// Copyright 2021 Colin Finck // SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-2.0-or-later mod sector_reader; use std::env; use std::fs::{File, OpenOptions}; use std::io; use std::io::{BufReader, Read, Seek, Write}; use anyhow::{anyhow, bail, Context, Result}; use chrono::{DateTime, Utc}; use ntfs::indexes::NtfsFileNameIndex; use ntfs::structured_values::{NtfsAttributeList, NtfsFileName, NtfsStandardInformation}; use ntfs::value::NtfsValue; use ntfs::{Ntfs, NtfsAttribute, NtfsAttributeType, NtfsFile, NtfsReadSeek}; use sector_reader::SectorReader; struct CommandInfo<'n, T> where T: Read + Seek, { current_directory: NtfsFile<'n>, current_directory_string: String, fs: T, } fn main() -> Result<()> { let args: Vec = env::args().collect(); if args.len() != 2 { eprintln!("Usage: ntfs-shell FILESYSTEM"); eprintln!(); eprintln!("FILESYSTEM can be a path to any NTFS filesystem image."); eprintln!("Under Windows and when run with administrative privileges, FILESYSTEM can also"); eprintln!("be the special path \\\\.\\C: to access the filesystem of the C: partition."); bail!("Aborted"); } let f = File::open(&args[1])?; let sr = SectorReader::new(f, 512)?; let mut fs = BufReader::new(sr); let mut ntfs = Ntfs::new(&mut fs)?; ntfs.read_upcase_table(&mut fs)?; let current_directory = ntfs.root_directory(&mut fs)?; let mut info = CommandInfo { current_directory, current_directory_string: String::new(), fs, }; println!("**********************************************************************"); println!("ntfs-shell - Demonstration of rust-ntfs"); println!("by Colin Finck "); println!("**********************************************************************"); println!(); println!("Opened \"{}\" read-only.", args[1]); println!(); loop { print!("ntfs-shell:\\{}> ", info.current_directory_string); io::stdout().flush()?; let mut input_string = String::new(); io::stdin().read_line(&mut input_string).unwrap(); if input_string.is_empty() { // An empty `input_string` without even a newline looks like STDIN was closed. break; } let input = input_string.trim(); let mid = input.find(' ').unwrap_or(input.len()); let (command, arg) = input.split_at(mid); let arg = arg.trim_start(); let result = match command { "attr" => attr(false, arg, &mut info), "attr_runs" => attr(true, arg, &mut info), "cd" => cd(arg, &mut info), "dir" => dir(&mut info), "exit" | "quit" => break, "fileinfo" => fileinfo(arg, &mut info), "fsinfo" => fsinfo(&mut info), "get" => get(arg, &mut info), "help" => help(arg), "" => continue, _ => Err(anyhow!( "Invalid command \"{}\". Type \"help\" to get a list of all commands.", command )), }; if let Err(e) = result { eprintln!("Error: {:?}", e); } } Ok(()) } fn attr(with_runs: bool, arg: &str, info: &mut CommandInfo) -> Result<()> where T: Read + Seek, { let ntfs = info.current_directory.ntfs(); let file = parse_file_arg(arg, info)?; println!("{:=<110}", ""); println!( "{:<10} | {:<20} | {:<8} | {:<13} | {:<18} | {:<13} | {}", "INSTANCE", "TYPE", "RESIDENT", "RECORD NUMBER", "START", "LENGTH", "NAME" ); println!("{:=<110}", ""); let attributes = file.attributes_raw(); for attribute in attributes { let ty = attribute.ty()?; attr_print_attribute( with_runs, &attribute, file.file_record_number(), "● ", " ■ ", )?; if ty == NtfsAttributeType::AttributeList { let list = attribute.structured_value::<_, NtfsAttributeList>(&mut info.fs)?; let mut list_iter = list.iter(); while let Some(entry) = list_iter.next(&mut info.fs) { let entry = entry?; let entry_record_number = entry.base_file_reference().file_record_number(); if entry_record_number == file.file_record_number() { continue; } let entry_file = entry.to_file(ntfs, &mut info.fs)?; let entry_attribute = entry.to_attribute(&entry_file)?; attr_print_attribute( with_runs, &entry_attribute, entry_record_number, " ○ ", " □ ", )?; } } } Ok(()) } fn attr_print_attribute<'n>( with_runs: bool, attribute: &NtfsAttribute<'n, '_>, record_number: u64, attribute_prefix: &str, data_run_prefix: &str, ) -> Result<()> { let instance = format!("{}{}", attribute_prefix, attribute.instance()); let ty = attribute.ty()?; let resident = attribute.is_resident(); let start = attribute.position(); let length = attribute.value_length(); let name = attribute.name()?.to_string_lossy(); println!( "{:<10} | {:<20} | {:<8} | {:#13x} | {:#18x} | {:>13} | \"{}\"", instance, ty, resident, record_number, start, length, name ); if with_runs { if let NtfsValue::NonResidentAttribute(non_resident_value) = attribute.value()? { for (i, data_run) in non_resident_value.data_runs().enumerate() { let data_run = data_run?; let instance = format!("{}{}", data_run_prefix, i); let start = data_run.data_position().unwrap_or(0); let length = data_run.len(); println!( "{:<10} | {:<20} | {:<8} | {:>13} | {:#18x} | {:>13} |", instance, "DataRun", "", "", start, length ); } } } Ok(()) } fn cd(arg: &str, info: &mut CommandInfo) -> Result<()> where T: Read + Seek, { if arg.is_empty() { return Ok(()); } let ntfs = info.current_directory.ntfs(); if arg == ".." { if info.current_directory_string.is_empty() { return Ok(()); } let file_name = info.current_directory.name(&mut info.fs)?; let parent_ref = file_name.parent_directory_reference(); info.current_directory = parent_ref.to_file(ntfs, &mut info.fs)?; let new_len = info.current_directory_string.rfind('\\').unwrap_or(0); info.current_directory_string.truncate(new_len); } else { let index = info.current_directory.directory_index(&mut info.fs)?; let mut finder = index.finder(); let maybe_entry = NtfsFileNameIndex::find(&mut finder, &ntfs, &mut info.fs, arg); if maybe_entry.is_none() { println!("Cannot find subdirectory \"{}\".", arg); return Ok(()); } let entry = maybe_entry.unwrap()?; let file_name = entry .key() .expect("key must exist for a found index entry")?; if !file_name.is_directory() { println!("\"{}\" is not a directory.", arg); return Ok(()); } info.current_directory = entry.to_file(ntfs, &mut info.fs)?; let file_name = info.current_directory.name(&mut info.fs)?; if !info.current_directory_string.is_empty() { info.current_directory_string += "\\"; } info.current_directory_string += &file_name.name().to_string_lossy(); } Ok(()) } fn dir(info: &mut CommandInfo) -> Result<()> where T: Read + Seek, { let index = info.current_directory.directory_index(&mut info.fs)?; let mut iter = index.iter(); while let Some(entry) = iter.next(&mut info.fs) { let entry = entry?; let file_name = entry .key() .expect("key must exist for a found index entry")?; let prefix = if file_name.is_directory() { "" } else { "" }; println!("{:5} {}", prefix, file_name.name()); } Ok(()) } fn fileinfo(arg: &str, info: &mut CommandInfo) -> Result<()> where T: Read + Seek, { let file = parse_file_arg(arg, info)?; println!("{:=^72}", " FILE RECORD "); println!("{:34}{}", "Allocated Size:", file.allocated_size()); println!("{:34}{:#x}", "Byte Position:", file.position()); println!("{:34}{}", "Hard-Link Count:", file.hard_link_count()); println!("{:34}{}", "Is Directory:", file.is_directory()); println!("{:34}{:#x}", "Record Number:", file.file_record_number()); println!("{:34}{}", "Sequence Number:", file.sequence_number()); println!("{:34}{}", "Used Size:", file.used_size()); let mut attributes = file.attributes(); while let Some(attribute_item) = attributes.next(&mut info.fs) { let attribute_item = attribute_item?; let attribute = attribute_item.to_attribute(); match attribute.ty() { Ok(NtfsAttributeType::StandardInformation) => fileinfo_std(attribute)?, Ok(NtfsAttributeType::FileName) => fileinfo_filename(info, attribute)?, Ok(NtfsAttributeType::Data) => fileinfo_data(attribute)?, _ => continue, } } Ok(()) } fn fileinfo_std(attribute: NtfsAttribute) -> Result<()> { println!(); println!("{:=^72}", " STANDARD INFORMATION "); let info = attribute.resident_structured_value::()?; println!("{:34}{:?}", "Attributes:", info.file_attributes()); let format = "%F %T UTC"; let atime = DateTime::::from(info.access_time()).format(format); let ctime = DateTime::::from(info.creation_time()).format(format); let mtime = DateTime::::from(info.modification_time()).format(format); let mmtime = DateTime::::from(info.mft_record_modification_time()).format(format); println!("{:34}{}", "Access Time:", atime); println!