use crate::err::{Error, Result}; use crate::impl_serialize_for_bitflags; use log::trace; use winstructs::ntfs::mft_reference::MftReference; use byteorder::{LittleEndian, ReadBytesExt}; use bitflags::bitflags; use serde::ser::{self, SerializeStruct, Serializer}; use serde::Serialize; use crate::attribute::header::{MftAttributeHeader, ResidentialHeader}; use crate::attribute::x30::{FileNameAttr, FileNamespace}; use crate::attribute::{MftAttribute, MftAttributeContent, MftAttributeType}; use std::io::Read; use std::io::SeekFrom; use std::io::{Cursor, Seek}; const SEQUENCE_NUMBER_STRIDE: usize = 512; pub const ZERO_HEADER: &[u8; 4] = b"\x00\x00\x00\x00"; pub const BAAD_HEADER: &[u8; 4] = b"BAAD"; pub const FILE_HEADER: &[u8; 4] = b"FILE"; #[derive(Debug, Clone)] pub struct MftEntry { pub header: EntryHeader, pub data: Vec, } impl ser::Serialize for MftEntry { fn serialize(&self, serializer: S) -> ::std::result::Result where S: Serializer, { let mut state = serializer.serialize_struct("Color", 2)?; let attributes: Vec = self.iter_attributes().filter_map(Result::ok).collect(); state.serialize_field("header", &self.header)?; state.serialize_field("attributes", &attributes)?; state.end() } } /// /// The MFT entry can be filled entirely with 0-byte values. #[derive(Serialize, Debug, Clone)] pub struct EntryHeader { /// MULTI_SECTOR_HEADER /// The signature. This value is a convenience to the user. /// This is either "BAAD", "FILE", or "\x00\x00\x00\x00" pub signature: [u8; 4], /// The offset to the update sequence array, from the start of this structure. /// The update sequence array must end before the last USHORT value in the first sector. pub usa_offset: u16, pub usa_size: u16, /// Metadata transaction journal sequence number (Reserved1 in windows docs) /// Contains a $LogFile Sequence Number (LSN) (metz) pub metadata_transaction_journal: u64, /// The sequence number. /// This value is incremented each time that a file record segment is freed; it is 0 if the segment is not used. /// The SequenceNumber field of a file reference must match the contents of this field; /// if they do not match, the file reference is incorrect and probably obsolete. pub sequence: u16, pub hard_link_count: u16, /// The offset of the first attribute record, in bytes. pub first_attribute_record_offset: u16, pub flags: EntryFlags, /// Contains the number of bytes of the MFT entry that are in use pub used_entry_size: u32, pub total_entry_size: u32, /// A file reference to the base file record segment for this file. /// If this is the base file record, the value is 0. See MFT_SEGMENT_REFERENCE. pub base_reference: MftReference, pub first_attribute_id: u16, pub record_number: u64, } bitflags! { pub struct EntryFlags: u16 { const ALLOCATED = 0x01; const INDEX_PRESENT = 0x02; const UNKNOWN_1 = 0x04; const UNKNOWN_2 = 0x08; } } impl_serialize_for_bitflags! {EntryFlags} impl EntryHeader { /// Reads an entry from a stream, will error if the entry is empty (zeroes) /// Since the entry id is not present in the header, it should be provided by the caller. pub fn from_reader(reader: &mut R, entry_id: u64) -> Result { let mut signature = [0; 4]; reader.read_exact(&mut signature)?; let header_is_valid = [FILE_HEADER, BAAD_HEADER, ZERO_HEADER].contains(&&signature); if !header_is_valid { return Err(Error::InvalidEntrySignature { bad_sig: signature.to_vec(), }); } if signature == *ZERO_HEADER { return Ok(Self::zero()); } let usa_offset = reader.read_u16::()?; let usa_size = reader.read_u16::()?; let logfile_sequence_number = reader.read_u64::()?; let sequence = reader.read_u16::()?; let hard_link_count = reader.read_u16::()?; let first_attribute_offset = reader.read_u16::()?; let flags = EntryFlags::from_bits_truncate(reader.read_u16::()?); let entry_size_real = reader.read_u32::()?; let entry_size_allocated = reader.read_u32::()?; let base_reference = MftReference::from_reader(reader).map_err(Error::failed_to_read_mft_reference)?; let first_attribute_id = reader.read_u16::()?; Ok(EntryHeader { signature, usa_offset, usa_size, metadata_transaction_journal: logfile_sequence_number, sequence, hard_link_count, first_attribute_record_offset: first_attribute_offset, flags, used_entry_size: entry_size_real, total_entry_size: entry_size_allocated, base_reference, first_attribute_id, record_number: entry_id, }) } pub fn is_valid(&self) -> bool { self.signature == *FILE_HEADER } pub fn zero() -> Self { EntryHeader { signature: *ZERO_HEADER, usa_offset: 0, usa_size: 0, metadata_transaction_journal: 0, sequence: 0, hard_link_count: 0, first_attribute_record_offset: 0, flags: EntryFlags::from_bits_truncate(0), used_entry_size: 0, total_entry_size: 0, base_reference: MftReference { entry: 0, sequence: 0, }, first_attribute_id: 0, record_number: 0, } } } impl MftEntry { /// Initializes an MFT Entry from a buffer. /// Since the parser is the entity responsible for knowing the entry size, /// we take ownership of the buffer instead of trying to read it from stream. pub fn from_buffer(mut buffer: Vec, entry_number: u64) -> Result { let mut cursor = Cursor::new(&buffer); // Get Header let entry_header = EntryHeader::from_reader(&mut cursor, entry_number)?; trace!("Number of sectors: {:#?}", entry_header); if entry_header.is_valid() { Self::apply_fixups(&entry_header, &mut buffer)?; } Ok(MftEntry { header: entry_header, data: buffer, }) } /// Initializes an MFT Entry from a buffer but skips checking and fixing the /// fixup array. This will throw InvalidEntrySignature error if the entry header /// is not valid. pub fn from_buffer_skip_fixup(buffer: Vec, entry_number: u64) -> Result { let mut cursor = Cursor::new(&buffer); // Get Header let entry_header = EntryHeader::from_reader(&mut cursor, entry_number)?; trace!("Number of sectors: {:#?}", entry_header); if !entry_header.is_valid() { return Err(Error::InvalidEntrySignature { bad_sig: entry_header.signature.to_vec(), }); } Ok(MftEntry { header: entry_header, data: buffer, }) } /// Retrieves most human-readable representation of a file path entry. /// Will prefer `Win32` file name attributes, and fallback to `Dos` paths. pub fn find_best_name_attribute(&self) -> Option { let file_name_attributes: Vec = self .iter_attributes_matching(Some(vec![MftAttributeType::FileName])) .filter_map(Result::ok) .filter_map(|a| .collect(); // Try to find a human-readable filename first let win32_filename = file_name_attributes .iter() .find(|a| [FileNamespace::Win32, FileNamespace::Win32AndDos].contains(&a.namespace)); match win32_filename { Some(filename) => Some(filename.clone()), None => { // Try to take anything match file_name_attributes.iter().next() { Some(filename) => Some(filename.clone()), None => None, } } } } /// Applies the update sequence array fixups. /// /// **Note**: The fixup will be written at the end of each 512-byte stride, /// even if the device has more (or less) than 512 bytes per sector. fn apply_fixups(header: &EntryHeader, buffer: &mut [u8]) -> Result<()> { let number_of_fixups = u32::from(header.usa_size - 1); trace!("Number of fixups: {}", number_of_fixups); // Each fixup is a 2-byte element, and there are `usa_size` of them. let fixups_start_offset = header.usa_offset as usize; let fixups_end_offset = fixups_start_offset + (header.usa_size * 2) as usize; let fixups = buffer[fixups_start_offset..fixups_end_offset].to_vec(); let mut fixups = fixups.chunks(2); // There should always be bytes here, but just in case we put zeroes, so it will fail later. let update_sequence =[0, 0]); // We need to compare each last two bytes each 512-bytes stride with the update_sequence, // And if they match, replace those bytes with the matching