-- -- _premake_main.lua -- Script-side entry point for the main program logic. -- Copyright (c) 2002-2009 Jason Perkins and the Premake project -- local scriptfile = "premake4.lua" local shorthelp = "Type 'premake4 --help' for help" local versionhelp = "premake4 (Premake Build Script Generator) %s" -- -- Inject a new target platform into each solution; called if the --platform -- argument was specified on the command line. -- local function injectplatform(platform) if not platform then return true end platform = premake.checkvalue(platform, premake.fields.platforms.allowed) for sln in premake.solution.each() do local platforms = sln.platforms or { } -- an empty table is equivalent to a native build if #platforms == 0 then table.insert(platforms, "Native") end -- the solution must provide a native build in order to support this feature if not table.contains(platforms, "Native") then return false, sln.name .. " does not target native platform\nNative platform settings are required for the --platform feature." end -- add it to the end of the list, if it isn't in there already if not table.contains(platforms, platform) then table.insert(platforms, platform) end sln.platforms = platforms end return true end -- -- Script-side program entry point. -- function _premake_main(scriptpath) -- if running off the disk (in debug mode), load everything -- listed in _manifest.lua; the list divisions make sure -- everything gets initialized in the proper order. if (scriptpath) then local scripts = dofile(scriptpath .. "/_manifest.lua") for _,v in ipairs(scripts) do dofile(scriptpath .. "/" .. v) end end -- Set up the environment for the chosen action early, so side-effects -- can be picked up by the scripts. premake.action.set(_ACTION) -- Seed the random number generator so actions don't have to do it themselves math.randomseed(os.time()) -- If there is a project script available, run it to get the -- project information, available options and actions, etc. local fname = _OPTIONS["file"] or scriptfile if (os.isfile(fname)) then dofile(fname) end -- Process special options if (_OPTIONS["version"]) then printf(versionhelp, _PREMAKE_VERSION) return 1 end if (_OPTIONS["help"]) then premake.showhelp() return 1 end -- If no action was specified, show a short help message if (not _ACTION) then print(shorthelp) return 1 end -- If there wasn't a project script I've got to bail now if (not os.isfile(fname)) then error("No Premake script ("..scriptfile..") found!", 2) end -- Validate the command-line arguments. This has to happen after the -- script has run to allow for project-specific options action = premake.action.current() if (not action) then error("Error: no such action '" .. _ACTION .. "'", 0) end ok, err = premake.option.validate(_OPTIONS) if (not ok) then error("Error: " .. err, 0) end -- Sanity check the current project setup ok, err = premake.checktools() if (not ok) then error("Error: " .. err, 0) end -- If a platform was specified on the command line, inject it now ok, err = injectplatform(_OPTIONS["platform"]) if (not ok) then error("Error: " .. err, 0) end -- work-in-progress: build the configurations print("Building configurations...") premake.buildconfigs() ok, err = premake.checkprojects() if (not ok) then error("Error: " .. err, 0) end -- Hand over control to the action printf("Running action '%s'...", action.trigger) premake.action.call(action.trigger) print("Done.") return 0 end