LLFIO  v2.00 late beta
llfio_v2_xxx::construct< T > Struct Template Reference

Metaprogramming shim for constructing any handle subclass. More...

#include "handle.hpp"

Public Member Functions

result< T > operator() () const noexcept

Detailed Description

template<class T>
struct llfio_v2_xxx::construct< T >

Metaprogramming shim for constructing any handle subclass.

Each handle implementation provides one or more static member functions used to construct it. Each of these has a descriptive, unique name so it can be used as a free function which is convenient and intuitive for human programmers.

This design pattern is however inconvenient for generic code which needs a single way of constructing some arbitrary unknown handle implementation. This shim function provides that.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: