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github.com/windirstat/walkdir.git - Unnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository.
diff options
5 files changed, 320 insertions, 108 deletions
diff --git a/Cargo.toml b/Cargo.toml
index f3bdf31..a19c71f 100644
--- a/Cargo.toml
+++ b/Cargo.toml
@@ -16,6 +16,9 @@ exclude = ["/ci/*", "/.travis.yml", "/appveyor.yml"]
travis-ci = { repository = "BurntSushi/walkdir" }
appveyor = { repository = "BurntSushi/walkdir" }
+members = ["walkdir-list"]
same-file = "1.0.1"
@@ -27,11 +30,6 @@ features = ["std", "winnt"]
version = "0.1.1"
-docopt = "1.0.1"
-quickcheck = { version = "0.8", default-features = false }
-rand = "0.6"
-serde = "1"
-serde_derive = "1"
quickcheck = { version = "0.8.2", default-features = false }
rand = "0.6.5"
doc-comment = "0.3"
diff --git a/ci/script.sh b/ci/script.sh
index a0f93e2..2e8c467 100755
--- a/ci/script.sh
+++ b/ci/script.sh
@@ -11,5 +11,6 @@ if [ "$TRAVIS_RUST_VERSION" = "$MSRV" ]; then
+cargo build --verbose --all
cargo doc --verbose
cargo test --verbose
diff --git a/examples/walkdir.rs b/examples/walkdir.rs
deleted file mode 100644
index 658b317..0000000
--- a/examples/walkdir.rs
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +0,0 @@
-extern crate docopt;
-extern crate serde;
-extern crate serde_derive;
-extern crate walkdir;
-use std::io::{self, Write};
-use docopt::Docopt;
-use walkdir::WalkDir;
-const USAGE: &'static str = "
- walkdir [options] [<dir> ...]
- -h, --help
- -L, --follow-links Follow symlinks.
- --min-depth NUM Minimum depth.
- --max-depth NUM Maximum depth.
- -n, --fd-max NUM Maximum open file descriptors. [default: 32]
- --tree Show output as a tree.
- --sort Sort the output.
- -q, --ignore-errors Ignore errors.
- -d, --depth Show directory's contents before the directory itself.
- -x, --same-file-system Stay on the same file system.
-#[derive(Debug, Deserialize)]
-struct Args {
- arg_dir: Option<Vec<String>>,
- flag_follow_links: bool,
- flag_min_depth: Option<usize>,
- flag_max_depth: Option<usize>,
- flag_fd_max: usize,
- flag_tree: bool,
- flag_ignore_errors: bool,
- flag_sort: bool,
- flag_depth: bool,
- flag_same_file_system: bool,
-macro_rules! wout { ($($tt:tt)*) => { {writeln!($($tt)*)}.unwrap() } }
-fn main() {
- let args: Args = Docopt::new(USAGE)
- .and_then(|d| d.deserialize())
- .unwrap_or_else(|e| e.exit());
- let mind = args.flag_min_depth.unwrap_or(0);
- let maxd = args.flag_max_depth.unwrap_or(::std::usize::MAX);
- for dir in args.arg_dir.unwrap_or(vec![".".to_string()]) {
- let mut walkdir = WalkDir::new(dir)
- .max_open(args.flag_fd_max)
- .follow_links(args.flag_follow_links)
- .min_depth(mind)
- .max_depth(maxd)
- .same_file_system(args.flag_same_file_system);
- if args.flag_sort {
- walkdir = walkdir.sort_by(|a,b| a.file_name().cmp(b.file_name()));
- }
- if args.flag_depth {
- walkdir = walkdir.contents_first(true)
- }
- let it = walkdir.into_iter();
- let mut out = io::BufWriter::new(io::stdout());
- let mut eout = io::stderr();
- if args.flag_tree {
- for dent in it {
- match dent {
- Err(err) => {
- out.flush().unwrap();
- wout!(eout, "ERROR: {}", err);
- }
- Ok(dent) => {
- let name = dent.file_name().to_string_lossy();
- wout!(out, "{}{}", indent(dent.depth()), name);
- }
- }
- }
- } else if args.flag_ignore_errors {
- for dent in it.filter_map(|e| e.ok()) {
- wout!(out, "{}", dent.path().display());
- }
- } else {
- for dent in it {
- match dent {
- Err(err) => {
- out.flush().unwrap();
- wout!(eout, "ERROR: {}", err);
- }
- Ok(dent) => {
- wout!(out, "{}", dent.path().display());
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
-fn indent(depth: usize) -> String {
- ::std::iter::repeat(' ').take(2 * depth).collect()
diff --git a/walkdir-list/Cargo.toml b/walkdir-list/Cargo.toml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f4e9c06
--- /dev/null
+++ b/walkdir-list/Cargo.toml
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+publish = false
+name = "walkdir-bin"
+version = "0.0.0"
+authors = ["Andrew Gallant <jamslam@gmail.com>"]
+description = "A simple command line tool for playing with walkdir on the CLI."
