Boost.AFIO  v2.00 early alpha
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utils.hpp File Reference

Provides namespace utils. More...

#include "config.hpp"
#include "../boost-lite/include/algorithm/string.hpp"


class  boost::afio::v2_xxx::utils::page_allocator< T >
 An STL allocator which allocates large TLB page memory.If the operating system is configured to allow it, this type of memory is particularly efficient for doing large scale file i/o. This is because the kernel must normally convert the scatter gather buffers you pass into extended scatter gather buffers as the memory you see as contiguous may not, and probably isn't, actually be contiguous in physical memory. Regions returned by this allocator may be allocated contiguously in physical memory and therefore the kernel can pass through your scatter gather buffers unmodified. More...
struct  boost::afio::v2_xxx::utils::page_allocator< T >::rebind< U >
class  boost::afio::v2_xxx::utils::page_allocator< void >
struct  boost::afio::v2_xxx::utils::page_allocator< void >::rebind< U >


namespace  boost
 The Boost namespace.
namespace  boost::afio
 The AFIO namespace.
namespace  boost::afio::v2_xxx
 Inline namespace for this version of AFIO.
namespace  boost::afio::v2_xxx::utils
 Utility routines often useful when using AFIO.


size_t boost::afio::v2_xxx::utils::page_size () noexcept
 Returns the smallest page size of this architecture which is useful for calculating direct i/o multiples. More...
template<class T >
boost::afio::v2_xxx::utils::round_down_to_page_size (T i) noexcept
 Round a value to its next lowest page size multiple.
template<class T >
boost::afio::v2_xxx::utils::round_up_to_page_size (T i) noexcept
 Round a value to its next highest page size multiple.
template<class T >
std::pair< T *, size_t > boost::afio::v2_xxx::utils::round_to_page_size (std::pair< T *, size_t > i) noexcept
 Round a pair of a pointer and a size_t to their nearest page size multiples. The pointer will be rounded down, the size_t upwards.
std::vector< size_t > boost::afio::v2_xxx::utils::page_sizes (bool only_actually_available=true)
 Returns the page sizes of this architecture which is useful for calculating direct i/o multiples. More...
size_t boost::afio::v2_xxx::utils::file_buffer_default_size () noexcept
 Returns a reasonable default size for page_allocator, typically the closest page size from page_sizes() to 1Mb. More...
void boost::afio::v2_xxx::utils::random_fill (char *buffer, size_t bytes)
 Fills the buffer supplied with cryptographically strong randomness. Uses the OS kernel API. More...
std::string boost::afio::v2_xxx::utils::random_string (size_t randomlen)
 Returns a cryptographically random string capable of being used as a filename. Essentially random_fill() + to_hex_string(). More...
large_page_allocation boost::afio::v2_xxx::utils::detail::calculate_large_page_allocation (size_t bytes)
large_page_allocation boost::afio::v2_xxx::utils::detail::allocate_large_pages (size_t bytes)
void boost::afio::v2_xxx::utils::detail::deallocate_large_pages (void *p, size_t bytes)
template<class T , class U >
bool boost::afio::v2_xxx::utils::operator== (const page_allocator< T > &, const page_allocator< U > &) noexcept

Detailed Description

Provides namespace utils.