("{:34}{}", "Creation Time:", ctime); println!("{:34}{}", "Modification Time:", mtime); println!("{:34}{}", "MFT Record Modification Time:", mmtime); // NTFS 3.x extended information let class_id = info .class_id() .map(|x| x.to_string()) .unwrap_or_else(|| "".to_string()); let maximum_versions = info .maximum_versions() .map(|x| x.to_string()) .unwrap_or_else(|| "".to_string()); let owner_id = info .owner_id() .map(|x| x.to_string()) .unwrap_or_else(|| "".to_string()); let quota_charged = info .quota_charged() .map(|x| x.to_string()) .unwrap_or_else(|| "".to_string()); let security_id = info .security_id() .map(|x| x.to_string()) .unwrap_or_else(|| "".to_string()); let usn = info .usn() .map(|x| x.to_string()) .unwrap_or_else(|| "".to_string()); let version = info .version() .map(|x| x.to_string()) .unwrap_or_else(|| "".to_string()); println!("{:34}{}", "Class ID:", class_id); println!("{:34}{}", "Maximum Versions:", maximum_versions); println!("{:34}{}", "Owner ID:", owner_id); println!("{:34}{}", "Quota Charged:", quota_charged); println!("{:34}{}", "Security ID:", security_id); println!("{:34}{}", "USN:", usn); println!("{:34}{}", "Version:", version); Ok(()) } fn fileinfo_filename(info: &mut CommandInfo, attribute: NtfsAttribute) -> Result<()> where T: Read + Seek, { println!(); println!("{:=^72}", " FILE NAME "); let file_name = attribute.structured_value::<_, NtfsFileName>(&mut info.fs)?; println!("{:34}\"{}\"", "Name:", file_name.name().to_string_lossy()); println!("{:34}{:?}", "Namespace:", file_name.namespace()); println!( "{:34}{:#x}", "Parent Directory Record Number:", file_name.parent_directory_reference().file_record_number() ); Ok(()) } fn fileinfo_data(attribute: NtfsAttribute) -> Result<()> { println!(); println!("{:=^72}", " DATA STREAM "); println!("{:34}\"{}\"", "Name:", attribute.name()?.to_string_lossy()); println!("{:34}{}", "Size:", attribute.value_length()); Ok(()) } fn fsinfo(info: &mut CommandInfo) -> Result<()> where T: Read + Seek, { let ntfs = info.current_directory.ntfs(); println!("{:20}{}", "Cluster Size:", ntfs.cluster_size()); println!("{:20}{}", "File Record Size:", ntfs.file_record_size()); println!("{:20}{:#x}", "MFT Byte Position:", ntfs.mft_position()); let volume_info = ntfs.volume_info(&mut info.fs)?; let ntfs_version = format!( "{}.{}", volume_info.major_version(), volume_info.minor_version() ); println!("{:20}{}", "NTFS Version:", ntfs_version); println!("{:20}{}", "Sector Size:", ntfs.sector_size()); println!("{:20}{}", "Serial Number:", ntfs.serial_number()); println!("{:20}{}", "Size:", ntfs.size()); let volume_name = if let Some(Ok(volume_name)) = ntfs.volume_name(&mut info.fs) { volume_name.name().to_string_lossy() } else { "".to_string() }; println!("{:20}{}", "Volume Name:", volume_name); Ok(()) } fn get(arg: &str, info: &mut CommandInfo) -> Result<()> where T: Read + Seek, { // Extract any specific $DATA stream name from the file. let mid = arg.find(':').unwrap_or(arg.len()); let (file_name, data_stream_name) = arg.split_at(mid); // Compose the output file name and try to create it. // It must not yet exist, as we don't want to accidentally overwrite things. let output_file_name = if data_stream_name.is_empty() { file_name.to_string() } else { format!("{}_{}", file_name, data_stream_name) }; let mut output_file = OpenOptions::new() .write(true) .create_new(true) .open(&output_file_name) .with_context(|| format!("Tried to open \"{}\" for writing", output_file_name))?; // Open the desired file and find the $DATA attribute we are looking for. let file = parse_file_arg(file_name, info)?; let data_item = match file.data(&mut info.fs, data_stream_name) { Some(data_item) => data_item, None => { println!( "The file does not have a \"{}\" $DATA attribute.", data_stream_name ); return Ok(()); } }; let data_item = data_item?; let data_attribute = data_item.to_attribute(); let mut data_value = data_attribute.value()?; println!( "Saving {} bytes of data in \"{}\"...", data_value.len(), output_file_name ); let mut buf = [0u8; 4096]; loop { let bytes_read = data_value.read(&mut info.fs, &mut buf)?; if bytes_read == 0 { break; } output_file.write(&buf[..bytes_read])?; } Ok(()) } fn help(arg: &str) -> Result<()> { match arg { "attr" => { println!