-- -- make_cpp.lua -- Generate a C/C++ project makefile. -- Copyright (c) 2002-2013 Jason Perkins and the Premake project -- premake.make.cpp = { } local cpp = premake.make.cpp local make = premake.make function premake.make_cpp(prj) -- create a shortcut to the compiler interface local cc = premake.gettool(prj) -- build a list of supported target platforms that also includes a generic build local platforms = premake.filterplatforms(prj.solution, cc.platforms, "Native") premake.gmake_cpp_header(prj, cc, platforms) for _, platform in ipairs(platforms) do for cfg in premake.eachconfig(prj, platform) do premake.gmake_cpp_config(cfg, cc) end end -- list intermediate files _p('OBJECTS := \\') for _, file in ipairs(prj.files) do if path.iscppfile(file) then _p('\t$(OBJDIR)/%s.o \\', _MAKE.esc(path.getbasename(file))) end end _p('') _p('RESOURCES := \\') for _, file in ipairs(prj.files) do if path.isresourcefile(file) then _p('\t$(OBJDIR)/%s.res \\', _MAKE.esc(path.getbasename(file))) end end _p('') -- identify the shell type _p('SHELLTYPE := msdos') _p('ifeq (,$(ComSpec)$(COMSPEC))') _p(' SHELLTYPE := posix') _p('endif') _p('ifeq (/bin,$(findstring /bin,$(SHELL)))') _p(' SHELLTYPE := posix') _p('endif') _p('') -- main build rule(s) _p('.PHONY: clean prebuild prelink') _p('') if os.is("MacOSX") and prj.kind == "WindowedApp" then _p('all: $(TARGETDIR) $(OBJDIR) prebuild prelink $(TARGET) $(dir $(TARGETDIR))PkgInfo $(dir $(TARGETDIR))Info.plist') else _p('all: $(TARGETDIR) $(OBJDIR) prebuild prelink $(TARGET)') end _p('\t@:') _p('') -- target build rule _p('$(TARGET): $(GCH) $(OBJECTS) $(LDDEPS) $(RESOURCES)') _p('\t@echo Linking %s', prj.name) _p('\t$(SILENT) $(LINKCMD)') _p('\t$(POSTBUILDCMDS)') _p('') -- Create destination directories. Can't use $@ for this because it loses the -- escaping, causing issues with spaces and parenthesis _p('$(TARGETDIR):') premake.make_mkdirrule("$(TARGETDIR)") _p('$(OBJDIR):') premake.make_mkdirrule("$(OBJDIR)") -- Mac OS X specific targets if os.is("MacOSX") and prj.kind == "WindowedApp" then _p('$(dir $(TARGETDIR))PkgInfo:') _p('$(dir $(TARGETDIR))Info.plist:') _p('') end -- clean target _p('clean:') _p('\t@echo Cleaning %s', prj.name) _p('ifeq (posix,$(SHELLTYPE))') _p('\t$(SILENT) rm -f $(TARGET)') _p('\t$(SILENT) rm -rf $(OBJDIR)') _p('else') _p('\t$(SILENT) if exist $(subst /,\\\\,$(TARGET)) del $(subst /,\\\\,$(TARGET))') _p('\t$(SILENT) if exist $(subst /,\\\\,$(OBJDIR)) rmdir /s /q $(subst /,\\\\,$(OBJDIR))') _p('endif') _p('') -- custom build step targets _p('prebuild:') _p('\t$(PREBUILDCMDS)') _p('') _p('prelink:') _p('\t$(PRELINKCMDS)') _p('') -- precompiler header rule cpp.pchrules(prj) -- per-file build rules cpp.fileRules(prj) -- include the dependencies, built by GCC (with the -MMD flag) _p('-include $(OBJECTS:%%.o=%%.d)') _p('ifneq (,$(PCH))') _p(' -include $(OBJDIR)/$(notdir $(PCH)).d') _p('endif') end -- -- Write the makefile header -- function premake.gmake_cpp_header(prj, cc, platforms) _p('# %s project