 0 /*! \brief Write data to the mapped view. If this map is backed by a file, and `section_handle::flag::write_via_syscall` is set, this function is actually implemented using the equivalent to the kernel's `write()` syscall. This will be very significantly slower for small writes than writing into the map directly, and will corrupt file content on kernels without a unified kernel page cache, so it should not be normally enabled. However, this technique is known to work around various kernel bugs, quirks and race conditions found in modern OS kernels when memory mapped i/o is performed at scale (files of many tens of Gb each). \note This call traps signals and structured exception throws using `QUICKCPPLIB_NAMESPACE::signal_guard`. Instantiating a `QUICKCPPLIB_NAMESPACE::signal_guard_install` somewhere much higher up in the call stack will improve performance enormously. The signal guard may cost less than 100 CPU cycles depending on how you configure it. If you don't want the guard, you can write memory directly using `address()`. \return The buffers written, which will never be the buffers input because they will point at where the data was copied into the mapped view. The size of each scatter-gather buffer returned is updated with the number of bytes of that buffer transferred. \param reqs A scatter-gather and offset request. \param d Ignored. \errors If during the attempt to write the buffers to the map a `SIGBUS` or `EXCEPTION_IN_PAGE_ERROR` is raised, an error code comparing equal to `errc::no_space_on_device` will be returned. This may not always be the cause of the raised signal, but it is by far the most likely. \mallocs None if a `QUICKCPPLIB_NAMESPACE::signal_guard_install` is already instanced. */ #endif using io_handle::write; }; //! \brief Constructor for `map_handle` template <> struct construct { section_handle §ion; map_handle::size_type bytes = 0; map_handle::extent_type offset = 0; section_handle::flag _flag = section_handle::flag::readwrite; result operator()() const noexcept { return map_handle::map(section, bytes, offset, _flag); } }; LLFIO_V2_NAMESPACE_END // Do not actually attach/detach, as it causes a page fault storm in the current emulation QUICKCPPLIB_NAMESPACE_BEGIN namespace in_place_attach_detach { namespace traits { template <> struct disable_attached_for : public std::true_type { }; } // namespace traits } // namespace in_place_attach_detach QUICKCPPLIB_NAMESPACE_END LLFIO_V2_NAMESPACE_EXPORT_BEGIN //! \brief Declare `map_handle` as a suitable source for P1631 `attached`. template constexpr inline span in_place_attach(map_handle &mh) noexcept { return span{reinterpret_cast(mh.address()), mh.length() / sizeof(T)}; } namespace detail { inline result map_handle_allocate_registered_buffer(size_t &bytes) noexcept { try { auto make_shared = [](map_handle h) { struct registered_buffer_type_indirect : io_multiplexer::_registered_buffer_type { map_handle h; registered_buffer_type_indirect(map_handle _h) : io_multiplexer::_registered_buffer_type(_h.as_span()) , h(std::move(_h)) { } }; auto ptr = std::make_shared(std::move(h)); return ptr; }; const auto &page_sizes = utils::page_sizes(true); size_t idx = 0; for(size_t n = 0; n < page_sizes.size(); ++n) { if(page_sizes[n] > bytes) { break; } if((bytes & (page_sizes[n] - 1)) == 0) { idx = n; } } section_handle::flag flags = section_handle::flag::readwrite; if(idx > 0) { switch(idx) { case 1: flags |= section_handle::flag::page_sizes_1; break; case 2: flags |= section_handle::flag::page_sizes_2; break; case 3: flags |= section_handle::flag::page_sizes_3; break; default: break; } auto r = map_handle::map(bytes, false, flags); if(r) { bytes = (bytes + page_sizes[idx] - 1) & ~(page_sizes[idx] - 1); return make_shared(std::move(r).value()); } } auto r = map_handle::map(bytes, false); if(r) { bytes = (bytes + page_sizes[0] - 1) & ~(page_sizes[0] - 1); return make_shared(std::move(r).value()); } return errc::not_enough_memory; } catch(...) { return error_from_exception(); } } } // namespace detail // Implement io_handle::_do_allocate_registered_buffer() inline result io_handle::_do_allocate_registered_buffer(size_t &bytes) noexcept { return detail::map_handle_allocate_registered_buffer(bytes); } // BEGIN make_free_functions.py //! Swap with another instance inline void swap(section_handle &self, section_handle &o) noexcept { return self.swap(std::forward(o)); } /*! \brief Create a memory section backed by a file. \param backing The handle to use as backing storage. \param maximum_size The initial size of this section, which cannot be larger than any backing file. Zero means to use `backing.maximum_extent()`. \param _flag How to create the section. \errors Any of the values POSIX dup(), open() or