Windirstat - Test Plan ====================== Quick Overall Test ------------------ --> There are 7 files in the binary distribution of WinDirStat: setup.exe, shfolder.dll, wdsh0407.chm, wdsr040c.dll, wdsr0407.dll, windirstat.chm, windirstat.exe. --> The version infos of the executables show the correct version number. Delete C:\program files\windirstat Delete all shortcuts to windirstat Delete HKCU\Software\seifert\windirstat Start setup.exe --> On German systems, the language is German, On French systems, the language is French, On other systems, the language is English. Using the default settings, proceed through the installation --> WinDirStat starts up On German systems, in German, On French systems, in French, On other systems, in English. The Select Drives Dialog comes up with the default "All local drives". Press OK. --> All local drives are scanned, with pacman animation. Then the treemap and extension list are shown. Quit WinDirStat. --> In C:\program files\windirstat there are 4 files. --> There is a shortcut to windirstat.exe on the desktop (all users). --> There is a shortcut to windirstat exe in the Start menu (all users on NT, local user on W9x). --> There is a registry key in HKCU\Software\Seifert\windirstat. Critical Features ----------------- Select the English Language and restart WinDirStat (the English version should be tested best). Drag+Drop a folder onto the desktop shortcut --> WinDirStat comes up with this folder as root. Drag+Drop an empty folder onto the desktop shortcut --> WinDirStat comes up with a black treemap. Insert an empty diskette into drive A: Select this drive as root --> WinDirStat comes up with a black treemap. Select some big drives During the scan quit WinDirStat --> WinDirStat quits silently. Copy some big directories to C:\temp (for deletion). For the following "during the scan" tests it is is good idea, to activate the "cross file system boundaries" option and mount e.g. C: to D:\mount\c and D: to C:\mount\d. Because of the circularity the scan will then last forever (well there seems to be some system limit of recursion depth, but on my machine it virtually lasts forever). Select some big drives During the scan refresh some items --> WinDirStat refreshs the items. During the scan expand and collapse folders During the scan open the about box --> The scan continues even with the about box open. During the scan delete a file under c:\temp (to the recycle bin) --> The extra warning comes up. Say No --> Nothing happens. Delete the file under C:\temp again --> The extra warning comes up again. Say Yes --> The Shell warning comes up. This dialog is modal to WinDirStat. Say No --> Nothing happens (the item is refeshed). Delete the file under C:\temp again --> The extra warning comes up again Say "Don't show this warning again" Say No. --> Nothing happens. Delete the file under C:\temp again --> The extra waring comes up again Say "Don't show this warning again" Say Yes. --> The Shell warning comes up. This dialog is modal to WinDirStat. Say Yes. --> The file is deleted, the view is refreshed. Delete another file under C:\temp. --> The Shell warning comes up. This dialog is modal to WinDirStat. Say No. --> The menu Clean Up shows Empty Recycle Bin with at least 1 item. --> This information corresponds to the properties of the recycle bin. During the scan do Clean Up->Empty Recycle Bin --> A Shell warning comes up. This dialog is modal to WinDirStat. Say No --> Nothing happens During the scan do Clean Up->Empty Recycle Bin again --> A Shell warning comes up. This dialog is modal to WinDirStat. Say Yes --> Your recycle bin is emptied, the recycler folders are refreshed, During the scan delete a big folder in C:\temp. Confirm the Shell warning with Yes. --> The deletion progress dialog is modal to WinDirStat. Deactivate the "cross file system boundaries" option. --> The 2 mount points are refreshed and empty. The scan completes. When the scan is complete, select a file deep in the tree. Repeatedly "select parent" and "re-select child" by keyboard, context menu and main menu. Repeatedly "select parent". Then select a different item. --> "re-select child" is disabled. Repeatedly "zoom in" and "zoom out" by keyboard, context menu and main menu. Zoom in some levels. Select an item outside of the zoom root. --> The zoom is place to the common ancestor of the item and the pervious zoom root. Delete folder in C:\temp. --> The item is refreshed. The treemap is dimmed and then rebuilt. Resize the main window. --> The treemap is dimmed and then rebuilt. F9 --> Shows/hides the treemap F8 --> Shows/hides the extension list F6 --> Shows/hides --> The free space correspondes to the properties of the drive. F7 --> Shows/hides For NT and W9x DO For each item type (My Computer, drive, folder, file, , , ) DO For each access method (Main menu, context menu, toolbar, shortcut) Open Item Copy Path Explorer here Command prompt here Refresh selected Delete to recycle bin Delete (no way to undelete) Properties Send email to Owner --> The action is either disabled or works as expected. NEXT access method NEXT item type NEXT platform Other Features -------------- Play with the Select Drives Dialog --> It works as expected. --> A double click on a drive opens that drive alone. --> The selection is persistent. --> UNC Paths work. SUBST a folder to K:. Select "All local drives" --> K: is not included. Online Help --> Is available in the selected Language. (In English, when French is selected.) --> Is accessible through four points: F1, Help menu, Help about Treemaps, User defined Cleanups Help --> All hyperlinks on the first page work. About box --> 3 Tabs, all links work. Report Bug/Feedback Cancel. --> It disappears. Fill in some data. Press OK. --> The email client comes up modaly. Options-General --> works as expected. Options->Directory List --> works as expected. Options->Treemap --> works as expected. Options->Report --> works as expected. Change Column widths and column order --> The settings are persistent Change Sorting --> works as expected Change the size of the dialogs Select Drives, Report Bug, Aboutbox --> size is persistent, position is restored to center always Minimize WinDirStat and close it via the system menu. Start WinDirStat --> It opens up in the restored state. User defined Cleanups --------------------- Test cleanup 1: 'CD & PAUSE' (NT), resp. 