/* Information about a file (C) 2015-2018 Niall Douglas (4 commits) File Created: Apr 2017 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License in the accompanying file Licence.txt or at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file Licence.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) */ #ifndef LLFIO_STAT_H #define LLFIO_STAT_H #ifndef LLFIO_CONFIG_HPP #error You must include the master llfio.hpp, not individual header files directly #endif #include "config.hpp" //! \file stat.hpp Provides stat #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(push) #pragma warning(disable : 4251) // dll interface #endif LLFIO_V2_NAMESPACE_EXPORT_BEGIN class handle; /*! \struct stat_t \brief Metadata about a directory entry This structure looks somewhat like a `struct stat`, and indeed it was derived from BSD's `struct stat`. However there are a number of changes to better interoperate with modern practice, specifically: - inode value containers are forced to 64 bits. - Timestamps use C++11's `std::chrono::system_clock::time_point` or Boost equivalent. The resolution of these may or may not equal what a `struct timespec` can do depending on your STL. - The type of a file, which is available on Windows and on POSIX without needing an additional syscall, is provided by `st_type` which is one of the values from `filesystem::file_type`. - As type is now separate from permissions, there is no longer a `st_mode`, instead being a `st_perms` which is solely the permissions bits. If you want to test permission bits in `st_perms` but don't want to include platform specific headers, note that `filesystem::perms` contains definitions of the POSIX permissions flags. - The st_sparse and st_compressed flags indicate if your file is sparse and/or compressed, or if the directory will compress newly created files by default. Note that on POSIX, a file is sparse if and only if st_allocated < st_size which can include compressed files if that filing system is mounted with compression enabled (e.g. ZFS with ZLE compression which elides runs of zeros). - The st_reparse_point is a Windows only flag and is never set on POSIX, even on a NTFS volume. */ struct stat_t // NOLINT { /* NOTE TO THOSE WHO WOULD MODIFY THIS: These members need to be non-initialised. Do NOT initialise them. We WANT uninitialised data here by default! */ uint64_t st_dev; /*!< inode of device containing file (POSIX only) */ uint64_t st_ino; /*!< inode of file (Windows, POSIX) */ filesystem::file_type st_type; /*!< type of file (Windows, POSIX) */ #ifndef _WIN32 #ifndef DOXYGEN_SHOULD_SKIP_THIS uint16_t st_perms; #else stil1z::filesystem::perms st_perms; /*!< uint16_t bitfield perms of file (POSIX only) */ #endif #endif int16_t st_nlink; /*!< number of hard links (Windows, POSIX) */ #ifndef _WIN32 int16_t st_uid; /*!< user ID of the file (POSIX only) */ int16_t st_gid; /*!< group ID of the file (POSIX only) */ dev_t st_rdev; /*!< id of file if special (POSIX only) */ #endif std::chrono::system_clock::time_point st_atim; /*!< time of last access (Windows, POSIX) */ std::chrono::system_clock::time_point st_mtim; /*!< time of last data modification (Windows, POSIX) */ std::chrono::system_clock::time_point st_ctim; /*!< time of last status change (Windows, POSIX) */ handle::extent_type st_size; /*!< file size, in bytes (Windows, POSIX) */ handle::extent_type st_allocated; /*!< bytes allocated for file (Windows, POSIX) */ handle::extent_type st_blocks; /*!< number of blocks allocated (Windows, POSIX) */ uint16_t st_blksize; /*!< block size used by this device (Windows, POSIX) */ uint32_t st_flags; /*!< user defined flags for file (FreeBSD, OS X, zero otherwise) */ uint32_t st_gen; /*!