# Project creator and original author * Bernhard Seifert # Direct contributors * Falco Peijnenburg * Performance improvments to the treemap rendering * Morten Asscheman * Performance improvments to the treemap rendering * Sandeep Mirchandani * fixups to get the `default` branch into shape again * Oliver Schneider * maintainer * Chris Wimmer * UAC handling ("run elevated") # Contributors of third party code * Lua authors * Lua * Doug Currie * `%s/format` patch for Lua * Asko Kauppi * LNUM patch * Jas Latrix * lua-winreg * Mike Pall * LuaJIT 2.x * Jason Perkins * Premake4 and Lua functions from Premake4 as additions for WDS * Brodie Thiesfield * SimpleIni.h # Translators [TODO]