+documentation = "https://docs.rs/walkdir"
+homepage = "https://github.com/BurntSushi/walkdir"
+repository = "https://github.com/BurntSushi/walkdir"
+keywords = ["walk", "directory", "recursive", "find"]
+license = "Unlicense OR MIT"
+categories = ["command-line-utilities"]
+edition = "2018"
+name = "walkdir-list"
+path = "main.rs"
+atty = "0.2.11"
+bstr = { version = "0.1.2", default-features = false, features = ["std"] }
+clap = { version = "2.33.0", default-features = false }
+walkdir = { version = "*", path = ".." }
diff --git a/walkdir-list/main.rs b/walkdir-list/main.rs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..efc0c89
--- /dev/null
+++ b/walkdir-list/main.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,293 @@
+// This program isn't necessarily meant to serve as an example of how to use
+// walkdir, but rather, is a good example of how a basic `find` utility can be
+// written using walkdir in a way that is both correct and as fast as possible.
+// This includes doing things like block buffering when not printing to a tty,
+// and correctly writing file paths to stdout without allocating on Unix.
+// Additionally, this program is useful for demonstrating all of walkdir's
+// features. That is, when new functionality is added, some demonstration of
+// it should be added to this program.
+// Finally, this can be useful for ad hoc benchmarking. e.g., See the --timeit
+// and --count flags.
+use std::error::Error;
+use std::ffi::OsStr;
+use std::io::{self, Write};
+use std::path::{Path, PathBuf};
+use std::process;
+use std::result;
+use std::time::Instant;
+use bstr::BString;
+use walkdir::WalkDir;
+type Result<T> = result::Result<T, Box<dyn Error>>;
+macro_rules! err {
+ ($($tt:tt)*) => { Err(From::from(format!($($tt)*))) }
+fn main() {
+ if let Err(err) = try_main() {
+ eprintln!("{}", err);
+ process::exit(1);
+ }
+fn try_main() -> Result<()> {
+ let args = Args::parse()?;
+ let mut stderr = io::stderr();
+ let start = Instant::now();
+ if args.count {
+ print_count(&args, io::stdout(), &mut stderr)?;
+ } else if atty::is(atty::Stream::Stdout) {
+ print_paths(&args, io::stdout(), &mut stderr)?;
+ } else {
+ print_paths(&args, io::BufWriter::new(io::stdout()), &mut stderr)?;
+ }
+ if args.timeit {
+ let since = Instant::now().duration_since(start);
+ writeln!(stderr, "duration: {:?}", since)?;
+ }
+ Ok(())
+fn print_count<W1, W2>(
+ args: &Args,
+ mut stdout: W1,
+ mut stderr: W2,
+) -> Result<()>
+where W1: io::Write,
+ W2: io::Write
+ let mut count: u64 = 0;
+ for dir in &args.dirs {
+ for result in args.walkdir(dir) {
+ match result {
+ Ok(_) => count += 1,
+ Err(err) => {
+ if !args.ignore_errors {
+ writeln!(stderr, "ERROR: {}", err)?;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ writeln!(stdout, "{}", count)?;
+ Ok(())
+fn print_paths<W1, W2>(
+ args: &Args,
+ mut stdout: W1,
+ mut stderr: W2,
+) -> Result<()>
+where W1: io::Write,
+ W2: io::Write
+ for dir in &args.dirs {
+ if args.tree {
+ print_paths_tree(&args, &mut stdout, &mut stderr, dir)?;
+ } else {
+ print_paths_flat(&args, &mut stdout, &mut stderr, dir)?;
+ }
+ }
+ Ok(())
+fn print_paths_flat<W1, W2>(
+ args: &Args,
+ mut stdout: W1,
+ mut stderr: W2,
+ dir: &Path,
+) -> Result<()>
+where W1: io::Write,
+ W2: io::Write
+ for result in args.walkdir(dir) {
+ let dent = match result {
+ Ok(dent) => dent,
+ Err(err) => {
+ if !args.ignore_errors {
+ writeln!(stderr, "ERROR: {}", err)?;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ };
+ write_path(&mut stdout, dent.path())?;
+ stdout.write_all(b"\n")?;
+ }
+ Ok(())
+fn print_paths_tree<W1, W2>(
+ args: &Args,
+ mut stdout: W1,
+ mut stderr: W2,
+ dir: &Path,
+) -> Result<()>
+where W1: io::Write,
+ W2: io::Write
+ for result in args.walkdir(dir) {
+ let dent = match result {
+ Ok(dent) => dent,
+ Err(err) => {
+ if !args.ignore_errors {
+ writeln!(stderr, "ERROR: {}", err)?;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ };
+ stdout.write_all(" ".repeat(dent.depth()).as_bytes())?;
+ write_os_str(&mut stdout, dent.file_name())?;
+ stdout.write_all(b"\n")?;
+ }
+ Ok(())
+struct Args {
+ dirs: Vec<PathBuf>,
+ follow_links: bool,
+ min_depth: Option<usize>,
+ max_depth: Option<usize>,
+ max_open: Option<usize>,
+ tree: bool,
+ ignore_errors: bool,
+ sort: bool,
+ depth_first: bool,
+ same_file_system: bool,
+ timeit: bool,
+ count: bool,
+impl Args {
+ fn parse() -> Result<Args> {
+ use clap::{App, Arg, crate_authors, crate_version};
+ let parsed = App::new("List files using walkdir")
+ .author(crate_authors!())
+ .version(crate_version!())
+ .max_term_width(100)
+ .arg(Arg::with_name("dirs")
+ .multiple(true)
+ )
+ .arg(Arg::with_name("follow-links")
+ .long("follow-links").short("L")
+ .help("Follow symbolic links.")
