-- -- api.lua -- Implementation of the solution, project, and configuration APIs. -- Copyright (c) 2002-2011 Jason Perkins and the Premake project -- -- -- Here I define all of the getter/setter functions as metadata. The actual -- functions are built programmatically below. -- premake.fields = { basedir = { kind = "path", scope = "container", }, buildaction = { kind = "string", scope = "config", allowed = { "Compile", "Copy", "Embed", "None" } }, buildoptions = { kind = "list", scope = "config", }, configurations = { kind = "list", scope = "solution", }, debugargs = { kind = "list", scope = "config", }, debugdir = { kind = "path", scope = "config", }, debugenvs = { kind = "list", scope = "config", }, defines = { kind = "list", scope = "config", }, deploymentoptions = { kind = "list", scope = "config", usagecopy = true, }, excludes = { kind = "filelist", scope = "config", }, files = { kind = "filelist", scope = "config", }, flags = { kind = "list", scope = "config", isflags = true, usagecopy = true, allowed = function(value) local allowed_flags = { ATL = 1, DebugEnvsDontMerge = 1, DebugEnvsInherit = 1, EnableSSE = 1, EnableSSE2 = 1, ExtraWarnings = 1, FatalWarnings = 1, FloatFast = 1, FloatStrict = 1, Managed = 1, MFC = 1, NativeWChar = 1, No64BitChecks = 1, NoEditAndContinue = 1, NoExceptions = 1, NoFramePointer = 1, NoImportLib = 1, NoIncrementalLink = 1, NoManifest = 1, NoMinimalRebuild = 1, NoNativeWChar = 1, NoPCH = 1, NoRTTI = 1, Optimize = 1, OptimizeSize = 1, OptimizeSpeed = 1, SEH = 1, StaticATL = 1, StaticRuntime = 1, Symbols = 1, Unicode = 1, Unsafe = 1, WinMain = 1 } local englishToAmericanSpelling = { optimise = 'optimize', optimisesize = 'optimizesize', optimisespeed = 'optimizespeed', } local lowervalue = value:lower() lowervalue = englishToAmericanSpelling[lowervalue] or lowervalue for v, _ in pairs(allowed_flags) do if v:lower() == lowervalue then return v end end return nil, "invalid flag" end, }, framework = { kind = "string", scope = "container", allowed = { "1.0", "1.1", "2.0", "3.0", "3.5", "4.0", "4.5", } }, imagepath = { kind = "path", scope = "config", }, imageoptions = { kind = "list", scope = "config", }, implibdir = { kind = "path", scope = "config", }, implibextension = { kind = "string", scope = "config", }, implibname = { kind = "string", scope = "config", }, implibprefix = { kind = "string", scope = "config", }, implibsuffix = { kind = "string", scope = "config", }, includedirs = { kind = "dirlist", scope = "config", usagecopy = true, }, kind = { kind = "string", scope = "config", allowed = { "ConsoleApp", "WindowedApp", "StaticLib", "SharedLib" } }, language = { kind = "string", scope = "container", allowed = { "C", "C++", "C#" } }, libdirs = { kind = "dirlist", scope = "config", linkagecopy = true, }, frameworkdirs = { kind = "dirlist", scope = "config", }, linkoptions = { kind = "list", scope = "config", }, links = { kind = "list", scope = "config", allowed = function(value) -- if library name contains a '/' then treat it as a path to a local file if value:find('/', nil, true) then value = path.getabsolute(value) end return value end, linkagecopy = true, }, location = { kind = "path", scope = "container", }, makesettings = { kind = "list", scope = "config", }, objdir = { kind = "path", scope = "config", }, pchheader = { kind = "string", scope = "config", }, pchsource = { kind = "path", scope = "config", }, platforms = { kind = "list", scope = "solution", allowed = table.keys(premake.platforms), }, postbuildcommands = { kind = "list", scope = "config", }, prebuildcommands = { kind = "list", scope = "config", }, prelinkcommands = { kind = "list", scope = "config", }, resdefines = { kind = "list", scope = "config", }, resincludedirs = { kind = "dirlist", scope = "config", }, resoptions = { kind = "list", scope = "config", }, targetdir = { kind = "path", scope = "config", }, targetextension = { kind = "string", scope = "config", }, targetname = { kind = "string", scope = "config", }, targetprefix = { kind = "string", scope = "config", }, targetsuffix = { kind = "string", scope = "config", }, trimpaths = { kind = "dirlist", scope = "config", }, uuid = { kind = "string", scope = "container", allowed = function(value) local ok = true if (#value ~= 36) then ok = false end for i=1,36 do local ch = value:sub(i,i) if (not ch:find("[ABCDEFabcdef0123456789-]")) then ok = false end end if (value:sub(9,9) ~= "-") then ok = false end if (value:sub(14,14) ~= "-") then ok = false end if (value:sub(19,19) ~= "-") then ok = false end if (value:sub(24,24) ~= "-") then ok = false end if (not ok) then return nil, "invalid UUID" end return value:upper() end }, uses = { kind = "list", scope = "config", }, vpaths = { kind = "keypath", scope = "container", }, } -- -- End of metadata -- -- -- Check