#!/usr/bin/python # Look for all static member functions marked AFIO_MAKE_FREE_FUNCTION and make them free # (C) 2017 Niall Douglas from __future__ import print_function import sys, glob, re for header in glob.glob("../include/afio/*/*.hpp"): with open(header, "rt") as ih: lines = ih.readlines() current_class = None functions_to_be_freed = [] functions_to_be_freed_begin = -1 functions_to_be_freed_end = -1 for lineidx in range(0, len(lines)): if lines[lineidx].startswith('class'): current_class = lines[lineidx][6:lines[lineidx].find(':')] current_class = current_class.replace('AFIO_DECL', '').lstrip().rstrip() if 'AFIO_MAKE_FREE_FUNCTION' in lines[lineidx] and re.match('\s*AFIO_MAKE_FREE_FUNCTION', lines[lineidx]): function = '' for n in range(1, 100): function += lines[lineidx+n] if lineidx+n+1 >= len(lines): print(lines[lineidx:]) raise Exception() if '{' in lines[lineidx+n+1] or ';' in lines[lineidx+n]: break docs = '' if '*/' in lines[lineidx-1] or '//!' in lines[lineidx-1]: for n in range(1, 100): if '//!' in lines[lineidx-n] or '/*!' in lines[lineidx-n]: docs = ''.join(lines[lineidx-n:lineidx]) # Remove any indent docs = docs.replace('\n ', '\n')[2:] break functions_to_be_freed.append((current_class, function, docs)) elif '// BEGIN make_free_functions.py' in lines[lineidx]: functions_to_be_freed_begin = lineidx elif '// END make_free_functions.py' in lines[lineidx]: functions_to_be_freed_end = lineidx if functions_to_be_freed: if functions_to_be_freed_begin != -1: del lines[functions_to_be_freed_begin+1:functions_to_be_freed_end] else: # Place just before the last AFIO_V2_NAMESPACE_END functions_to_be_freed_begin = len(lines)-1 while not lines[functions_to_be_freed_begin].startswith('AFIO_V2_NAMESPACE_END'): functions_to_be_freed_begin = functions_to_be_freed_begin - 1 lines.insert(functions_to_be_freed_begin, '// END make_free_functions.py\n\n') lines.insert(functions_to_be_freed_begin, '// BEGIN make_free_functions.py\n') idx = functions_to_be_freed_begin + 1 for classname, function, docs in functions_to_be_freed: #print((classname, function)) function = function.replace('virtual ', '') function = function.replace('override', '') function = function.replace('AFIO_HEADERS_ONLY_MEMFUNC_SPEC ', '') function = function.replace('AFIO_HEADERS_ONLY_VIRTUAL_SPEC ', '') completion_template = 'template ' in function function = function.replace('template ', '') is_static = 'static ' in function function = function.replace('static ', '') function = function.lstrip() if not function.startswith('inline'): function = 'inline ' + function if completion_template: function = 'template ' + function def replace(function, item): function = function.replace(' '+item+' ', ' '+classname+'::'+item+' ') function = function.replace('('+item+' ', '('+classname+'::'+item+' ') function = function.replace('<'+item+',', '<'+classname+'::'+item+',') function = function.replace('<'+item+'>', '<'+classname+'::'+item+'>') function = function.replace(' '+item+'>', ' '+classname+'::'+item+'>') return function function = replace(function, 'path_view_type') function = replace(function, 'extent_type') function = replace(function, 'size_type') function = replace(function, 'buffers_type') function = replace(function, 'const_buffers_type') function = function.replace('path_view_type()', classname+'::path_view_type()') function = function.replace(' io_result<', ' '+classname+'::io_result<') function = function.replace(' io_request<', ' '+classname+'::io_request<') function = function.replace('(io_request<', '('+classname+'::io_request<') function = function.replace(' idx2: function = function[:idx1] + function[idx1+6:] function = function.rstrip() is_const = True idx1 = function.rfind('= 0') if idx1 > idx2: function = function[:idx1] + function[idx1+3:] function = function.rstrip() if is_static: call = function impl = "\n{\n return "+classname+"::" else: call = function idx1 = function.find('(') idx2 = function.rfind(')') function = function[:idx1+1] + (('const ' + classname) if is_const else classname) + (' &self, ' if idx1+1 != idx2 else ' &self') + function[idx1+1:] impl = "\n{\n return self." idx1 = docs.find('\\param') if idx1 != -1: docs = docs[:idx1] + '\param self The object whose member function to call.\n' + docs[idx1:] #print(call) call = re.sub(r'^.+?(?= [^ ]+\()', '', call) # remove anything before the function call #print(call) call = re.sub(r'(?<=\) ).*', '', call) # remove anything after the function call #print(call) call = re.sub(r'".*?"', '', call) # remove any string literals #print(call) call = re.sub(r'\s?=.+?(?:\(.*?\))?(?=[,)])', '', call) # remove all default initialisers #print(call) impl += re.match(r'.+\(', call).group(0).lstrip() first = True for par in re.finditer(r'\w*[,)]', call): if not first: impl += ' ' else: first = False p = par.group(0) if p == ')': impl += ')' else: impl += 'std::forward('+p[:-1]+')'+p[-1] impl += ";\n}\n" lines.insert(idx, function+impl) lines.insert(idx, docs) idx = idx + 2 with open(header, "wt") as oh: oh.writelines(lines)