/* Integration testing for algorithm::shared_fs_mutex (C) 2016-2017 Niall Douglas (13 commits) File Created: Aug 2016 Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License in the accompanying file Licence.txt or at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0. (See accompanying file Licence.txt or copy at http://www.boost.org/LICENSE_1_0.txt) */ #define QUICKCPPLIB_BOOST_UNIT_TEST_CUSTOM_MAIN_DEFINED #include "../test_kernel_decl.hpp" KERNELTEST_TEST_KERNEL(unit, llfio, shared_fs_mutex, entity_endian, "Tests that llfio::algorithm::shared_fs_mutex::entity_type has the right endian", [] { LLFIO_V2_NAMESPACE::algorithm::shared_fs_mutex::shared_fs_mutex::entity_type v(0, true); BOOST_REQUIRE(v._init != 1UL); // NOLINT }()) #include #include #include #include KERNELTEST_V1_NAMESPACE_BEGIN struct waitable_done { std::atomic done; std::mutex _m; std::condition_variable _cv; explicit waitable_done(int v = 0) : done(v) { } template bool wait_until_done_for(const std::chrono::duration &rel) { std::unique_lock h(_m); return _cv.wait_for(h, rel, [&] { return done != 0; }); } template bool wait_until_done_until(const std::chrono::time_point &dl) { std::unique_lock h(_m); return _cv.wait_until(h, dl, [&] { return done != 0; }); } void wait_until_done() { std::unique_lock h(_m); _cv.wait(h, [&] { return done != 0; }); } void set_done(int v) { done = v; _cv.notify_all(); } }; static std::unordered_map> kerneltest_child_worker_registry; struct kerneltest_child_worker_registration { std::string name; template kerneltest_child_worker_registration(std::string _name, U &&f) noexcept : name(std::move(_name)) { kerneltest_child_worker_registry.insert(std::make_pair(name, std::forward(f))); } kerneltest_child_worker_registration(kerneltest_child_worker_registration &&o) noexcept : name(std::move(o.name)) {} kerneltest_child_worker_registration(const kerneltest_child_worker_registration &o) = delete; kerneltest_child_worker_registration &operator=(const kerneltest_child_worker_registration &o) = delete; kerneltest_child_worker_registration &operator=(kerneltest_child_worker_registration &&o) = delete; ~kerneltest_child_worker_registration() { if(!name.empty()) { kerneltest_child_worker_registry.erase(name); } } }; template kerneltest_child_worker_registration register_child_worker(const char *name, U &&f) noexcept { return kerneltest_child_worker_registration(name, std::forward(f)); } #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(push) #pragma warning(disable : 4127) // conditional expression is constant #endif namespace detail { void print_args(std::ostream & /*unused*/) {} template void print_args(std::ostream &s, Arg &&arg, Args &&... args) { if(std::is_constructible::value) { s << "\""; } s << arg; if(std::is_constructible::value) { s << "\""; } s << ","; print_args(s, std::forward(args)...); } template void print_args(std::ostream &s, Arg &&arg) { s << arg; } void print_args(std::wostream & /*unused*/) {} template void print_args(std::wostream &s, Arg &&arg, Args &&... args) { if(std::is_constructible::value || std::is_constructible::value) { s << "\""; } s << arg; if(std::is_constructible::value || std::is_constructible::value) { s << "\""; } s << ","; print_args(s, std::forward(args)...); } template void print_args(std::wostream &s, Arg &&arg) { s << arg; } } // namespace detail #ifdef _MSC_VER #pragma warning(pop) #endif struct child_workers { std::vector workers; struct result { std::string cerr; intptr_t retcode{0}; std::string results; }; std::vector results; template child_workers(std::string name, size_t workersno, Args &&... _args) { #ifdef _UNICODE std::wstringstream ss1, ss2, ss3; std::wstring_convert> utf16conv; auto convstr = [&](const std::string &v) { return utf16conv.from_bytes(v); }; #else std::stringstream ss1, ss2, ss3; auto convstr = [](const std::string &v) { return v; }; #endif ss1 << "--kerneltestchild," << convstr(name) << ","; ss3 << ","; detail::print_args(ss3, std::forward(_args)...); results.resize(workersno); for(size_t n = 0; n < workersno; n++) { ss2 = decltype(ss2)(); ss2 << ss1.str() << n << ss3.str(); std::vector args{ss2.str()}; auto newchild = child_process::child_process::launch(child_process::current_process_path(), std::move(args), child_process::current_process_env(), true); #if 0 if(!newchild) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to launch new child process due to %s. Press Return to fatal exit.