bytes from the fixup_sequence. for (stride_number, fixup_bytes) in (0_usize..number_of_fixups as usize).zip(fixups) { let sector_start_offset = stride_number * SEQUENCE_NUMBER_STRIDE; let end_of_sector_bytes_end_offset = sector_start_offset + SEQUENCE_NUMBER_STRIDE; let end_of_sector_bytes_start_offset = end_of_sector_bytes_end_offset - 2; let end_of_sector_bytes = &mut buffer[end_of_sector_bytes_start_offset..end_of_sector_bytes_end_offset]; if end_of_sector_bytes != update_sequence { return Err(Error::FailedToApplyFixup { stride_number, end_of_sector_bytes: end_of_sector_bytes.to_vec(), fixup_bytes: fixup_bytes.to_vec(), }); } end_of_sector_bytes.copy_from_slice(&fixup_bytes); } Ok(()) } pub fn is_allocated(&self) -> bool { self.header.flags.bits() & 0x01 != 0 } pub fn is_dir(&self) -> bool { self.header.flags.bits() & 0x02 != 0 } /// Returns an iterator over all the attributes of the entry. pub fn iter_attributes(&self) -> impl Iterator> + '_ { self.iter_attributes_matching(None) } /// Returns an iterator over the attributes in the list given in `types`, skips other attributes. pub fn iter_attributes_matching( &self, types: Option>, ) -> impl Iterator> + '_ { let mut cursor = Cursor::new(&; let mut offset = u64::from(self.header.first_attribute_record_offset); let mut exhausted = false; std::iter::from_fn(move || { // We use a loop here to allow skipping filtered attributes. loop { if exhausted { return None; } if let Err(e) = { exhausted = true; return Some(Err(e.into())); }; let header = MftAttributeHeader::from_stream(&mut cursor); // Unexpected I/O error, return err and stop iterating let header = match header { Ok(h) => h, Err(e) => { exhausted = true; return Some(Err(e)); } }; let header = match header { Some(attribute_header) => attribute_header, // Header is 0xFFFF_FFFF, we are finished None => return None, }; // Increment offset before moving header. offset += u64::from(header.record_length); // Skip attribute if filtered if let Some(filter) = &types { if !filter.contains(&header.type_code) { continue; } } // Check if the header is resident, and if it is, read the attribute content. let attribute_content = match header.residential_header { ResidentialHeader::Resident(ref resident) => { match MftAttributeContent::from_stream_resident( &mut cursor, &header, resident, ) { Ok(content) => content, Err(e) => return Some(Err(e)), } } ResidentialHeader::NonResident(_) => MftAttributeContent::None, }; return Some(Ok(MftAttribute { header, data: attribute_content, })); } }) } } #[cfg(test)] mod tests { use super::EntryHeader; use std::io::Cursor; #[test] fn mft_header_test_01() { let header_buffer: &[u8] = &[ 0x46, 0x49, 0x4C, 0x45, 0x30, 0x00, 0x03, 0x00, 0xCC, 0xB3, 0x7D, 0x84, 0x0C, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x05, 0x00, 0x01, 0x00, 0x38, 0x00, 0x05, 0x00, 0x48, 0x03, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x04, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x06, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0xD5, 0x95, 0x00, 0x00, 0x53, 0x57, 0x81, 0x37, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, ]; let entry_header = EntryHeader::from_reader(&mut Cursor::new(header_buffer), 38357).unwrap(); assert_eq!(&entry_header.signature, b"FILE"); assert_eq!(entry_header.usa_offset, 48); assert_eq!(entry_header.usa_size, 3); assert_eq!(entry_header.metadata_transaction_journal, 53_762_438_092); assert_eq!(entry_header.sequence, 5); assert_eq!(entry_header.hard_link_count, 1); assert_eq!(entry_header.first_attribute_record_offset, 56); assert_eq!(entry_header.flags.bits(), 5); assert_eq!(entry_header.used_entry_size, 840); assert_eq!(entry_header.total_entry_size, 1024); assert_eq!(entry_header.base_reference.entry, 0); assert_eq!(entry_header.first_attribute_id, 6); assert_eq!(entry_header.record_number, 38357); } }