< file generation number (FreeBSD, OS X, zero otherwise)*/ std::chrono::system_clock::time_point st_birthtim; /*!< time of file creation (Windows, FreeBSD, OS X, zero otherwise) */ unsigned st_sparse : 1; /*!< if this file is sparse, or this directory capable of sparse files (Windows, POSIX) */ unsigned st_compressed : 1; /*!< if this file is compressed, or this directory capable of compressed files (Windows) */ unsigned st_reparse_point : 1; /*!< if this file or directory is a reparse point (Windows) */ //! Used to indicate what metadata should be filled in QUICKCPPLIB_BITFIELD_BEGIN(want) { dev = 1 << 0, ino = 1 << 1, type = 1 << 2, perms = 1 << 3, nlink = 1 << 4, uid = 1 << 5, gid = 1 << 6, rdev = 1 << 7, atim = 1 << 8, mtim = 1 << 9, ctim = 1 << 10, size = 1 << 11, allocated = 1 << 12, blocks = 1 << 13, blksize = 1 << 14, flags = 1 << 15, gen = 1 << 16, birthtim = 1 << 17, sparse = 1 << 24, compressed = 1 << 25, reparse_point = 1 << 26, all = static_cast(-1), none = 0 } QUICKCPPLIB_BITFIELD_END(want) //! Constructs a UNINITIALIZED instance i.e. full of random garbage stat_t() {} // NOLINT CANNOT be constexpr because we are INTENTIONALLY not initialising the storage //! Constructs a zeroed instance constexpr explicit stat_t(std::nullptr_t) noexcept : st_dev(0), // NOLINT st_ino(0), // NOLINT st_type(filesystem::file_type::unknown), // NOLINT #ifndef _WIN32 st_perms(0), // NOLINT #endif st_nlink(0), // NOLINT #ifndef _WIN32 st_uid(0), // NOLINT st_gid(0), // NOLINT st_rdev(0), // NOLINT #endif st_size(0), // NOLINT st_allocated(0), // NOLINT st_blocks(0), // NOLINT st_blksize(0), // NOLINT st_flags(0), // NOLINT st_gen(0), // NOLINT st_sparse(0), // NOLINT st_compressed(0), // NOLINT st_reparse_point(0) // NOLINT { } #ifdef __cpp_exceptions //! Constructs a filled instance, throwing as an exception any error which might occur explicit stat_t(const handle &h, want wanted = want::all) : stat_t(nullptr) { auto v(fill(h, wanted)); if(v.has_error()) { v.error().throw_exception(); } } #endif /*! Fills the structure with metadata. \return The number of items filled in. You should use a nullptr constructed structure if you wish to detect which items were filled in, and which not (those not may be all bits zero). */ LLFIO_HEADERS_ONLY_MEMFUNC_SPEC result fill(const handle &h, want wanted = want::all) noexcept; /*! Stamps the handle with the metadata in the structure, returning the metadata written. The following want bits are always ignored, and are cleared in the want bits returned: - `dev` - `ino` - `type` - `nlink` - `rdev` - `ctim` - `size` (use `truncate()` on the file instead) - `allocated` - `blocks` - `blksize` - `flags` - `gen` - `sparse` - `compressed` - `reparse_point` The following want bits are supported by these platforms: - `perms`, `uid`, `gid` (POSIX only) - `atim` (Windows, POSIX) - `mtim` (Windows, POSIX) - `birthtim` (Windows, FreeBSD, OS X) Note that on POSIX, setting birth time involves two syscalls, the first of which temporarily sets the modified date to the birth time, which is racy. This is unavoidable given the syscall's design. Note also that on POSIX one can never make a birth time newer than the current birth time, nor a modified time older than a birth time. You can do these on Windows, however. */ LLFIO_HEADERS_ONLY_MEMFUNC_SPEC result stamp(handle &h, want wanted = want::all) noexcept; }; LLFIO_V2_NAMESPACE_END #if LLFIO_HEADERS_ONLY == 1 && !defined(DOXYGEN_SHOULD_SKIP_THIS) #define LLFIO_INCLUDED_BY_HEADER 1 #ifdef _WIN32 #include "detail/impl/windows/stat.ipp" #else #include "detail/impl/posix/stat.ipp" #endif #undef LLFIO_INCLUDED_BY_HEADER #endif #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(pop) #endif #endif