("Usage: attr FILE"); println!(); println!("Shows the structure of all NTFS attributes of a single file, not including their data runs."); println!("Try \"attr_runs\" if you are also interested in data run information."); help_file("attr"); } "attr_runs" => { println!("Usage: attr_runs FILE"); println!(); println!("Shows the structure of all NTFS attributes of a single file, including their data runs."); println!("Try \"attr\" if you don't need the data run information."); help_file("attr_runs"); } "cd" => { println!("Usage: cd SUBDIRECTORY"); println!(); println!("Changes the current directory to SUBDIRECTORY."); println!("This implementation of \"cd\" only supports subdirectories of the current directory."); println!("\"cd ..\" moves back into the parent directory."); } "dir" => { println!("Usage: dir"); println!(); println!("Lists filenames in the current directory (like \"ls\" on UNIX systems)."); println!("No additional parameters are supported."); println!("Try \"fileinfo\" to get additional information about a single file."); } "fileinfo" => { println!("Usage: fileinfo FILE"); println!(); println!("Shows information about a single file (by parsing its NTFS attributes)."); help_file("fileinfo"); } "get" => { println!("Usage:"); println!(" get FILE"); println!(" get FILE:STREAM"); println!(); println!("Copies the data of a single file from the NTFS filesystem to the current directory of your local filesystem."); println!("Optionally, you can append a colon and a data stream name to copy a specific data stream of that file."); println!(); println!("This command will fail if the file already exists in the current directory."); help_file("get"); } _ => { println!("Available Commands:"); println!(" attr - Show structure of NTFS attributes of a particular file"); println!(" attr_runs - Show structure of NTFS attributes of a particular file, including data runs"); println!(" cd - Change the current directory"); println!(" dir - Show files of the current directory"); println!(" exit - Quit ntfs-shell"); println!(" fileinfo - Show information about a particular file"); println!(" fsinfo - Show general filesystem information"); println!(" get - Copy a file from the NTFS filesystem"); println!(" help - Show this help"); println!(" quit - Quit ntfs-shell"); println!(); println!( "You can also enter \"help COMMAND\" to get additional help about some commands." ); } } Ok(()) } fn help_file(command: &str) { println!(); println!("FILE can have one of the following formats:"); println!(" ● A name of a file in the current directory."); println!(" Enter the filename as is, including any spaces. Don't put it into additional quotation marks."); println!(" Examples:"); println!(" ○ {} ntoskrnl.exe", command); println!(" ○ {} File with spaces.exe", command); println!(" ● A file record number anywhere on the filesystem."); println!(" This is indicated through a leading slash (/). A hexadecimal file record number is indicated via 0x."); println!(" Examples:"); println!(" ○ {} /5", command); println!(" ○ {} /0xa299", command); } fn parse_file_arg<'n, T>(arg: &str, info: &mut CommandInfo<'n, T>) -> Result> where T: Read + Seek, { if arg.is_empty() { bail!("Missing argument!"); } let ntfs = info.current_directory.ntfs(); if let Some(record_number_arg) = arg.strip_prefix("/") { let record_number = match record_number_arg.strip_prefix("0x") { Some(hex_record_number_arg) => u64::from_str_radix(hex_record_number_arg, 16), None => u64::from_str_radix(record_number_arg, 10), }; if let Ok(record_number) = record_number { let file = ntfs.file(&mut info.fs, record_number)?; Ok(file) } else { bail!( "Cannot parse record number argument \"{}\"", record_number_arg ) } } else { let index = info.current_directory.directory_index(&mut info.fs)?; let mut finder = index.finder(); if let Some(entry) = NtfsFileNameIndex::find(&mut finder, &ntfs, &mut info.fs, arg) { let entry = entry?; let file = entry.to_file(ntfs, &mut info.fs)?; Ok(file) } else { bail!("No such file or directory \"{}\".", arg) } } }