+ )
+ .arg(Arg::with_name("min-depth")
+ .long("min-depth")
+ .takes_value(true)
+ .help("Only show entries at or above this depth.")
+ )
+ .arg(Arg::with_name("max-depth")
+ .long("max-depth")
+ .takes_value(true)
+ .help("Only show entries at or below this depth.")
+ )
+ .arg(Arg::with_name("max-open")
+ .long("max-open")
+ .takes_value(true)
+ .default_value("10")
+ .help("Use at most this many open file descriptors.")
+ )
+ .arg(Arg::with_name("tree")
+ .long("tree")
+ .help("Show file paths in a tree.")
+ )
+ .arg(Arg::with_name("ignore-errors")
+ .long("ignore-errors").short("q")
+ .help("Don't print error messages.")
+ )
+ .arg(Arg::with_name("sort")
+ .long("sort")
+ .help("Sort file paths lexicographically.")
+ )
+ .arg(Arg::with_name("depth-first")
+ .long("depth-first")
+ .help("Show directory contents before the directory path.")
+ )
+ .arg(Arg::with_name("same-file-system")
+ .long("same-file-system").short("x")
+ .help("Only show paths on the same file system as the root.")
+ )
+ .arg(Arg::with_name("timeit")
+ .long("timeit").short("t")
+ .help("Print timing info.")
+ )
+ .arg(Arg::with_name("count")
+ .long("count").short("c")
+ .help("Print only a total count of all file paths.")
+ )
+ .get_matches();
+ let dirs = match parsed.values_of_os("dirs") {
+ None => vec![PathBuf::from("./")],
+ Some(dirs) => dirs.map(PathBuf::from).collect(),
+ };
+ Ok(Args {
+ dirs: dirs,
+ follow_links: parsed.is_present("follow-links"),
+ min_depth: parse_usize(&parsed, "min-depth")?,
+ max_depth: parse_usize(&parsed, "max-depth")?,
+ max_open: parse_usize(&parsed, "max-open")?,
+ tree: parsed.is_present("tree"),
+ ignore_errors: parsed.is_present("ignore-errors"),
+ sort: parsed.is_present("sort"),
+ depth_first: parsed.is_present("depth-first"),
+ same_file_system: parsed.is_present("same-file-system"),
+ timeit: parsed.is_present("timeit"),
+ count: parsed.is_present("count"),
+ })
+ }
+ fn walkdir(&self, path: &Path) -> WalkDir {
+ let mut walkdir = WalkDir::new(path)
+ .follow_links(self.follow_links)
+ .contents_first(self.depth_first)
+ .same_file_system(self.same_file_system);
+ if let Some(x) = self.min_depth {
+ walkdir = walkdir.min_depth(x);
+ }
+ if let Some(x) = self.max_depth {
+ walkdir = walkdir.max_depth(x);
+ }
+ if let Some(x) = self.max_open {
+ walkdir = walkdir.max_open(x);
+ }
+ if self.sort {
+ walkdir = walkdir.sort_by(|a, b| {
+ a.file_name().cmp(b.file_name())
+ });
+ }
+ walkdir
+ }
+fn parse_usize(parsed: &clap::ArgMatches, flag: &str) -> Result<Option<usize>> {
+ match parsed.value_of_lossy(flag) {
+ None => Ok(None),
+ Some(x) => {
+ x.parse().map(Some).or_else(|e| {
+ err!("failed to parse --{} as a number: {}", flag, e)
+ })
+ }
+ }
+fn write_path<W: io::Write>(wtr: W, path: &Path) -> io::Result<()> {
+ write_os_str(wtr, path.as_os_str())
+fn write_os_str<W: io::Write>(mut wtr: W, os: &OsStr) -> io::Result<()> {
+ // On Unix, this is a no-op, and correctly prints raw paths. On Windows,
+ // this lossily converts paths that originally contained invalid UTF-16
+ // to paths that will ultimately contain only valid UTF-16. This doesn't
+ // correctly print all possible paths, but on Windows, one can't print
+ // invalid UTF-16 to a console anyway.
+ wtr.write_all(BString::from_os_str_lossy(os).as_bytes())