-- -- ow.lua -- Provides Open Watcom-specific configuration strings. -- Copyright (c) 2008 Jason Perkins and the Premake project -- premake.ow = { } -- -- Translation of Premake flags into OpenWatcom flags -- local cflags = { ExtraWarnings = "-wx", FatalWarning = "-we", Optimize = "-ox", OptimizeSize = "-os", OptimizeSpeed = "-ot", Symbols = "-d2", } local cxxflags = { NoExceptions = "-xd", NoRTTI = "-xr", } -- -- Returns the compiler ID used by Code::Blocks. -- function premake.ow.getcompilervar(cfg) return iif(cfg.language == "C", "CC", "CC++") end -- -- Returns a list of compiler flags, based on the supplied configuration. -- function premake.ow.getcppflags(cfg) return "" end function premake.ow.getcflags(cfg) local result = table.translate(cfg.flags, cflags) if (cfg.flags.Symbols) then table.insert(result, "-hw") -- Watcom debug format for Watcom debugger end return result end function premake.ow.getcxxflags(cfg) local result = table.translate(cfg.flags, cxxflags) return result end -- -- Returns a list of linker flags, based on the supplied configuration. -- function premake.ow.getldflags(cfg) local result = { } if (cfg.flags.Symbols) then table.insert(result, "op symf") end return result end -- -- Returns a list of linker flags for library search directories and -- library names. -- function premake.ow.getlinkflags(cfg) local result = { } return result end -- -- Decorate defines for the command line. -- function premake.ow.getdefines(defines) local result = { } for _,def in ipairs(defines) do table.insert(result, '-D' .. def) end return result end -- -- Decorate include file search paths for the command line. -- function premake.ow.getincludedirs(includedirs) local result = { } for _,dir in ipairs(includedirs) do table.insert(result, '-I "' .. dir .. '"') end return result end