makefile autogenerated by Premake', premake.action.current().shortname) -- set up the environment _p('ifndef config') _p(' config=%s', _MAKE.esc(premake.getconfigname(prj.solution.configurations[1], platforms[1], true))) _p('endif') _p('') _p('ifndef verbose') _p(' SILENT = @') _p('endif') _p('') _p('CC = %s', cc.cc) _p('CXX = %s', cc.cxx) _p('AR = %s', cc.ar) _p('') _p('ifndef RESCOMP') _p(' ifdef WINDRES') _p(' RESCOMP = $(WINDRES)') _p(' else') _p(' RESCOMP = windres') _p(' endif') _p('endif') _p('') end -- -- Write a block of configuration settings. -- function premake.gmake_cpp_config(cfg, cc) _p('ifeq ($(config),%s)', _MAKE.esc(cfg.shortname)) -- if this platform requires a special compiler or linker, list it here cpp.platformtools(cfg, cc) _p(' OBJDIR = %s', _MAKE.esc(cfg.objectsdir)) _p(' TARGETDIR = %s', _MAKE.esc(cfg.buildtarget.directory)) _p(' TARGET = $(TARGETDIR)/%s', _MAKE.esc(cfg.buildtarget.name)) _p(' DEFINES +=%s', make.list(cc.getdefines(cfg.defines))) _p(' INCLUDES +=%s', make.list(cc.getincludedirs(cfg.includedirs))) -- set up precompiled headers cpp.pchconfig(cfg) -- CPPFLAGS, CFLAGS, CXXFLAGS, and RESFLAGS cpp.flags(cfg, cc) -- write out libraries, linker flags, and the link command cpp.linker(cfg, cc) _p(' define PREBUILDCMDS') if #cfg.prebuildcommands > 0 then _p('\t@echo Running pre-build commands') _p('\t%s', table.implode(cfg.prebuildcommands, "", "", "\n\t")) end _p(' endef') _p(' define PRELINKCMDS') if #cfg.prelinkcommands > 0 then _p('\t@echo Running pre-link commands') _p('\t%s', table.implode(cfg.prelinkcommands, "", "", "\n\t")) end _p(' endef') _p(' define POSTBUILDCMDS') if #cfg.postbuildcommands > 0 then _p('\t@echo Running post-build commands') _p('\t%s', table.implode(cfg.postbuildcommands, "", "", "\n\t")) end _p(' endef') -- write out config-level makesettings blocks make.settings(cfg, cc) _p('endif') _p('') end -- -- Platform support -- function cpp.platformtools(cfg, cc) local platform = cc.platforms[cfg.platform] if platform.cc then _p(' CC = %s', platform.cc) end if platform.cxx then _p(' CXX = %s', platform.cxx) end if platform.ar then _p(' AR = %s', platform.ar) end end -- -- Configurations -- function cpp.flags(cfg, cc) if cfg.pchheader and not cfg.flags.NoPCH then _p(' FORCE_INCLUDE += -include $(OBJDIR)/$(notdir $(PCH))') end _p(' ALL_CPPFLAGS += $(CPPFLAGS) %s $(DEFINES) $(INCLUDES) $(FORCE_INCLUDE)', table.concat(cc.getcppflags(cfg), " ")) _p(' ALL_CFLAGS += $(CFLAGS) $(ALL_CPPFLAGS) $(ARCH)%s', make.list(table.join(cc.getcflags(cfg), cfg.buildoptions))) _p(' ALL_CXXFLAGS += $(CXXFLAGS) $(ALL_CFLAGS)%s', make.list(cc.getcxxflags(cfg))) _p(' ALL_RESFLAGS += $(RESFLAGS) $(DEFINES) $(INCLUDES)%s', make.list(table.join(cc.getdefines(cfg.resdefines), cc.getincludedirs(cfg.resincludedirs), cfg.resoptions))) end -- -- Linker settings, including the libraries to link, the linker flags, -- and the linker command. -- function cpp.linker(cfg, cc) -- Patch #3401184 changed the order _p(' ALL_LDFLAGS += $(LDFLAGS)%s', make.list(table.join(cc.getlibdirflags(cfg), cc.getldflags(cfg), cfg.linkoptions))) _p(' LDDEPS +=%s', make.list(_MAKE.esc(premake.getlinks(cfg, "siblings", "fullpath")))) _p(' LIBS += $(LDDEPS)%s', make.list(cc.getlinkflags(cfg))) if cfg.kind == "StaticLib" then if cfg.platform:startswith("Universal") then _p(' LINKCMD = libtool -o $(TARGET) $(OBJECTS)') else _p(' LINKCMD = $(AR) -rcs $(TARGET) $(OBJECTS)') end else -- this was $(TARGET) $(LDFLAGS) $(OBJECTS) -- but had trouble linking to certain static libs; $(OBJECTS) moved up -- $(LDFLAGS) moved to end (http://sourceforge.net/p/premake/patches/107/) -- $(LIBS) moved to end (http://sourceforge.net/p/premake/bugs/279/) local tool = iif(cfg.language == "C", "CC", "CXX") _p(' LINKCMD = $(%s) -o $(TARGET) $(OBJECTS) $(RESOURCES) $(ARCH) $(ALL_LDFLAGS) $(LIBS)', tool) end end -- -- Precompiled header support -- function cpp.pchconfig(cfg) -- If there is no header, or if PCH has been disabled, I can early out if not cfg.pchheader or cfg.flags.NoPCH then return end -- Visual Studio requires the PCH header to be specified in the same way -- it appears in the #include statements used in the source code; the PCH -- source actual handles the compilation of the header. GCC compiles the -- header file directly, and needs the file's actual file system path in -- order to locate it. -- To maximize the compatibility between the two approaches, see if I can -- locate the specified PCH header on one of the include file search paths -- and, if so, adjust the path automatically so the user doesn't have -- add a conditional configuration to the project script. local pch = cfg.pchheader for _, incdir in ipairs(cfg.includedirs) do local testname = path.join(incdir, pch) if os.isfile(testname) then pch = testname break end end _p(' PCH = %s', _MAKE.esc(path.getrelative(cfg.location, cfg.pchheader))) _p(' GCH = $(OBJDIR)/$(notdir $(PCH)).gch', _MAKE.esc(path.getname(cfg.pchheader))) end function cpp.pchrules(prj) _p('ifneq (,$(PCH))') _p('$(GCH): $(PCH)') _p('\t@echo $(notdir $<)') local cmd = iif(prj.language == "C", "$(CC) -x c-header", "$(CXX) -x c++-header") _p('\t$(SILENT) %s $(CPPFLAGS) -MMD -MP $(DEFINES) $(INCLUDES) -o "$@" -MF "$(@:%%.gch=%%.d)" -c "$<"', cmd) _p('endif') _p('') end -- -- Build command for a single file. -- function cpp.fileRules(prj) for _, file in ipairs(prj.files or {}) do if path.iscppfile(file) then _p('$(OBJDIR)/%s.o: %s', _MAKE.esc(path.getbasename(file)), _MAKE.esc(file)) _p('\t@echo $(notdir $<)') cpp.buildcommand(path.iscfile(file), "o") _p('') elseif (path.getextension(file) == ".rc") then _p('$(OBJDIR)/%s.res: %s', _MAKE.esc(path.getbasename(file)), _MAKE.esc(file)) _p('\t@echo $(notdir $<)') _p('\t$(SILENT) $(RESCOMP) $< -O coff -o "$@" $(ALL_RESFLAGS)') _p('') end end end function cpp.buildcommand(iscfile, objext) local flags = iif(iscfile, '$(CC) $(ALL_CFLAGS)', '$(CXX) $(ALL_CXXFLAGS)') _p('\t$(SILENT) %s -o "$@" -MF $(@:%%.%s=%%.d) -c "$<"', flags, objext) end