\n", newchild.error().message().c_str()); getchar(); abort(); } #endif workers.push_back(std::move(newchild).value()); results[n].retcode = 0; } } void wait_until_ready() { char buffer[1024]; for(size_t n = 0; n < workers.size(); n++) { auto &i = workers[n].cout(); if(!i.getline(buffer, sizeof(buffer))) // NOLINT { results[n].cerr = "ERROR: Child seems to have vanished! (wait_until_ready)"; results[n].retcode = 99; continue; } if(0 != strncmp(buffer, "READY", 5)) // NOLINT { results[n].cerr = "ERROR: Child wrote unexpected output '" + std::string(buffer) + "' (wait_until_ready)"; // NOLINT results[n].retcode = 98; continue; } } } void go() { for(size_t n = 0; n < workers.size(); n++) { if(0 == results[n].retcode) { workers[n].cin() << "GO" << std::endl; } } } void stop() { for(size_t n = 0; n < workers.size(); n++) { if(0 == results[n].retcode) { workers[n].cin() << "STOP" << std::endl; } } } void join() { char buffer[1024]; for(size_t n = 0; n < workers.size(); n++) { auto &child = workers[n]; if(0 == results[n].retcode) { if(!child.cout().getline(buffer, sizeof(buffer))) // NOLINT { results[n].cerr = child.is_running() ? "ERROR: Child pipe is unreadable! (join)" : "ERROR: Child seems to have vanished! (join)"; results[n].retcode = 99; } else if(0 != strncmp(buffer, "RESULTS ", 8)) // NOLINT { results[n].cerr = "ERROR: Child wrote unexpected output '" + std::string(buffer) + "' (join)"; // NOLINT results[n].retcode = 98; } else { results[n].results = buffer + 8; // NOLINT if(results[n].results.back() == '\r') { results[n].results.resize(results[n].results.size() - 1); } } } #ifdef NDEBUG std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point deadline = std::chrono::steady_clock::now() + std::chrono::seconds(5); #else std::chrono::steady_clock::time_point deadline; #endif intptr_t ret = child.wait_until(deadline).value(); if(ret != 0) { results[n].retcode = ret; } } } }; template inline child_workers launch_child_workers(std::string name, size_t workers, Args &&... args) { return child_workers(std::move(name), workers, std::forward(args)...); } KERNELTEST_V1_NAMESPACE_END /* */ struct shared_memory { std::atomic current_exclusive; char _cacheline1[64]; enum mutex_kind_type { atomic_append, byte_ranges, safe_byte_ranges, lock_files, memory_map } mutex_kind; enum test_type { exclusive = 0, shared = 1, both = 2 } testtype; char _cacheline2[64]; std::atomic current_shared; }; static inline void _check_child_worker(const std::string &i) { BOOST_CHECK((i[0] == 'o' && i[1] == 'k')); std::cout << "Child reports " << i << std::endl; } static inline void check_child_worker(const KERNELTEST_V1_NAMESPACE::child_workers::result &i) { if(!i.cerr.empty()) { BOOST_CHECK(i.cerr.empty()); std::cout << "Child worker failed with '" << i.cerr << "' (return code was " << i.retcode << ")" << std::endl; } else if(i.retcode != 0) { BOOST_CHECK(i.retcode == 0); std::cout << "Child worker process failed with return code " << i.retcode << std::endl; } else { BOOST_CHECK(i.retcode == 0); _check_child_worker(i.results); } } static std::string _TestSharedFSMutexCorrectnessChildWorker(KERNELTEST_V1_NAMESPACE::waitable_done &waitable, size_t childidx, shared_memory *shmem) // NOLINT { namespace llfio = LLFIO_V2_NAMESPACE; ++shmem->current_exclusive; while(-1 != shmem->current_exclusive) { std::this_thread::yield(); } std::unique_ptr lock; switch(shmem->mutex_kind) { case shared_memory::mutex_kind_type::atomic_append: lock = std::make_unique(llfio::algorithm::shared_fs_mutex::atomic_append::fs_mutex_append({}, "lockfile").value()); break; case shared_memory::mutex_kind_type::byte_ranges: lock = std::make_unique(llfio::algorithm::shared_fs_mutex::byte_ranges::fs_mutex_byte_ranges({}, "lockfile").value()); break; case shared_memory::mutex_kind_type::safe_byte_ranges: lock = std::make_unique(llfio::algorithm::shared_fs_mutex::safe_byte_ranges::fs_mutex_safe_byte_ranges({}, "lockfile").value()); break; case shared_memory::mutex_kind_type::lock_files: lock = std::make_unique(llfio::algorithm::shared_fs_mutex::lock_files::fs_mutex_lock_files(llfio::path_handle::path(".").value()).value()); break; case shared_memory::mutex_kind_type::memory_map: lock = std::make_unique>(llfio::algorithm::shared_fs_mutex::memory_map<>::fs_mutex_map({}, "lockfile").value()); break; } ++shmem->current_shared; while(0 != shmem->current_shared) { std::this_thread::yield(); } long maxreaders = 0; do { if(shmem->testtype == shared_memory::test_type::exclusive || (shmem->testtype == shared_memory::test_type::both && childidx < 2)) { auto h = lock->lock(llfio::algorithm::shared_fs_mutex::shared_fs_mutex::entity_type(0, true)).value(); long oldval = shmem->current_exclusive.exchange(static_cast(childidx)); if(oldval != -1) { return "Child " + std::to_string(childidx) + " granted exclusive lock when child " + std::to_string(oldval) + " already has exclusive lock!"; } oldval = shmem->current_shared; if(oldval != 0) { return "Child " + std::to_string(childidx) + " holding exclusive lock yet " + std::to_string(oldval) + " users hold the shared lock!"; } oldval = shmem->current_exclusive.exchange(-1); if(oldval != static_cast(childidx)) { return "Child " + std::to_string(childidx) + " released exclusive lock to find child " + std::to_string(oldval) + " had stolen my lock!"; } } else if(shmem->testtype == shared_memory::test_type::shared || shmem->testtype == shared_memory::test_type::both) { auto h = lock->lock(llfio::algorithm::shared_fs_mutex::shared_fs_mutex::entity_type(0, false)).value(); long oldval = ++shmem->current_shared; if(oldval > maxreaders) { maxreaders = oldval; } oldval = shmem->current_exclusive; if(oldval != -1) { return "Child " + std::to_string(childidx) + " granted shared lock when child " + std::to_string(oldval) + " already has exclusive lock!"; } --shmem->current_shared; } } while(0 == waitable.done); return "ok, max concurrent readers was " + std::to_string(maxreaders); } static auto TestSharedFSMutexCorrectnessChildWorker = KERNELTEST_V1_NAMESPACE::register_child_worker("TestSharedFSMutexCorrectness", [](KERNELTEST_V1_NAMESPACE::waitable_done &waitable, size_t childidx, const char * /*unused*/) -> std::string { // NOLINT namespace llfio = LLFIO_V2_NAMESPACE; auto shared_mem_file = llfio::file_handle::file({}, "shared_memory", llfio::file_handle::mode::write, llfio::file_handle::creation::open_existing, llfio::file_handle::caching::temporary).value(); auto shared_mem_file_section = llfio::section_handle::section(shared_mem_file, sizeof(shared_memory), llfio::section_handle::flag::readwrite).value(); auto shared_mem_file_map = llfio::map_handle::map(shared_mem_file_section).value(); auto *shmem = reinterpret_cast(shared_mem_file_map.address()); // NOLINT return _TestSharedFSMutexCorrectnessChildWorker(waitable, childidx, shmem); }); /* Test 1: X child processes use the lock for exclusive and shared usage. Verify we never allow exclusive with anything else. Verify shared allows other shared. */ void TestSharedFSMutexCorrectness(shared_memory::mutex_kind_type mutex_kind, shared_memory::test_type testtype, bool threads_not_processes) { namespace llfio = LLFIO_V2_NAMESPACE; auto shared_mem_file = llfio::file_handle::file({}, "shared_memory", llfio::file_handle::mode::write, llfio::file_handle::creation::if_needed, llfio::file_handle::caching::temporary, llfio::file_handle::flag::unlink_on_first_close).value(); shared_mem_file.truncate(sizeof(shared_memory)).value(); auto