NtCreateSection() can return. */ inline result section(file_handle &backing, section_handle::extent_type maximum_size, section_handle::flag _flag) noexcept { return section_handle::section(std::forward(backing), std::forward(maximum_size), std::forward(_flag)); } /*! \brief Create a memory section backed by a file. \param backing The handle to use as backing storage. \param bytes The initial size of this section, which cannot be larger than any backing file. Zero means to use `backing.maximum_extent()`. This convenience overload create a writable section if the backing file is writable, otherwise a read-only section. \errors Any of the values POSIX dup(), open() or NtCreateSection() can return. */ inline result section(file_handle &backing, section_handle::extent_type bytes = 0) noexcept { return section_handle::section(std::forward(backing), std::forward(bytes)); } /*! \brief Create a memory section backed by an anonymous, managed file. \param bytes The initial size of this section. Cannot be zero. \param dirh Where to create the anonymous, managed file. \param _flag How to create the section. \errors Any of the values POSIX dup(), open() or NtCreateSection() can return. */ inline result section(section_handle::extent_type bytes, const path_handle &dirh = path_discovery::storage_backed_temporary_files_directory(), section_handle::flag _flag = section_handle::flag::read | section_handle::flag::write) noexcept { return section_handle::section(std::forward(bytes), std::forward(dirh), std::forward(_flag)); } //! Return the current maximum permitted extent of the memory section. inline result length(const section_handle &self) noexcept { return self.length(); } /*! Resize the current maximum permitted extent of the memory section to the given extent. \param self The object whose member function to call. \param newsize The new size of the memory section, which cannot be zero. Specify zero to use `backing.maximum_extent()`. This cannot exceed the size of any backing file used if that file is not writable. \errors Any of the values `NtExtendSection()` or `ftruncate()` can return. */ inline result truncate(section_handle &self, section_handle::extent_type newsize = 0) noexcept { return self.truncate(std::forward(newsize)); } //! Swap with another instance inline void swap(map_handle &self, map_handle &o) noexcept { return self.swap(std::forward(o)); } //! Unmap the mapped view. inline result close(map_handle &self) noexcept { return self.close(); } /*! Create new memory and map it into view. \param bytes How many bytes to create and map. Typically will be rounded up to a multiple of the page size (see `page_size()`) on POSIX, 64Kb on Windows. \param zeroed Set to true if only all bits zeroed memory is wanted. \param _flag The permissions with which to map the view. `flag::none` can be useful for reserving virtual address space without committing system resources, use commit() to later change availability of memory. \note On Microsoft Windows this constructor uses the faster VirtualAlloc() which creates less versatile page backed memory. If you want anonymous memory allocated from a paging file backed section instead, create a page file backed section and then a mapped view from that using the other constructor. This makes available all those very useful VM tricks Windows can do with section mapped memory which VirtualAlloc() memory cannot do. \errors Any of the values POSIX mmap() or VirtualAlloc() can return. */ inline result map(map_handle::size_type bytes, bool zeroed = false, section_handle::flag _flag = section_handle::flag::readwrite) noexcept { return map_handle::map(std::forward(bytes), zeroed, std::forward(_flag)); } /*! Create a memory mapped view of a backing storage, optionally reserving additional address space for later growth. \param section A memory section handle specifying the backing storage to use. \param bytes How many bytes to reserve (0 = the size of the section). Rounded up to nearest 64Kb on Windows. \param offset The offset into the backing storage to map from. Typically needs to be at least a multiple of the page size (see `page_size()`), on Windows it needs to be a multiple of the kernel memory allocation granularity (typically 64Kb). \param _flag The permissions with which to map the view which are constrained by the permissions of the memory section. `flag::none` can be useful for reserving virtual address space without committing system resources, use commit() to later change availability of memory. \errors Any of the values POSIX mmap() or NtMapViewOfSection() can return. */ inline result map(section_handle §ion, map_handle::size_type bytes = 0, map_handle::extent_type offset = 0, section_handle::flag _flag = section_handle::flag::readwrite) noexcept { return map_handle::map(std::forward(section), std::forward(bytes), std::forward(offset), std::forward(_flag)); } //! The size of the memory map. This is the accessible size, NOT the reservation size. inline map_handle::size_type length(const map_handle &self) noexcept { return self.length(); } /*! Resize the reservation of the memory map without changing the address (unless the map was zero sized, in which case a new address will be chosen). If shrinking, address space is released on POSIX, and on Windows if the new size is zero. If the new size is zero, the address is set to null to prevent surprises. Windows does not support modifying existing mapped regions, so if the new size is not zero, the call will probably fail. Windows should let you truncate a previous extension however, if it is exact. If expanding, an attempt is made to map in new reservation immediately after the current address reservation, thus extending the reservation. If anything else is mapped in after the current reservation, the function fails. \note On all supported platforms apart from OS X, proprietary flags exist to avoid performing a map if a map extension cannot be immediately placed after the current map. On OS X, we hint where we'd like the new map to go, but if something is already there OS X will place the map elsewhere. In this situation, we delete the new map and return failure, which is inefficient, but there is nothing else we can do. \return The bytes actually reserved. \param self The object whose member function to call. \param newsize The bytes to truncate the map reservation to. Rounded up to the nearest page size (POSIX) or 64Kb on Windows. \param permit_relocation Permit the address to change (some OSs provide a syscall for resizing a memory map). \errors Any of the values POSIX `mremap()`, `mmap(addr)` or `VirtualAlloc(addr)` can return. */ inline result truncate(map_handle &self, map_handle::size_type newsize, bool permit_relocation = false) noexcept { return self.truncate(std::forward(newsize), std::forward(permit_relocation)); } /*! \brief Read data from the mapped view. \note Because this implementation never copies memory, you can pass in buffers with a null address. \return The buffers read, which will never be the buffers input because they will point into the mapped view. The size of each scatter-gather buffer is updated with the number of bytes of that buffer transferred. \param self The object whose member function to call. \param reqs A scatter-gather and offset request. \param d Ignored. \errors None, though the various signals and structured exception throws common to using memory maps may occur. \mallocs None. */ inline map_handle::io_result read(map_handle &self, map_handle::io_request reqs, deadline d = deadline()) noexcept { return self.read(std::forward(reqs), std::forward(d)); } /*! \brief Write data to the mapped view. \return The buffers written, which will never be the buffers input because they will point at where the data was copied into the mapped view. The size of each scatter-gather buffer is updated with the number of bytes of that buffer transferred. \param self The object whose member function to call. \param reqs A scatter-gather and offset request. \param d Ignored. \errors None, though the various signals and structured exception throws common to using memory maps may occur. \mallocs None. */ inline map_handle::io_result write(map_handle &self, map_handle::io_request reqs, deadline d = deadline()) noexcept { return self.write(std::forward(reqs), std::forward(d)); } // END make_free_functions.py namespace detail { inline result pagesize_from_flags(section_handle::flag _flag) noexcept { try { const auto &pagesizes = utils::page_sizes(); if((_flag & section_handle::flag::page_sizes_3) == section_handle::flag::page_sizes_3) { if(pagesizes.size() < 4) { return errc::invalid_argument; } return pagesizes[3]; } else if((_flag & section_handle::flag::page_sizes_2) == section_handle::flag::page_sizes_2) { if(pagesizes.size() < 3) { return errc::invalid_argument; } return pagesizes[2]; } else if((_flag & section_handle::flag::page_sizes_1) == section_handle::flag::page_sizes_1) { if(pagesizes.size() < 2) { return errc::invalid_argument; } return pagesizes[1]; } return pagesizes[0]; } catch(...) { return error_from_exception(); } } } // namespace detail LLFIO_V2_NAMESPACE_END #if LLFIO_HEADERS_ONLY == 1 && !defined(DOXYGEN_SHOULD_SKIP_THIS) #define LLFIO_INCLUDED_BY_HEADER 1 #ifdef _WIN32 #include "detail/impl/windows/map_handle.ipp" #else #include "detail/impl/posix/map_handle.ipp" #endif #undef LLFIO_INCLUDED_BY_HEADER #include "detail/impl/map_handle.ipp" #endif #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(pop) #endif #endif