'CD > dir.txt' (W9x) Test cleanup 2: 'C: & CD 'program files' & CD windirstat & windirstat "%p"' (NT) 'windirstat "%p"' (set a PATH to windirstat under W9x) Test cleanup 3: 'echo %p %n %sp %sn & PAUSE' (NT) 'echo %p %n %sp %sn > echo.txt' (W9x) --> The 3 UDCs appear in the main menu and the directory tree context menu --> They work as expected --> They are accessible through their shortcuts FOR each option (Works for..., Recurse, Confirmation, Show Console, Wait, Refresh policy) --> The option works as expected NEXT option --> The Up and Down button work as expected. Leave WinDirStat and start it again. --> The UDCs are still there. Disable the test cleanups. --> They disappear from the menus. Setup Options ------------- Delete C:\program files\windirstat Delete all shortcuts to windirstat Delete HKCU\Software\seifert\windirstat Start setup.exe Cancel. --> setup quits. Start setup.exe Select the folder like C:\temp\windirstat (temp exists) --> No warning about non-existent directory Select the folder C:\temp\wds --> Warning, whether c:\temp\wds shall be created Say no. --> The wizard doesn't proceed. Select the folder C:\program Diles\windirstat --> Warning, whether c:\program Diles shall be created Say no. Enter a relative path, press next --> The path is expanded, then warning. Say no. Select the folder C:\temp\a\b\c\windirstat --> Warning, whether C:\temp\a\b\c\windirstat shall be created Say yes. --> The wizard proceeds. C:\temp\a\b\c\windirstat is created. Go back and select C:\program files\windirstat. Deselect both shortcut options. Finish. --> windirstat is installed but without shortcuts. Start setup.exe Select only "create shortcut on desktop" --> Only one shortcut on the desktop is created. Start setup.exe Select only "create shortcut in the start menu". --> Shortcut in the Start->Programs-Menu is created. Fixed Bugs ---------- Set show free space on and show unknown off. Scan a diskette (slow drive) Set "show unknown" on. --> The program doesn't crash. [If you don't have a diskette drive (that's my situation :-( ), replace 600 ms by 5 in windirstat.cpp, line: if (doc != NULL && !doc->Work(600)), and scan a HD instead.] Scan a folder with only a view files so that the extension list has no vertical scroll bar. Refresh All. --> The header control of the extension list repaints correctly. Expand some folders and scroll down the directory list --> The list doesn't flicker. Scroll down the extension list --> The list doesn't flicker. Start windirstat from diskette. --> The icon is ok. Repeatedly make the color column in the extension list small and wide again --> No crash. Directory list: Change the column order so that the name column is not the first column. Right-click on a name. --> The context menu does appear. Double-click on a name. --> The item expands. Drive Selection Dialog: Select "a folder" and enter a relative path (like .) into the filename field. Press OK. --> The root item has its path expanded. Enter a folder name with trailing backslash, like C:\temp\. Press OK. --> The trailing backslash is removed. In a network enter an UNC path to the filename field via keyboard. --> OK button is enabled, no validation-delay. Start Windirstat an cancel the drive selection dialog. Empty Recycle Bin --> No crash. --> Empty Recycle Bin now is disabled (0 items, 0 bytes). Show free space. --> No crash. Show unknown. --> No crash. Start Windirstat on W2k and delete a file to the recycle bin. --> 'Empty Recycle Bin' is enabled. Open the task manager. Map a remote drive as K: Open the drive selection dialog and wait until K: is queried. Cancel. Disconnect the network cable from the remote machine. Open the drive selection dialog again. --> K: is being queried Cancel and close Windirstat. --> The windirstat.exe process dies silently after about 30 seconds. Open windirstat again. --> K: is being queried. Double click C: --> C: is being scanned. Open the drive selection dialog again. --> K: is being queried. After 30 seconds it says "(unavailable)". Scan C:\temp. Select a file. In the Windows Explorer delete this file. Windirstat-Properties. --> There is 1 Messagebox, not 2. Page User defined cleanups: Select the cleanup No 9. Empty its title. In the list click below cleanup No. 9. --> No crash. Directory list: press the context menu key --> it works. Special cases ------------- Delete C:\program files\windirstat Delete all shortcuts to windirstat Delete HKCU\Software\seifert\windirstat Logon as a under-priviledged user. Perform setup.exe --> what happens? Start windirstat --> what happens? Set the color depth to 256 colors or start WinDirStat under Terminal Server. --> The extension list show only 6 colors, not 12. Start setup.exe from floppy disk. --> It works as expected. Start setup.exe from CD --> It works as expected. Start WinDirStat from CD --> It works fine. Set the Windows colors to strange values --> It still looks good (without restart). Set the Desktop design to "XP" --> All windirstat controls are XP-like.