-- -- tests/actions/make/test_make_pch.lua -- Validate the setup for precompiled headers in makefiles. -- Copyright (c) 2010 Jason Perkins and the Premake project -- T.make_pch = { } local suite = T.make_pch local _ = premake.make.cpp -- -- Setup and teardown -- local sln, prj, cfg function suite.setup() sln, prj = test.createsolution() end local function prepare() premake.bake.buildconfigs() cfg = premake.getconfig(prj, "Debug") end -- -- Configuration block tests -- function suite.NoConfig_OnNoHeaderSet() prepare() _.pchconfig(cfg) test.capture [[]] end function suite.NoConfig_OnHeaderAndNoPCHFlag() pchheader "include/myproject.h" flags { NoPCH } prepare() _.pchconfig(cfg) test.capture [[]] end function suite.ConfigBlock_OnPchEnabled() pchheader "include/myproject.h" prepare() _.pchconfig(cfg) test.capture [[ PCH = include/myproject.h GCH = $(OBJDIR)/myproject.h.gch ALL_CPPFLAGS += -I$(OBJDIR) -include $(OBJDIR)/myproject.h ]] end -- -- Build rule tests -- function suite.BuildRules_OnCpp() pchheader "include/myproject.h" prepare() _.pchrules(prj) test.capture [[ ifneq (,$(PCH)) $(GCH): $(PCH) @echo $(notdir $<) ifeq (posix,$(SHELLTYPE)) -$(SILENT) cp $< $(OBJDIR) else $(SILENT) xcopy /D /Y /Q "$(subst /,\,$<)" "$(subst /,\,$(OBJDIR))" 1>nul endif $(SILENT) $(CXX) $(ALL_CXXFLAGS) -o "$@" -MF $(@:%.gch=%.d) -c "$<" endif ]] end function suite.BuildRules_OnC() language "C" pchheader "include/myproject.h" prepare() _.pchrules(prj) test.capture [[ ifneq (,$(PCH)) $(GCH): $(PCH) @echo $(notdir $<) ifeq (posix,$(SHELLTYPE)) -$(SILENT) cp $< $(OBJDIR) else $(SILENT) xcopy /D /Y /Q "$(subst /,\,$<)" "$(subst /,\,$(OBJDIR))" 1>nul endif $(SILENT) $(CC) $(ALL_CFLAGS) -o "$@" -MF $(@:%.gch=%.d) -c "$<" endif ]] end