to see if a value exists in a list of values, using a -- case-insensitive match. If the value does exist, the canonical -- version contained in the list is returned, so future tests can -- use case-sensitive comparisions. -- function premake.checkvalue(value, allowed) if (allowed) then if (type(allowed) == "function") then return allowed(value) else for _,v in ipairs(allowed) do if (value:lower() == v:lower()) then return v end end return nil, "invalid value '" .. value .. "'" end else return value end end -- -- Retrieve the current object of a particular type from the session. The -- type may be "solution", "container" (the last activated solution or -- project), or "config" (the last activated configuration). Returns the -- requested container, or nil and an error message. -- function premake.getobject(t) local container if (t == "container" or t == "solution") then container = premake.CurrentContainer else container = premake.CurrentConfiguration end if t == "solution" then if type(container) == "project" then container = container.solution end if type(container) ~= "solution" then container = nil end end local msg if (not container) then if (t == "container") then msg = "no active solution or project" elseif (t == "solution") then msg = "no active solution" else msg = "no active solution, project, or configuration" end end return container, msg end -- -- Adds values to an array field of a solution/project/configuration. `ctype` -- specifies the container type (see premake.getobject) for the field. -- function premake.setarray(ctype, fieldname, value, allowed) local container, err = premake.getobject(ctype) if (not container) then error(err, 4) end if (not container[fieldname]) then container[fieldname] = { } end local function doinsert(value, depth) if (type(value) == "table") then for _,v in ipairs(value) do doinsert(v, depth + 1) end else value, err = premake.checkvalue(value, allowed) if (not value) then error(err, depth) end table.insert(container[fieldname], value) end end if (value) then doinsert(value, 5) end return container[fieldname] end -- -- Adds values to an array-of-directories field of a solution/project/configuration. -- `ctype` specifies the container type (see premake.getobject) for the field. All -- values are converted to absolute paths before being stored. -- local function domatchedarray(ctype, fieldname, value, matchfunc) local result = { } function makeabsolute(value, depth) if (type(value) == "table") then for _, item in ipairs(value) do makeabsolute(item, depth + 1) end elseif type(value) == "string" then if value:find("*") then makeabsolute(matchfunc(value), depth + 1) else table.insert(result, path.getabsolute(value)) end else error("Invalid value in list: expected string, got " .. type(value), depth) end end makeabsolute(value, 3) return premake.setarray(ctype, fieldname, result) end function premake.setdirarray(ctype, fieldname, value) return domatchedarray(ctype, fieldname, value, os.matchdirs) end function premake.setfilearray(ctype, fieldname, value) return domatchedarray(ctype, fieldname, value, os.matchfiles) end -- -- Adds values to a key-value field of a solution/project/configuration. `ctype` -- specifies the container type (see premake.getobject) for the field. -- function premake.setkeyvalue(ctype, fieldname, values) local container, err = premake.getobject(ctype) if not container then error(err, 4) end if not container[fieldname] then container[fieldname] = {} end if type(values) ~= "table" then error("invalid value; table expected", 4) end local field = container[fieldname] for key,value in pairs(values) do if not field[key] then field[key] = {} end table.insertflat(field[key], value) end return field end -- -- Set a new value for a string field of a solution/project/configuration. `ctype` -- specifies the container type (see premake.getobject) for the field. -- function premake.setstring(ctype, fieldname, value, allowed) -- find the container for this value local container, err = premake.getobject(ctype) if (not container) then error(err, 4) end -- if a value was provided, set it if (value) then value, err = premake.checkvalue(value, allowed) if (not value) then error(err, 4) end container[fieldname] = value end return container[fieldname] end -- -- The getter/setter implemention. -- local function accessor(name, value) local kind = premake.fields[name].kind local scope = premake.fields[name].scope local allowed = premake.fields[name].allowed if (kind == "string" or kind == "path") and value then if type(value) ~= "string" then error("string value expected", 3) end end if kind == "string" then return premake.setstring(scope, name, value, allowed) elseif kind == "path" then if value then value = path.getabsolute(value) end return premake.setstring(scope, name, value) elseif