shared_mem_file_section = llfio::section_handle::section(shared_mem_file, sizeof(shared_memory), llfio::section_handle::flag::readwrite).value(); auto shared_mem_file_map = llfio::map_handle::map(shared_mem_file_section).value(); auto *shmem = reinterpret_cast(shared_mem_file_map.address()); // NOLINT shmem->current_shared = -static_cast(std::thread::hardware_concurrency()); shmem->current_exclusive = -static_cast(std::thread::hardware_concurrency()) - 1; shmem->mutex_kind = mutex_kind; shmem->testtype = testtype; if(threads_not_processes) { KERNELTEST_V1_NAMESPACE::waitable_done waitable(0); std::vector, std::thread>> thread_workers; thread_workers.reserve(std::thread::hardware_concurrency()); for(size_t n = 0; n < std::thread::hardware_concurrency(); n++) { std::packaged_task task(_TestSharedFSMutexCorrectnessChildWorker); auto f = task.get_future(); thread_workers.emplace_back(std::move(f), std::thread(std::move(task), std::ref(waitable), n, shmem)); } std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(5)); waitable.set_done(1); for(auto &i : thread_workers) { i.second.join(); _check_child_worker(i.first.get()); } } else { auto child_workers = KERNELTEST_V1_NAMESPACE::launch_child_workers("TestSharedFSMutexCorrectness", std::thread::hardware_concurrency()); child_workers.wait_until_ready(); // I now have hardware_concurrency child worker processes ready to go, so execute the child worker #if 0 std::cout << "Please attach debuggers and press Enter" << std::endl; getchar(); #endif child_workers.go(); // They will all open the shared memory and gate on current_exclusive until all reach the exact same point // They will then all create the lock concurrently and gate on current_shared until all reach the exact same point // They then will iterate locking and unlocking the same entity using the shared memory to verify it never happens // that more than one ever holds an exclusive lock, or any shared lock occurs when an exclusive lock is held std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::seconds(5)); child_workers.stop(); child_workers.join(); for(auto &i : child_workers.results) { check_child_worker(i); } } } KERNELTEST_TEST_KERNEL(integration, llfio, shared_fs_mutex_byte_ranges, exclusives, "Tests that llfio::algorithm::shared_fs_mutex::byte_ranges implementation implements exclusive locking", [] { TestSharedFSMutexCorrectness(shared_memory::byte_ranges, shared_memory::exclusive, false); }()) KERNELTEST_TEST_KERNEL(integration, llfio, shared_fs_mutex_byte_ranges, shared, "Tests that llfio::algorithm::shared_fs_mutex::byte_ranges implementation implements shared locking", [] { TestSharedFSMutexCorrectness(shared_memory::byte_ranges, shared_memory::shared, false); }()) KERNELTEST_TEST_KERNEL(integration, llfio, shared_fs_mutex_byte_ranges, both, "Tests that llfio::algorithm::shared_fs_mutex::byte_ranges implementation implements a mixture of exclusive and shared locking", [] { TestSharedFSMutexCorrectness(shared_memory::byte_ranges, shared_memory::both, false); }()) KERNELTEST_TEST_KERNEL(integration, llfio, shared_fs_mutex_memory_map, exclusives, "Tests that llfio::algorithm::shared_fs_mutex::memory_map implementation implements exclusive locking", [] { TestSharedFSMutexCorrectness(shared_memory::memory_map, shared_memory::exclusive, false); }()) KERNELTEST_TEST_KERNEL(integration, llfio, shared_fs_mutex_memory_map, shared, "Tests that llfio::algorithm::shared_fs_mutex::memory_map implementation implements shared locking", [] { TestSharedFSMutexCorrectness(shared_memory::memory_map, shared_memory::shared, false); }()) KERNELTEST_TEST_KERNEL(integration, llfio, shared_fs_mutex_memory_map, both, "Tests that llfio::algorithm::shared_fs_mutex::memory_map implementation implements a mixture of exclusive and shared locking", [] { TestSharedFSMutexCorrectness(shared_memory::memory_map, shared_memory::both, false); }()) KERNELTEST_TEST_KERNEL(integration, llfio, shared_fs_mutex_safe_byte_ranges_process, exclusives, "Tests