-- -- Premake 4.x build configuration script -- -- -- Define the project. Put the release configuration first so it will be the -- default when folks build using the makefile. That way they don't have to -- worry about the /scripts argument and all that. -- solution "Premake4" configurations { "Release", "Debug" } location ( _OPTIONS["to"] ) project "Premake4" targetname "premake4" language "C" kind "ConsoleApp" flags { "No64BitChecks", "ExtraWarnings", "StaticRuntime" } includedirs { "src/host/lua-5.1.4/src" } files { "*.txt", "**.lua", "src/**.h", "src/**.c", "src/host/scripts.c" } excludes { "src/premake.lua", "src/host/lua-5.1.4/src/lua.c", "src/host/lua-5.1.4/src/luac.c", "src/host/lua-5.1.4/src/print.c", "src/host/lua-5.1.4/**.lua", "src/host/lua-5.1.4/etc/*.c" } configuration "Debug" targetdir "bin/debug" defines "_DEBUG" flags { "Symbols" } configuration "Release" targetdir "bin/release" defines "NDEBUG" flags { "OptimizeSize" } configuration "vs*" defines { "_CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS" } configuration "vs2005" defines {"_CRT_SECURE_NO_DEPRECATE" } configuration "linux" defines { "LUA_USE_POSIX", "LUA_USE_DLOPEN" } links { "m", "dl" } configuration "macosx" defines { "LUA_USE_MACOSX" } links { "CoreServices.framework" } configuration { "macosx", "gmake" } buildoptions { "-mmacosx-version-min=10.1" } linkoptions { "-lstdc++-static", "-mmacosx-version-min=10.1" } configuration { "linux", "bsd", "macosx" } linkoptions { "-rdynamic" } configuration { "solaris" } linkoptions { "-Wl,--export-dynamic" } -- -- A more thorough cleanup. -- if _ACTION == "clean" then os.rmdir("bin") os.rmdir("build") end -- -- Use the --to=path option to control where the project files get generated. I use -- this to create project files for each supported toolset, each in their own folder, -- in preparation for deployment. -- newoption { trigger = "to", value = "path", description = "Set the output location for the generated files" } -- -- Use the embed action to convert all of the Lua scripts into C strings, which -- can then be built into the executable. Always embed the scripts before creating -- a release build. -- dofile("scripts/embed.lua") newaction { trigger = "embed", description = "Embed scripts in scripts.c; required before release builds", execute = doembed } -- -- Use the release action to prepare source and binary packages for a new release. -- This action isn't complete yet; a release still requires some manual work. -- dofile("scripts/release.lua") newaction { trigger = "release", description = "Prepare a new release (incomplete)", execute = dorelease }