kind == "list" then return premake.setarray(scope, name, value, allowed) elseif kind == "dirlist" then return premake.setdirarray(scope, name, value) elseif kind == "filelist" then return premake.setfilearray(scope, name, value) elseif kind == "keyvalue" or kind == "keypath" then return premake.setkeyvalue(scope, name, value) end end -- -- Build all of the getter/setter functions from the metadata above. -- for name,_ in pairs(premake.fields) do _G[name] = function(value) return accessor(name, value) end end -- -- Project object constructors. -- function configuration(terms) if not terms then return premake.CurrentConfiguration end local container, err = premake.getobject("container") if (not container) then error(err, 2) end local cfg = { } cfg.terms = table.flatten({terms}) table.insert(container.blocks, cfg) premake.CurrentConfiguration = cfg -- create a keyword list using just the indexed keyword items. This is a little -- confusing: "terms" are what the user specifies in the script, "keywords" are -- the Lua patterns that result. I'll refactor to better names. cfg.keywords = { } for _, word in ipairs(cfg.terms) do table.insert(cfg.keywords, path.wildcards(word):lower()) end -- initialize list-type fields to empty tables for name, field in pairs(premake.fields) do if (field.kind ~= "string" and field.kind ~= "path") then cfg[name] = { } end end return cfg end local function createproject(name, sln, isUsage) local prj = {} -- attach a type setmetatable(prj, { __type = "project", }) -- add to master list keyed by both name and index table.insert(sln.projects, prj) if(isUsage) then --If we're creating a new usage project, and there's already a project --with our name, then set us as the usage project for that project. --Otherwise, set us as the project in that slot. if(sln.projects[name]) then sln.projects[name].usageProj = prj; else sln.projects[name] = prj end else --If we're creating a regular project, and there's already a project --with our name, then it must be a usage project. Set it as our usage project --and set us as the project in that slot. if(sln.projects[name]) then prj.usageProj = sln.projects[name]; end sln.projects[name] = prj end prj.solution = sln prj.name = name prj.basedir = os.getcwd() prj.uuid = os.uuid() prj.blocks = { } prj.usage = isUsage; return prj; end function usage(name) if (not name) then --Only return usage projects. if(type(premake.CurrentContainer) ~= "project") then return nil end if(not premake.CurrentContainer.usage) then return nil end return premake.CurrentContainer end -- identify the parent solution local sln if (type(premake.CurrentContainer) == "project") then sln = premake.CurrentContainer.solution else sln = premake.CurrentContainer end if (type(sln) ~= "solution") then error("no active solution", 2) end -- if this is a new project, or the project in that slot doesn't have a usage, create it if((not sln.projects[name]) or ((not sln.projects[name].usage) and (not sln.projects[name].usageProj))) then premake.CurrentContainer = createproject(name, sln, true) else premake.CurrentContainer = iff(sln.projects[name].usage, sln.projects[name], sln.projects[name].usageProj) end -- add an empty, global configuration to the project configuration { } return premake.CurrentContainer end function project(name) if (not name) then --Only return non-usage projects if(type(premake.CurrentContainer) ~= "project") then return nil end if(premake.CurrentContainer.usage) then return nil end return premake.CurrentContainer end -- identify the parent solution local sln if (type(premake.CurrentContainer) == "project") then sln = premake.CurrentContainer.solution else sln = premake.CurrentContainer end if (type(sln) ~= "solution") then error("no active solution", 2) end -- if this is a new project, or the old project is a usage project, create it if((not sln.projects[name]) or sln.projects[name].usage) then premake.CurrentContainer = createproject(name, sln) else premake.CurrentContainer = sln.projects[name]; end -- add an empty, global configuration to the project configuration { } return premake.CurrentContainer end function solution(name) if not name then if type(premake.CurrentContainer) == "project" then return premake.CurrentContainer.solution else return premake.CurrentContainer end end premake.CurrentContainer = premake.solution.get(name) if (not premake.CurrentContainer) then premake.CurrentContainer = premake.solution.new(name) end -- add an empty, global configuration configuration { } return premake.CurrentContainer end -- -- Define a new action. -- -- @param a -- The new action object. -- function newaction(a) premake.action.add(a) end -- -- Define a new option. -- -- @param opt -- The new option object. -- function newoption(opt) premake.option.add(opt) end