that llfio::algorithm::shared_fs_mutex::safe_byte_ranges implementation implements exclusive locking with processes", [] { TestSharedFSMutexCorrectness(shared_memory::memory_map, shared_memory::exclusive, false); }()) KERNELTEST_TEST_KERNEL(integration, llfio, shared_fs_mutex_safe_byte_ranges_process, shared, "Tests that llfio::algorithm::shared_fs_mutex::safe_byte_ranges implementation implements shared locking with processes", [] { TestSharedFSMutexCorrectness(shared_memory::memory_map, shared_memory::shared, false); }()) KERNELTEST_TEST_KERNEL(integration, llfio, shared_fs_mutex_safe_byte_ranges_process, both, "Tests that llfio::algorithm::shared_fs_mutex::safe_byte_ranges implementation implements a mixture of exclusive and shared locking with processes", [] { TestSharedFSMutexCorrectness(shared_memory::memory_map, shared_memory::both, false); }()) KERNELTEST_TEST_KERNEL(integration, llfio, shared_fs_mutex_safe_byte_ranges_thread, exclusives, "Tests that llfio::algorithm::shared_fs_mutex::safe_byte_ranges implementation implements exclusive locking with threads", [] { TestSharedFSMutexCorrectness(shared_memory::memory_map, shared_memory::exclusive, true); }()) KERNELTEST_TEST_KERNEL(integration, llfio, shared_fs_mutex_safe_byte_ranges_thread, shared, "Tests that llfio::algorithm::shared_fs_mutex::safe_byte_ranges implementation implements shared locking with threads", [] { TestSharedFSMutexCorrectness(shared_memory::memory_map, shared_memory::shared, true); }()) KERNELTEST_TEST_KERNEL(integration, llfio, shared_fs_mutex_safe_byte_ranges_thread, both, "Tests that llfio::algorithm::shared_fs_mutex::safe_byte_ranges implementation implements a mixture of exclusive and shared locking with threads", [] { TestSharedFSMutexCorrectness(shared_memory::memory_map, shared_memory::both, true); }()) /* Test 2: X child processes all try to construct the lock at once, lock something shared, unlock it and destruct. A counter determines if everybody locked the same thing. Important there is no blocking. */ // TODO(ned) /* Test 3: We have a constant ongoing stream of child processes constructing the lock, locking something, unlocking, and destructing the lock. This should find interesting races in the more complex lock constructors and destructors */ static void TestSharedFSMutexConstructDestruct(shared_memory::mutex_kind_type mutex_kind) { namespace llfio = LLFIO_V2_NAMESPACE; auto shared_mem_file = llfio::file_handle::file({}, "shared_memory", llfio::file_handle::mode::write, llfio::file_handle::creation::if_needed, llfio::file_handle::caching::temporary, llfio::file_handle::flag::unlink_on_first_close).value(); shared_mem_file.truncate(sizeof(shared_memory)).value(); auto shared_mem_file_section = llfio::section_handle::section(shared_mem_file, sizeof(shared_memory), llfio::section_handle::flag::readwrite).value(); auto shared_mem_file_map = llfio::map_handle::map(shared_mem_file_section).value(); auto *shmem = reinterpret_cast(shared_mem_file_map.address()); // NOLINT shmem->current_shared = -2; shmem->current_exclusive = -3; shmem->mutex_kind = mutex_kind; shmem->testtype = shared_memory::test_type::exclusive; // Launch two child workers who constantly lock and unlock, checking correctness auto child_workers1 = KERNELTEST_V1_NAMESPACE::launch_child_workers("TestSharedFSMutexCorrectness", 2); child_workers1.wait_until_ready(); child_workers1.go(); // Now repeatedly launch hardware concurrency child workers who constantly open the lock, lock once, unlock and close the lock auto begin = std::chrono::steady_clock::now(); while(std::chrono::duration_cast(std::chrono::steady_clock::now() - begin).count() < 5) { auto child_workers = KERNELTEST_V1_NAMESPACE::launch_child_workers("TestSharedFSMutexConstructDestruct", std::thread::hardware_concurrency(), static_cast(mutex_kind)); child_workers.wait_until_ready(); child_workers.go(); child_workers.stop(); child_workers.join(); for(auto &i : child_workers.results) { check_child_worker(i); } } child_workers1.stop(); child_workers1.join(); for(auto &i : child_workers1.results) { check_child_worker(i); } } static auto TestSharedFSMutexConstructDestructChildWorker = KERNELTEST_V1_NAMESPACE::register_child_worker("TestSharedFSMutexConstructDestruct", [](KERNELTEST_V1_NAMESPACE::waitable_done & /*unused*/, size_t /*unused*/, const char *params) -> std::string { // NOLINT namespace llfio = LLFIO_V2_NAMESPACE; std::unique_ptr lock; auto mutex_kind = static_cast(atoi(params)); // NOLINT switch(mutex_kind) { case shared_memory::mutex_kind_type::atomic_append: lock = std::make_unique(llfio::algorithm::shared_fs_mutex::atomic_append::fs_mutex_append({}, "lockfile").value()); break; case shared_memory::mutex_kind_type::byte_ranges: lock = std::make_unique(llfio::algorithm::shared_fs_mutex::byte_ranges::fs_mutex_byte_ranges({}, "lockfile").value()); break; case shared_memory::mutex_kind_type::safe_byte_ranges: lock = std::make_unique(llfio::algorithm::shared_fs_mutex::safe_byte_ranges::fs_mutex_safe_byte_ranges({}, "lockfile").value()); break; case shared_memory::mutex_kind_type::lock_files: lock = std::make_unique(llfio::algorithm::shared_fs_mutex::lock_files::fs_mutex_lock_files(llfio::path_handle::path(".").value()).value()); break; case shared_memory::mutex_kind_type::memory_map: lock = std::make_unique>(llfio::algorithm::shared_fs_mutex::memory_map<>::fs_mutex_map({}, "lockfile").value()); break; } // Take a shared lock of a different entity auto h = lock->lock(llfio::algorithm::shared_fs_mutex::shared_fs_mutex::entity_type(1, false)).value(); return "ok"; }); KERNELTEST_TEST_KERNEL(integration, llfio, shared_fs_mutex_memory_map, construct_destruct, "Tests that llfio::algorithm::shared_fs_mutex::memory_map constructor and destructor are race free", [] { TestSharedFSMutexConstructDestruct(shared_memory::memory_map); }()) /* */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { using namespace KERNELTEST_V1_NAMESPACE; for(int n = 1; n < argc; n++) { if(0 == strncmp(argv[n], "--kerneltestchild,", 18)) // NOLINT { // Format is --kerneltestchild,name,childidx,pars... char *comma = strchr(argv[n] + 18, ','); // NOLINT if(nullptr == comma) { return 1; } std::string name(argv[n] + 18, comma - (argv[n] + 18)); // NOLINT size_t thischild = strtoul(comma + 1, nullptr, 10); // NOLINT comma = strchr(comma + 1, ','); // NOLINT if(nullptr == comma) { return 1; } const char *param = comma + 1; // NOLINT auto it = kerneltest_child_worker_registry.find(name); if(it == kerneltest_child_worker_registry.end()) { std::cerr << "KernelTest child worker " << thischild << " fails to find work '" << name << "', exiting" << std::endl; return 1; } try { // Fire up a worker thread and get him to block waitable_done waitable(-1); std::string result; std::thread worker([&] { while(waitable.done == -1) { std::this_thread::yield(); } result = it->second(waitable, thischild, param); }); std::cout << "READY(" << thischild << ")" << std::endl; for(;;) { char buffer[1024]; // This blocks if(!std::cin.getline(buffer, sizeof(buffer))) // NOLINT { waitable.set_done(1); worker.join(); return 1; } if(0 == strcmp(buffer, "GO")) // NOLINT { // Launch worker thread waitable.set_done(0); } else if(0 == strcmp(buffer, "STOP")) // NOLINT { waitable.set_done(1); worker.join(); std::cout << "RESULTS " << result << std::endl; return 0; } } } catch(const std::exception &e) { std::cerr << "KernelTest child worker " << thischild << " throws exception '" << e.what() << "'" << std::endl; return 1; } catch(...) { std::cerr << "KernelTest child worker " << thischild << " throws exception 'unknown'" << std::endl; return 1; } } } LLFIO_V2_NAMESPACE::filesystem::create_directory("shared_fs_mutex_testdir"); LLFIO_V2_NAMESPACE::filesystem::current_path("shared_fs_mutex_testdir"); int result = QUICKCPPLIB_BOOST_UNIT_TEST_RUN_TESTS(argc, argv); return result; }